So it's about that time to sign up for the AP test (yay) but I am still back and forth about taking it or not. My issue is, im no good at essays, and multiple choice are a killer. Im not a good tester period. I feel like I don't know enough to get me through and I really want to do well. I especially have trouble with the DBQs. I'm still so used to writing AP World History style DBQs and I get nagged about it all the time. Can anyone help me by maybe giving a few tips, some helpful websites, maybe some old AP tests if they have any? I would really appreciate it :]
[=Tahoma]I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.[/]
You can doooo itttttttttttttttttttttttt!
Is that the kind of encouragement you were looking for? Ok, seriously now. What you need to do is come up with a study plan for how to you are going to develop your weaknesses. This is going take a lot of work outside of just your homework. You'll want to download practice questions for the ap exam, read through all of your notes and the notes on the website (I'd recommend reading the topic notes and taking the practice quizzes). You could also write essays, post them here to get feedback from other people.
Course-Notes.Org Administrator If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, complaints, rants, raves, random thoughts, etc etc- feel free to direct them at me :)
most definately take the exam. otherwise all the time you spent in the class is sorta pointless. lol. but seriously chillax you have approx. 2 and 1/2 months til exam day. you will be fine
sidebar- the APUSH exam is the day of my prom :( not happy about that one
[CENTER][=DeepSkyBlue]I ain't here to do anything half-way
Don't give a damn what anyone might say
I just wanna free fall for a while
That rebel moon is shinin'
Those stars burn like diamonds
Hell bent on chasin' down that crazy slide
I'll foll
I'm in the same boat. I did sign up for it though, hopefully I won't fail!
You can do it. believe in yourself. i didn't even read ur post.