I'm looking for someone taking apush next year who wants to be friends and help each other out with studying and stress and such. If anyones interested, i have aim - BabyBlueEyes74 or babyblueeyes 74 or email [email protected]" class="bb-email">[email protected]
I've already taken APUS but I still have my book ((my teacher noticed my love for Bailey))... I'll help you with whatever your working on... aim- WoahLikeOMGDude or email- [email protected]" class="bb-email">[email protected]
Lets talk about Henry Clay...
Yeah most of us are taking apush or have taken it and we can all help you out.
These are the Forum Rules,
Hey i'm taking APUSH next year, if you want we can be buddies. AIM- bebegrl976 and e-mail: [email protected]" class="bb-email">[email protected]