So, remembering years in history seems impossible to me. Most days, I'm lucky if I'm getting the right century, much less the right decade. Does anyone have any tips for learning how to memorize years?:confused:
(If it helps any, I'm fine and remembering things chronologically, just not the year associated with it, or how long a gap there was between two events).
i found that stupid sayings really helped me. "in 1492, columbus sailed the ocean blue" is one that everyone knows. try to come up with your own.
or try putting facts and other info about an event as the words to your favorite song. (im doing this for biology right now. one of the examples was about anaerobic resperation and she sung it to a rhianna song. it was really good.)
best of luck.
[CENTER][=DeepSkyBlue]I ain't here to do anything half-way
Don't give a damn what anyone might say
I just wanna free fall for a while
That rebel moon is shinin'
Those stars burn like diamonds
Hell bent on chasin' down that crazy slide
I'll foll
great advice