Hey everyone, I am a first time user long time fan. I have an essay that is do on monday and I need som tips or hints or something to help me get it off the ground. The topic is listed below.
It was the strength of the opposition forces, both liberal and conservative, rather than the ineptitude and stubborness of President Wilson that led to the senate defeat of the Treaty of Versailles.
Assess the validity of this statement
Any help would be great. THankyou to all that does.
Okay, well, who were the opposing forces? Why were they opposed? Were they in effect the reason the treaty failed?
Why was Wilson considered stubborn and inept?
These are just some questions to help get you started. You may also want to analyze what about the Treaty of Versailles was so opposable to the senate.
There is no future. There is no past. There's only us, there's only this. Forget regret or life is your to miss. No other road, no other way. No Day But Today!!!
You may want to look into senators like Henry Cabot Lodge for a prior distaste for Wilson. Also, think...Wilson made the trip to Paris alone, without any senators. And look at the provisions in the Treaty of Versailles, especially re the League of Nations—Wilson's brainchild, but how did the Senate view this entangling alliance?