Comparison and Contrast Essay
*Make at least 3-4 direct comparisons
*Differences and similarities
*address the topic (Intro paragraphs really don’t have to be that long. A few sentences really, preferably with your thesis and a little of background info.)
*write in 3rd person
*Introduce the topic
*Must have thesis(answers the prompt a.k.a why?)
*Support the thesis
*Give a reason for a difference or similarity
Be sure to have all of this in your essay, if you do you have a pretty good chance of scoring high:
T- Thesis (Don’t be too vague, take a stand. Be sure to answer “why” and not just say “Yes, no, maybe.”
A- All(Answers all parts of the question, don’t just answer one part)
S- Support/evidence ( Recall information, don’t panic when doing so, you know more than you think.
C- Comparisons(Direct, be somewhat specific)
R- Reason( Give a reason for a similarity/difference, preferably right after)
A change over time essay is the same thing as a comparison essay, the only thing that is different is you have to analyze the changes that occurred and say why. Ask yourself how the two time periods were different, in regard to the question you are ask. Ask HOW, they become different as well.
"I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate - it's apathy. It's not giving a damn." -Leo Buscaglia