I have never had a "serious" relationship. I went out with a girl for maybe 2 days and she broke with me. I'm not ugly, I'm not stupid, but I'm not super-popular. I am a little shy, and I haven't asked any other girls out after what happened with the first one. I took her to the dance, and she danced with another guy and started kissing him right in front of me. :mad::mad::mad:
WHAT DO I DO?? I am tired of being pressured for being a virgin, and not being the "chick-magnet". I need some help here....
Respect the Pledge of Alleigance!! Honor the stars and stripes and be proud to be an AMERICAN!! :)
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives, but I also like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of
You may not be getting much respect now, but I can assure you, girls who are actually looking for a serious relationship will definitely respect you for your choices.
It looks like you are more mature than the girl you dated that one time.
I understand it's different for guys who are virgins, but I don't see anything wrong with you waiting.
Basically, you need a good confidence boost. I know it is really hard to ask someone else (I never did manage to work up the courage), so just have a little fun flirting, I suppose. Nowadays its a common recreation, so no one will take it too serious unless you make it so. And who knows, maybe it'll work out for ya.
Don't worry, you're a junior, you've got years ahead of you to find a good someone to try to have a decent relationship with.
And trust me, college girls are different. Your kind is respected there~shyness is found endearing by a certain lot. (Or so my sister tells me :D)
Just Breathe...
A relationship is like a shark; it needs a constant current, or it stops living.
Curiouser and curiouser. ~ Alice, from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Rainfall may make
lol, yeah. I've had girls stare at me before but I don't know if it means they're interested or just thinking i'm weird. The only reason I'm waiting is the fact that my mom would kill me if she found out. There's lots of girls I like but I control my feelings.
Respect the Pledge of Alleigance!! Honor the stars and stripes and be proud to be an AMERICAN!! :)
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives, but I also like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of
yo dude...nothing against greenlover because she is a great person and always has good advice but i, as a fellow man, believe i may be more qualified to assist you with your problems.
1) don't feel pressured about not being a chick magnet. it is'nt a very useful life skill and besides although it may look like lots of fun, when it actually happens it gets rather annoying. you don't need flocks of women to find you...you just need to find one girl who is right for you. and since you are in highschool still, you don't need to do that for quite some time.
2)don't feel pressured about being a virgin. think about all the guys you know who say they aren't virgins...now think about all the girls...now think about the ration of guys to girls. even if it's 2:1 that means each girl has had the wonderfull experience of having two different guys put their...well you know how it works. do you really want to be the third guy to put your...you know...inside her...you know...?
3) any human, guy or girl, worth talking to is not going to care if your a virgin and any girl worth dating isn't going to be attracted to you because you are a chick magnet
the most important thing for you to realise is this: YOU ARE STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL
relationships won't last because you will go to college. just have fun with your life and don't worry about the rest.
all in all, it's just another brick in the wall...
I took: AP US Hist, AP Stats, AP Chem
I am taking: AP Calc, AP English, AP Phsics
Thank you so much Ferris. As a girl, I felt like I might have been giving poor advice. Good to know I wasn't too far off.
And to Rockdude, not sure how to respond to that response. ^~^'
Just Breathe...
A relationship is like a shark; it needs a constant current, or it stops living.
Curiouser and curiouser. ~ Alice, from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Rainfall may make
as in.. what do you mean? I understood it better from ferris. Most high school relationships dont last I guess.
Respect the Pledge of Alleigance!! Honor the stars and stripes and be proud to be an AMERICAN!! :)
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives, but I also like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of
coming from a junior girl in high school, i totally respect your decision about being a virgin(even if it is just because of your parents) sometimes it's hard to keep up, but if i were you i would just focus on whats really important right now...school, family, friends(and for me God) i would focus more on having friends and a good time while you're in high school(it kinda makes things easier anyway) ...
just one more piece of advice, don't go looking for love(or a girlfriend), because if you do you could make something out of something it's not.. if it's real then you'll know, but don't be expexcting it, and don't think that you have to do something just because other people are doing it or say it's cool... Good Luck!! :)
Yeah, I go to church and stuff, and believe in god, but mostly because my parents forced me to go xD
Respect the Pledge of Alleigance!! Honor the stars and stripes and be proud to be an AMERICAN!! :)
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives, but I also like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of
Yeah, I'm totally a chick but a lot of people I know have the same problem, if you could call it such. I'd say, just be you. (yeah yeah, cliched, I know.) But seriously, unless there's a specific girl that catches your eye, I wouldn't worry about it. Most girls in high school aren't really worth dating anyways. Plus, a lot of sensible girls don't like guys that attract other women in hoardes. It's actually a bit of a turn off. Also, don't worry about being a virgin either. Contrary to what people say, a lot of people, including "serious couples" abstain. It's just far less risky, especially if you have so much other stuff to deal with. You seem like a smart guy, so you have nothing to worry about. :D
hehe thank you :) I have found a wondeful girl on facebook that likes me a LOT, only problem is she live 45 miles from here, but we talk on the phone and stuff
Respect the Pledge of Alleigance!! Honor the stars and stripes and be proud to be an AMERICAN!! :)
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives, but I also like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of
I believe that happens to most people, but in different scenario.
Take it as a learning curve, and learn from there.
Glad that you met the right one.
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