Hey guys,
So, I'm entering University in the UK in September 2008 but I'm also looking into doing an AP in European History as I really enjoy History and I would like to continue it on the side. I'll be giving it about 1 to 2 hours a day, 6 days a week during class time and about 4 hours a day during holidays. So, I have looked through this forum and it's extremely helpful. But I have a question regarding the book and material you suggest I get to self-teach this subject? I looked on the AP Audit website for the example textbooks for this subject and so far these three look pretty good:
The Western Experience - Chambers
Western Civilisations - Coffin
The Western Heritage - Kagan.
So, I'm aiming for a 5 on this test and I'm a bit nervous because I really don't know where to start as compared to the A-level History that I did, the information provided seems a bit vague.
Thank you ever so much for your time!!