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What are your thoughts on torture?

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tallgeese's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
What are your thoughts on torture?

i dont' know what this is officially called, but the Bush Admin. is allowing torture of POWs. which means....our military is possibly lacerating an Iraqi's face with a blade until info is streaming out along with his blood. That might be a bit overboard but it could surely be happening. what do u think? i can only give an immature answer to this: Bush has just stooped America onto a Terrorist level.

Armando's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

It would be hypocritical of me and most of us to say torture is wrong, because I bet if most of us were in Iraq in front of a terrorist or someone who kills innocent people and our troops, we would beat the **** out of them. Even though we would like to do so, it's not humane and it's not right. I am against torture, even though I can't say I wouldn't ever torture someone (ex. if a man raped my daughter and I had the chance, I would kill him slowly and torture the **** out of him)

Bush allowing our troops to torture POWs is wrong on many levels and he will have to suffer the consequences big time.

tallgeese's picture
Joined: Nov 2005

i agree. torture is so wrong on any level of humanity. but it's just like anything else, you never know until you're in that situation.

DbQaidkrnz's picture
Joined: Nov 2005

tallgeese wrote:i dont' know what this is officially called, but the Bush Admin. is allowing torture of POWs. which means....our military is possibly lacerating an Iraqi's face with a blade until info is streaming out along with his blood. That might be a bit overboard but it could surely be happening. what do u think? i can only give an immature answer to this: Bush has just stooped America onto a Terrorist level.

That's interesting. I thought I heard this on the news somewhere but forgot. Can you tell me where you got this?

I guess I'm against torture too even though I'm being a hypocrite to say that. :(

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dbgt23's picture
Joined: Oct 2005

What do u want us to do feed them grandma's cookies and hope they feel better after a snack? Psshh please... we are talking about people that willl **** you up the ass the first chance they get, let them bleed.

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tallgeese's picture
Joined: Nov 2005

this was on my issue of newsweek.

dbgt, how could u say that. maybe if we got hitler or himmler they will want to backstab u every chance they get. but we're talking about soldiers that do not fully understand what htey're doing. just like the germans, nto all of them knew or believed in decimating the jews. like americans in vietnam, not all american soldiers believed in the war, yet they had to do what they were ordered or they'd go to a harsh court. they also had to do it for their survival, they've also got family back home and a life goal they want to accomplish when they return from their service. one large argument i read on newsweek was if we torture the iraqi soldiers right now, it will brew up more terrorism inside the children who are supposed to be the future of iraq. how terrible would that be. that's an endless cycle of bloodshed.

Armando's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

dbgt, are you saying that if I ever catch you stealing or lying or doing anything that's wrong, I should be able to torture you, beat you, harass you, whatever the case may be?

tallgeese's picture
Joined: Nov 2005

i think he meant something more extreme then stealing, but torture is not right.

dbgt, why dont we torture prisoners that are serial rapists and killers? is it 'cause they're americans? in fact, i believe killing fellow citizens is worse than fighting for your country. because that's what the iraqi oppositions are doing in their nation. they're fighting because they do not agree with america's invasion of their homeland.

are you saying that the japanese could have tortured the americans serving in teh navy in pearl harbor if the japanese had actually successfully invaded hawaii?

along's picture
Joined: Sep 2005

Quote: we're talking about soldiers that do not fully understand what htey're doing

First and foremost:

a) Iraqi soldiers are not being taken captive nor fighting the coalition, they are on our side. The opposition consists of terrorists flooding in from other countries in order to fight "the great Satan."
b) Don't refer to the terrorists as POWs. That infers that they are covered by the Geneva convention, which they are NOT. Terrorists kill innocent civilians and fight as a guerilla force in civilian clothing (making them nearly impossible to identify until its too late). They violate the convention in every way possible.
c) Terrorists: use the internet to broadcast the decapition of coalition soldiers AND of private contractors. Captives are starved and beaten to near death (surrender to the terrorists is in most cases worse than death. The guideline for US soldiers in Iraq is simply 'do not get caught')
US: uses various forms of mental torture in order to obtain information. prisoners are not killed or severly injured, their religion is (in most cases) respected, and they are given three full meals a day.
Which is worse?

Quote:they also had to do it for their survival, they've also got family back home and a life goal they want to accomplish when they return from their service.

If you are talking about the terrorists... their survival is likely their least concern and their life goal is to die for Allah killing innocent men, women, and children.

Quote:why dont we torture prisoners that are serial rapists and killers? is it 'cause they're americans?

No, it's because they have no information to give up. They have been convicted and sentenced by a jury of their peers. "Torture," which when compared to the terrorist treatment of coalition POWs (e.g. broadcast decapitation) makes the US look like quakers, is a form of gathering intel (in the US case) rather than a form of punishment.

Quote:because that's what the iraqi oppositions are doing in their nation. they're fighting because they do not agree with america's invasion of their homeland.

Except that the opposition consists of a majority of terrorists from nations OTHER THAN IRAQ and that their goal isn't merely pushing coalitions forces out of Iraq, but destroying western civilization.

Quote:are you saying that the japanese could have tortured the americans serving in teh navy in pearl harbor if the japanese had actually successfully invaded hawaii?

Brush up on your WWII history. The Japanese were more cruel to their prisoners than likely any other army to exist.

In conclusion, and you anti-war/anti-torture/anti-ect people are gonna love this, the US military is one of if not THE most humane military in the world and if you are whining about less than perfect conditions for terrorists bent on destroying yours and my way of life, look at their prisoners and see how much sympathy they would give you.

tallgeese's picture
Joined: Nov 2005

1. how woudlu u kno the u.s military is the most humane, they never reveal info unless it's already too late such as the case N.Y. Times vs U.S or the Laos Bombing in Vietnam.

2. of course the japanese were the most harsh to their POWs, i'll admit, the japanese have done some of the sickest **** things before to every nation they dislike. never said they weren't

3. yes their goal is to give up their life while taking their oppositions. when we have a POW that situation changes. why must we take a nasty form of advantage of our power at the moment we have it? torture is not in anyway of justification. a POW is harmless. did u know that the amnesty did a research on torture tactics and 99% of the info they spit out is false? why? let's think about it. let's start out with something not too harsh. they are hanging thongs on your head makign jokes of your mother, stripping you naked...their religion is much more sacred than christianity about their body. btw you are an insurgent right now lol. ok so they are doing this to you, and you are a harmless POW. even if it's small mind tactics...is it necessary to degrade you of your religion, your mother, your manhood just for info? they will not stop, and they will step up their torture if you do nto give any info. so of course you will have to spit something out. thsi is ridiculous.

4. if you think torture is anyways justifiable, you are sick. btw, that website on ur sig is so hostile against liberals it makes me sick. we surely do not know what kind of torture is going on. my friend is a very hardcore conservative (not that makes any difference in our friendship) but he said that torture is is bad no matter who you are fighting. why? he showed me a russian POW being tortured. of course this was more graphic than the stuff we do now ( the russian was getting his throat slit very slowly and there was blood EVERYWHERE and when he started to speak there would be gurgling in his own blood and spraying of thick blood from his neck). i cant explain to you how that video related to the info torture we have today, but if u watch it (ill give u link if you'd like) you will be against torture in any form. it's so wrong to degrade a humans life when the he/she is harmless.

5. we're americans and we shoudl be proud of it. we are americans not beasts. we are americans not terrorists.

DbQaidkrnz's picture
Joined: Nov 2005

Regardless of what you think on torture (both along and dbgt), torturing is never justified. After all, torturing terrorists or anyone would make you the same person as they were when they kill innocent people.

I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception.
-Groucho Marx :p

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