Just wanted to try it this way.
I guess it didn't work.
Oh well?.!
:) Enjoy :)
Themes in U.S. History
Chapter 3
American Diversity
Sweden comes onto the Dutch country
19 lang. were being spoken in New Amsterdam in 1640s
Several 1000’s “squatters” in PA
Middle colonies pop. = ethnically diverse
More Dutch and English moved into CT later Boston Puritans moved into CT, making new sections; Hartford, New Haven, etc.
Rhode Island – all religions including Quakers, Jews, and Catholics
All male property owners given right to vote in 1618 = bunch of Separatists
American Identity
New England was hostile to the growth of its Dutch neighbor
Bay Colony – “Commonwealth”
Rhode Island – “Sewer”, “Rogue’s Island”, “Independence Man”, individualistic and stubbornly independent
Dutch, Swedish, English, Welsh in PA
MA Bay, Plymouth, and the 2 CT colonies form New England Confederation
1st Thanksgiving
Protestant Ethic
Delaware has a sprinkling of Swedish place names, log cabins, and a mixture of blood
Middle colonies pop = ethnically diverse
Bay Colony - conform to Puritan orthodoxy; RI no special privileges, freedom of religion and opportunity
Highly religious Puritans – New England
1st Thanksgiving “Day of Doom” – James Wiggleworh – hell
Demographic Changes
New York (New Netherlands) – Indians – Dutch
Delaware – sprinkling of Swedish
In 1664 New Netherlands was 10,000 pop. ½ of which were from New England immigrants (the other ½ Dutch)
Harsh winters killed off pilgrims
1st year 58 of 102 died
New Netherlands founded in 1613 and New Sweden founded in 1638
Within 2 years – Philadelphia = 2500 people
20,000 immigrants to New England; 8000 immigrants to West Indies
Migration from PA NJ (new colony)
Southern Indian tribes move into PA
Economic Transformations
New Amsterdam (NYC) bought for pennies per acre
Middle colonies – lumbering, ship building, fur trade, commerce
Growth of seaports; transportation improving
Smuggling becomes common when English ban USA trade w/ countries outside their control
Fishing villages founded, plentiful agriculture
More agriculture developed in CT and NH
Dutch settlers erected a stout wall on Manhattan Island
Land from Maine – Carolinas owned by English
Middle colonies – fertile soil and broad expanse of land; broad rivers
Most English immigrants of the 1650’s were interested in the West Indies warm climate
More clearance of land to build more farms and settlement
Harsh winters with myriads of storms
Trading activities between colonies and Mother country and between NA
Cultural accommodation between English settlers and NA; Wampancog
The Glorious Revolution in Europe causes colonists to strike against royal control in USA
Middle colonies – exported grain; bread basket
Politics and Citizenship
Aggravated Dutch colonists had a local body w/ limited lawmaking power established
Mayflower Compact gave chance of self-gov.
Delaware = own assembly in 1703
No restrictions on immigration in middle colonies
Fundamental Orders of CT
Bay Colony – civil gov’t regulate religious behavior, must conform to Puritan Orthodox to remain a citizen
RI – suffrage – later w/ property qualifications
John Winthrop elected 1st governor of MA Bay
Colonies in N.E. Confederation delegated their votes to reps.
Charles II granted a more democratic environment in CT
Dutch “New Netherlands” English “New York”
Beginning of complete religious freedom
PA had social reform of black slavery
Undoing of Quaker Indian policy, death penalty for treason and murder
King Charles I dismissed parliament in 1629/Moderate Puritans fought to reform Church of England
Dutch West India Company – no religious toleration in colonies
Quakers – Religious Society of Friends
Bay Colony; Ann Hutchinson – Antinomianism / John Winthrop separatism
RI - Baptist Church had complete religious freedom
Religious toleration in middle colonies
Slavery and Its Legacies in North America
CT settlers enslaved Indians
PA – Quakers dislike black slavery
Indentured servants
War and Diplomacy
Anglo-Dutch Naval wars (England vs. Netherlands)
Thirty Years War 1618-1648 – Sweden
1655 – Dutch led by Peter Stuyvesant pushed out Swedish rule in Delaware
English civil ware force colonies to use own resources
Charles II gave bro., Duke of York, Hudson Bay area (1664) upset Dutch including Peter Stuyvesant all forced to surrender land
Whites invaded NA territory resulting in wars; Spain-Indians an alliance fought vs. whites