"The Civil War was the inevitable result of two vastly different societies and ways of life competing for dominance on the same continent." Assess the validity of this statement.
I don't get what it means by "inevitable result of two vastly different societies and ways of life.."
I'd think about the differences between the North and the South before the Civil war. The most obvious example is slavery is allowed in the South vs. not allowed in the North. This creates some major differences in the economies.
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North v. South Characteristics and Qualities:
There were many, many events leading up to the Civil War. The North had built many small villages, was very successful in industry, railroads, and international trading. They dominated the sea (save England).
The South's existence was entirely dependent on cotton. They, unlike the North, had vast amounts of plantation land and fertile acreage. Because their soil was so fertile and rich, they could produGrandce an enormous amount of cotton-over half the world's supply and over 75% of England's. (The North had dry and thin land-very small farms) All this cotton demanded the sweat and labor of millions of slaves.
The Major Conflict:
Basically, the South saw no clear-cut statement in the Constitution that said they couldn't secede in order to become their own country..The North's argument, spearheaded by President Lincoln, was that the Constitution had been signed by all of these Southern states in rebellion, and this document had stated:
"We the People of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, secure domestic tranquility...do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
This was enough proof to the Union that the South had indeed took an oath to be loyal to the United States. It was simpy "unconstitutional" to become a seperate nation. (And to Lincoln, impractical-he stated in his inaugural, "physically, we cannot separate." But by 1860, the South had been swallowing their frustration for far too long-South Carolina secedes as soon as Lincoln is elected president, and eventually, the other 10 follow.
The Main Point:
The South had been vexed to an unforgiveable level-many attempts to abolish slavery had made them feel as if the North looked down upon them as morally backwards. (The Confederacy was the only "country" that still allowed slavery in the entire world.)
The North and the South (Union and Confederacy) had only worked together when in need or desire of personal profit (cotton trade). (And even that harbored various disputes and agitation) They had developed entirely different, and somewhat isolated. Every single aspect of their societies were in contrast. What the North had, the South didn't (and in some cases, needed), and what the North didn't, the South held tight and dear-which in most cases, led back to cotton.
The Question:
The Civil war was inevitable; the South wanted nothing more than independence- to prove to the North and other nations (notably England & France) that they could dominate the economically threatening and industrial North. They believed that there was nothing wrong with the way they lived, and above all, that cotton was "king".
It is disputed whether the South "initiated" the North, or vice versa. The thing we know is is that both the North and South would not stop until their desired goals were met. For the North (notably Lincoln), restoring of the Union and the abolishment of slavery; for the South, independence.
APUSH Student
Awesome post! Giving you premium status for that :)
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