I'm writing a DBQ for class and i just need help getting started. The question is To what extent did the Supreme Court advance or inhibit Progressive regulation of corporations in the period 1885-1920?
So Far i have come up with this for my thesis: In the Late 1800’s and early 1900’s, the United States Supreme Court did not advance progressive regulation despite introducing the Sherman Antitrust Act to regulate against monopolies and the Interstate Commerce Act that attempted to regulate railroad companies. The Sherman Act declared illegal all combinations “in restraint of free trade.” It empowered the Justice Department to bring suit and break up such monopolies. However, these documents would have the pass the scrutiny of the Supreme Court and would have to be enforced.
If you have anything i can add or change it would be greatly appreciated.
I'm so sorry for the late response, and I hope that it's not too late. My advice:
1) I would mention the time period before in my Introductory paragraph so I could shorten the thesis.
2) I would save the explanation of the two Acts for the body paragraphs.
3) I would completely remove the second and third sentences from the introduction and use them in my body paragraphs.
4) I don't understand the last sentence, but if it's saying what I think it's saying, I would add it directly onto the thesis.
So, in my opinion, your thesis would look something like this:
During this time the United States Supreme Court did not advance progressive regulation; despite introducing the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Interstate Commerce Act these documents would have the pass the scrutiny of the Supreme Court and would have to be enforced.
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"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It