Hey, I am planning on taking this exam this year, but I am not taking the class this year. My schedule didn't have enough room for it this year, so I am taking the standard level class through distance learning.
I was planning on taking that standard level class to get my feet wet, and then do extra independent studies to learn the more in-depth information and how to do the free-response.
I was wondering if you guys had any tips or could recommend any specific study guides? Thanks in advance.
You're best bet is probably an AP review book. You could get an AP level text book, but most of them are hard to read and bogged down in a combination of useless language and the egos of the authors. Barron's is a favorite among students, I like the REA one because it has several practice exams in it, but Barron's might too, I never really checked into it...
As to the essays, we're happy to help you out. There are several people here who'd be willing to give you pointers on how to write your FRQ's and DBQ's, I think there are a few guides floating around the forum...
To be really good at them I suggest lots of practice. The more you practice the faster you get and the better quality they are. The test is timed and you don't have very long to write them, so I suggest you get to the point where you can finish 5-10 minutes before the time limit of EACH essay (it's hard, I know) and cover many of the history periods in your practices as well.
Let me know, and I'm happy to help you out.
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It
Thanks for the information, I used Barron's for AP Human Geography and it worked out pretty well, but I have always been partial to Kaplan's AP Study guides, do you know if the APUSH version of that is good?
I'm in it APUSH and it's a tough subject. I don't recommend Barron's. It's more of an essay book--which would be great in your case--but I use 5 Steps to a 5. That has quick reviews, timelines, questions, and vocab. I find it very useful. The only way to get better at DBQ's is repition. FRQ's are your standard essay. Good luck!
Make sure in the DBQ's you attempt to use all the documents, whether used as support or proving that they do not support your position on the topic. be clear on your position and dont jump around with your answer, try to bring in all the outside information you can think of. make a clear thesis that states your point.. i think that should get you started. make sure you practice, practice, practice! because all the AP students have been doing so all year and some still dont pass the test.
go princeton review