I already did the first 10...but here's 7 essays more i need help with, thanks a lot
1. Explain how the railroads (transcontinental) affected the following: Industrialization, Agriculture, The west, the Indians, Ubanization, immigration, finance capitalism, and political morality.
2. Was the Interstate Commerce Act of 1889 a victory for the public or the railroads? Argue the proposition and come to a conclusion.
3. Explain the role played by women and blacks in the second half of the 19th century in regards to economic, social, and political advancement
4. What made and broke the long drive
5. List in descending order of importance the factors that contributed to the breaking of the Indians, and the explain each one as you do.
6. Explain why it may be said that mining, ranching, and farming had all become big bussiness by the 1890's.
7. Why was the buffalo of such great importance to the plain's Indians, explain fully.
Ill help you with the first 1, dont expect us to answer all these. We're more the department for writing the physical essay, not the information.
Explain how the railroads (transcontinental) affected the following: Industrialization, Agriculture, The west, the Indians, Ubanization, immigration, finance capitalism, and political morality.
The railroads made it possible to transport just about anything from one side of the country to the other. It provided a way for people to get machines needed to industiralize, workers, farmers, supplies for farming, and a good way to transpor new citizens to anywhere along the way. This new, easy method of moving people helped in all of these areas.
True Dedication for a cause:
What about the Indians, Ubanization, and political morality?
indians, it probably hurt because it forced them off their land, idk the second, political morality - gov didnt mind kicking indians off for more $$$
True Dedication for a cause:
anymore people wanna answer?