my teacher has said it is kinda predictable for guess the DBQ for each year cause they usually dont do the same one again for awhile from past years.
my ap teacher said he think it will be from the Civil Rights movement but i wanted to no if any of u have guessed or got any information from your teachers on what the DBQ could possibly be
idk my teachers belives that the FRQ will be about court cases
:pLife is to short to have regrets, so live it up!:D
yea my teacher was talking a lot about court cases also
omg!my teacher said the same thing - that it would be about civil rights because its the anniversary of MLK or something! i hope my teachers right
and if its going to be any court case from the 50's to say 75 i could guess that it would be on Brown v. Board of ED. - funny cuase im doing my thesis paper on the case
Not to be mean or anything, but it's hard to predict what the DBQ's and FRQ's will be. And last year, for my APUSH test, one of the FRQ's was on the Civil Rights in the 1950's. (I took the make up day one)
I don't remember which essay my teacher was talking about but she thinks we might have something on the Progressive era or the Great Society. She also mentioned a couple other things: something about comparing the 20s to the 50s, like the New Deal to Great Society, and the rise of industry.
im thinking court cases cause my techer had us list the top ten spreme court cases, what they were about and their impact......
"Its the uhm.... its that one thing.... its the thing that did that one thing.... its the :p forget it"
Im pretty sure it will be a compare/contrast on the brook and onieda farms communitys and their impacts on the development of the united states and its culture...
How could one such as myself answer such a question without so much as a second glance?
My teacher thinks it'll be about foreign policy following WWI vs. WWII. He also likes the move from isolationism into WWII and the Cold War. I like the New Deal vs. Great Society, but that might be more of an FRQ.
My teacher thinks there will be an essay (DBQ or FRQ) about Jacksonian Democracy because it's been about six year since there was one.
BTW, if your teachers didn't mention it, one section of the FRQ's will be up to the Civil War (including reconstruction) and the other (section) will be after; probably the 50s,60s, it's been a while since on of those popped up too.
"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."
"And God came down from the Heavens, and He said unto the Chicken, 'Thou shalt cross the road.' ...and there was much rejoicing."
There's going to be something on Antebellum south reform.