I want my intro critiqued if anyone would be so kind
"Historians tend to portray the 1950's as a decade of prosperity, conformity, and consensus, and the 1960's as a decade of turbulence, protest, and disillusionment. Do you agree or disagree with this view? In answering this question, address to what extent these two decades differed from eachother politcally and socially."
During the 1950's, everyone was at peace. It was after World War 2 and the economy was experiencing a boom. This boom allowed many from the working class to better themselves in society, buy manufactured goods made by assembly lines, and agreed on most things. The 1960's quite contraversal. It was full of protest, disillusionment, and turbulence on how the country was being ran, which caused much conflict. The two decades were very opposite, just as the historians potrayed them, but in a sense had "a little of eachother," similar to the yin-yang symbol.
All help would be appriciated.