Do any of you guys and girls out there have any good studying habits? latley i havent done to well on any of my APUSH test and my mom will eat me alive when she finds out. Anyway, if any one else out there reads the American Pegeant 11th Edition and has any good studying tips, any help would be greatly appreciated. (preferably for chapter 7 and 8)
You do realize that you posted this in AP Psych forum.
I've found that not putting it off helps quite a bit.
I have AP US History every other day fourth period. I find it works out best if I go home and get it done, or do it as soon as I get home the next day. I read the chapter once, and then I go through it again and take notes/or answer any questions which helps with letting the information really sink in. For quizzes I go over any assignments I've had with that chapter.
It doesn't go well when I put it off until the last minute, I don't really absorb the information and it kind of ruins what I'm doing at the time because I have the assignment/reading on my mind.
I would say just put forth a couple hours a day (well every other day for me.) The class really isn't that hard, it's just time consuming, and you've got to be willing to put the time in to really learn the information and do well. Once you can make some study habbits and get it down, you should do fine.
Thread moved.
i need help. my teacher mostly lectures and i take notes. we dont do that much graded work. i try to study some but i dont retain the information. the tests are usually on really obscure stuff in the chapter how can i prepare.
iunno how your teacher teaches you but ours lectures in class and then for homework, we do a chapter every other day so we have a load of vocab to define and since the book isn't with bolded font, you havta actually read it so you actually learn the material. but if you get the vocab off of course-notes, then i would suggest you read over the chapter or read the outlines offered here at course-notes. i do badly on the tests as well but apparently they're much harder than the AP Exam, finals, regents. :/
Studying for these tests can be very difficult especially if you are having a hard time understanding the material. What I recommend sounds very corny, but this really works for me. I like to first create a very detailed agenda so certain portions of the chapter everyday. For example "4:30 PM - Study Chapter 7, pages -- to --." This helps keep a structured learning environment that really does help. Also after you do intense mini reviews of the chapters go over the whole thing all at once maybe once or twice this will really make the knowledge sink in. Instead of just reading another great thing to do is take notes on the complete review that will really help you remember the key facts for a test.