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Multiple Choice (5-8)

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Multiple Choice (5-8)

These questions are from a test on Chapters 5 - Chapter 8. If you know the chapter, the title of the section, or the page number to the answer please include them.

31. With the end of the French and Indian War, the disunity, jealousy, and suspicion that had long existed in the American colonies
{A} finally came to a complete end
{B} began to melt somewhat
{C} continued without change
{D} resulted in renewed acts of violence
{E} none of these

38. When it came to the Revolution, it could be said that the American colonists were
{A} little concerned about economics
{B} clearly opposed to tightening commercial bonds to the British
{C} reluctant revolutionaries
{D} eager revolutionaries
{E} up until the end wanting more than the "rights of Englishmen"

40. The British Crown's "royal veto" of colonial legislation
{A} was used frequently to overturn laws passed in colonial assemblies
{B} was what finally provoked the War of Independance
{C} prohibited colonists from conducting the slave trade
{D} restrained colonies from printing paper currency
{E} was opposed by Parliament

42. Despite the benefits of the mercantile system, the American colonists disliked it because
{A} it forced economic initiative on the colonists
{B} it favored the northern over the southern colonies
{C} they found it debasing
{D} it forced New England into a one-crop economy
{E} all of these

43. In some ways, the Navigation Laws were a burden to certain colonists because
{A} northern merchants derived greater benefit from the system than did southern planters
{B} Britain had the only European empire based on mercantilistic principles
{C} they gave greater benefits to slave holders
{D} they stifled economic initiative
{E} those colonists were heavily taxed to help provide financing for the Royal Navy, which protected colonial and British trade

52. The Quebec Act
{A} restricted Quebec's boundaries to the area north of the Great Lakes
{B} was shortsighted, instatesmanlike measure
{C} denied Quebec a representative assembly
{D} was generally ignored by the 13 seaboard colonies because it had little effect on their relations with Britain
{E} outlawed Catholicism in British Quebec

58. With the American invasion of Canada in 1775,
{A} Benedict Arnold seized the occasion to desert to the British
{B} the colonials' claim that they were merely fighting defensively for a redress of grievances was contradicted
{C} the French Canadians took the opportunity to revolt against British control
{D} the Revolution became a world war
{E} George III declared the colonies in rebellion

63. When America became a republic and political power no longer rested with an all-powerful king,
{A} England experienced the Glorious Revolution
{B} the American colonies were able to gain their independence
{C} individuals needed to sacrifice their own self-interest to the public good
{D} chaos gripped the nation
{E} all of these

68. Which of the following fates befell Loyalists after the Revolutionary War?
{A} some fled to England
{B} some had their property confiscated
{C} some were exiled
{D} some re-established themselves in America
{E} all of these

71. France came to America's aid in the Revolution because
{A} it could use America to test new military tactics
{B} French officals supported our casue of democracy
{C} it hoped to gain access to American fur trade
{D} it wanted revenge against Britain
{E} all of these

72. The commander of French troops in American was
{A} Burgoyne
{B} Howe
{C} Lafayette
{D} Rochambeau
{E} de Grasse


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