Hey Everyone,
So our APUSH teacher was nice enough to give us the 3 prompts that will be on our FRQ for our Unit 1 exam, using The American Pageant, 12th edition.
Out of the one's she gave us, I think I'm going to choose: "Compare the ways in which 2 of the following reflect tensions in colonial society. 1) Bacon's Rebellion...2)Witchcraft Trials....3)Massacre at Mistic.
I was wondering if I could get some help here for developing my FRQ, as well as any tips on writing it, since this is my first one! Here's some ideas I got already.
-Massacre at Mistic showed disunity amongst the colonists and the Native Indians
-Bacon's Rebellion showed the social gap between poor, landless farmers and the plantation owners.
-Witchcraft trials created a stereotype amongst colonists against (generally) women who were higher in the social class. They also used the 'witches' as scapegoats for problems in colonial society.
Any more help would be appreciated! Thanks guys!
alright, i think for that frq i think you should focus more on why it showed what it did. like you said the massacre showed disunity, but it would help enhance your paper if you went indepth and expounded why it showed disunity, what happened, and what could had prevented it.
good luck.
capitalization? who the heck came up with this horrible rule?!
[=DarkOrange][=2]my ap equilavent courses:
ib art; ib math sl; ib english
ok, thanks a lot. Any more help would be appreciated!
A follow up to this question:
I just got my graded FRQ back and received a 5 on it, which was actually the 2nd highest in the class. When I talked to my teacher on why I did not get more credit, she told me that I did not give enough history of the events in my paper, and only explained the effects of the events. Judging from what I heard here, I thought that history of the event is unnecessary in a paper that only asks you for the effects (as this question did). Any advice?
BTW, here's 1 paragraph from my paper on Bacon's Rebellion:
"Nathaneal Bacon's uprising was a clear signs of colonial tensions. Frustrated by Governor Berkeley's easiness on Indians, Bacon and a group of ex-indentured servants took matters into their own hands. Although Bacon died in the midst of the revolution, his intent was clearly demonstrated. The Rebellion showed Berkeley that landless whites were fed up with rich plantation owners. They revealed a hidden internal stress present amongst landless whites at the time. After Bacon's Rebellion, a clear issue amongst the lower and higher social classes in Virginia was revealed.
For Bacon's Rebellion The real effect was the change from undentures to slaves. Because slaves are easier to control.
really this is a bad question. it too focused. To do well youd have to know a lot of indepth info. The broader the question the better because you can use mor info and events.