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Social Structure and Cross-Cultural Connections Flashcards

AP World History Vocabulary

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165147099cultural diffusionthe spread of inventions, foods, trade goods, concepts and practices from one people to another0
165147100independent innovationthe unassisted invention or creation of foods, practices, concepts, and ideas without borrowing from other societies.1
165302637class distinctiondifferentiation in status, defined by wealth, ancestry, or occupational function2
165302638private propertythis concept of owning and having one's own land was formed because of the fact that agriculture had encouraged permanent settlement and technological advancement, making land important.3
165302639food surplusesan excess amount of food produced, more than needed for subsistence, so the people who aren't involved in food production can concern themselves with other skills beneficial to society and themselves.4
165302640specialization of labora system in which many people started to specialize in certain jobs to help the civilization advance rather than just a focus on self-welfare and subsistence; supported by the Neolithic revolution and the sedentary aspects associated with it5
165302641social stratificationphenomenon in which certain social roles have moire power, certain occupations have more value, leading to the emergence of upper and lower classes6
165302642hierarchya culture's system of ranking social classes7
165302643social mobilityhow difficult or easy it is for an individual to move from one class to another8
165302644caste systemssocial hierarchies in which social stratification tended to be extremely strict, sharply drawn, and in which movement from one class was impossible; ex: India9
165302645patriarchiessocieties in which male domination prevails10
165302646monarchygovernment led by a single ruler, often justified in religious terms11
165302647nobility/aristocracymost monarchs govern with the assistance of this small upper class which assists with political administration, economic development, military defense, and other matters.12
165302648parliamentrepresentative law making body whose members are elected or appointed.13
165302649feudal systemssystem in which the local authority of individual nobles outweighs the central authority of the monarch14
165302650oligarchyrule by a small elite group, chosen from the wealthy or the aristocracy (ancient land owning)15
165302651republicstate in which all or most adult citizens, play some role in government, but not necessarily an EQUAL role16
165302652democracyis a republic that grants more or less equal political rights and opportunities to all adult citizens17
165302653theocracya government dominated by a religious elite18
165302654nations/nation-statesrun by centralized governments and united by uniform legal systems and a sense of common national identity...generally shares a common language, ethnicity, religion, cultural heritage19
165302655slaveryownership of human beings by other human beings, often forced to do household tasks and hard labors20
165302656Atlantic slave tradeFrom the 1400s to 1800s time period where the Europeans and Americans transported millions of slaves from Africa to North and South America.21
165302657serfdommajority of a country's peasant would be unfree,but not technically slaves because they had more protections and freedoms. However they were bound to the land they lived on, often vulnerable to the same abuses that slaves where. Persisted until the 1800s as slavery did.22
165302658tradethe exchange of goods23
165302659Water transportthe movement of goods along rivers, lakeshores, coastlines of oceans and seas24
165302660Mediterranean seasite of international trade25
165302661Indian Oceanimportant site of international trade in the eastern hemisphere26
165302662caravan routespart of the land routes of Sahara desert's sand roads.27
165302663Silk Road5.000 mile land route, the most important overland trade route, linked China with the Mediterranean coast of the Middle East and by extension to Europe28
165302664proselytizing/missionary activitythe spread of religion through cultural contact, deliberately intending to convert, sometimes peaceful or forceful29
165302665migrationmass movement of large numbers of people in early periods of global history, having a tremendous effect on the ethnic and cultural makeup of the world's major societies30
165302666Great Age of Migrationsthe tremendous influx of invaders from 200 to 1000 CE, where a variety of Germanic and Asiatic people moved toward and into Europe, settling throughout Europe and western Asia, playing an immense role in ethnic and cultural development31

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