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AP World History Unit 2 Flashcards

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96676103Abbasid Dynastysucceeded Umayyads as caliphs, 7500
96676104Abu BakrMuhammad's father in law, first caliph 632-6341
96676105Al-GhazaliBrilliant Islamic theologian, fused Greek and Qur'anic traditions2
96676106Al-Mahdi3rd Abbasid caliph failed to resolve problem of succession3
96676107Allahsupreme God in monotheistic Islam4
96676108Almohadisa puritanical reformist movement in northern Africa after the Almoravids5
96676109Almoravidsa puritanical reformist movement in northern Africa, controlled gold trade across sahara and conquered Ghana6
96676110BedouinNomadic pastoralists of Arabian peninsula7
96676111Belisariusone of Justinian's most important military commanders while reconquering Europe in North Africa and Italy8
96676112Beninpowerful city state that remained free of European influence9
96676113Bhaktic cultsHindu groups dedicated to gods and goddesses, stressed importance of emotional bonds, worshipped Shiva and Vishnu10
96676114Black Deathplague that struck Europe in 14th century, killed 1/3 of the population11
96676115BoyarsRussian aristocrats with less power than Western counterparts12
96676116Buyidsregional splinter dynasty, captured Baghdad, ruled Abbasid Empire under name "sultan"13
96676117Caliphpolitical and religious successor of Muhammad14
96676118Calpulliclans in Aztec society, controlled and distributed land among residential groups15
96676119Carolingiansroyal house of Franks after 8th century16
96676120CharlemagneCharles the Great, Carolingian monarch, established empire in France and Germany17
96676121Charles Martelgrandfather of Charlemagne, ruler of the Franks 714-74118
96676122Chinampasframed floating farmland in lakes used for agriculture by Aztecs19
96676123Clovisearly Frankish king who converted them to Christianity20
96676124Chinggis Khanled quest for land in north China and into the Muslim world21
96676125Coptschristian sects of egypt who supported Islamic rule22
96676126Crusadesmilitary adventures led by European Christians to free holy land of Muslim rule, captured Jerusalem once and introduced many Islamic ideas to Europe23
96676127Cyril and Methodiusmissionary from Byzantine Empire to convert Russia and Bulkans to Orthodox Christianity, responsible for cyrillic (slavic) writing24
96676128Dhimmipeople of the book, including Hindus and Buddhists25
96676129DhowsArab sailing vessels with triangular sails26
96676130Feudalismsocial organization with lords knights peasants and oaths of allegiance and loyalty in Europe and Zhou empire27
96676131Great ZimbabweBantu confederation of Shona speaking peoples between Zambezi and Limpopo rivers with stone buildings and centralized state28
96676132Greek FireByzantine weapon of chemicals that ignited when exposed to water used to drive away Arab fleets from Constantinople29
96676133Gregory VIIpope who attempted to free church of interference from feudal lords30
96676134Griotsoral historians in Mali Empire who were advisors and keepers to the king31
96676135GuildsSworn associations of people in the same business or trade in a single city, guaranteed good workmanship32
96676136Hadithstraditions of the prophet Muhammad33
96676137Hagia Sophianew church built in constantinople during reign of Justinian34
96676138Harun al-Rashidcaliph of Baghdad 786-809, one of the greatest Abbasids, almost a legendary hero in Arabian Nights35
96676139Huacassacred spirits and powers in caves, mountains, rivers, typical of Andean societies36
96676140Hausamember of an indigenous people of northern Nigeria and southern Niger strongly influenced by Islam37
96676141HuitzilopochthiAztec tribal patron God, central figure of human sacrifice and warfare, sun god38
96676142Huleguruler of Ilkhan Khanate, grandson of Chinggis Khan captured and destroyed Baghdad39
96676143Hundred Years Warwar between England and France in 14th and 15th centuries over English lands in France and feudal rights40
96676144Ibn BatutaArabic traveler who described African societies and cultures41
96676145IfriqiyaArabic term for eastern and north Africa42
96676146Investiturestate appointment of bishops, stopped by Gregory VII and led to war with Henry IV43
96676147Jizyatax paid by all non Muslims in Islamic territory44
96676148JuulaMalinke merchants that formed a small partnership to carry out trade throughout Mali Empire45
96676149KabirMuslim mystic during 15th century, played down ritual differences between Hinduism and Islam46
96676150KhadijahFirst wife of Muhammad, who worked for her as a trader47
96676151KievTrade city in south Russia established by Scandinavian traders and eventually focal point of Russia48
96676152KongoKingdom based on agriculture with capital at Mlbanza Kongo49
96676153MaghribArabic word for western north Africa50
96676154Magna Cartagreat charter used by lords agains King John to confirm feudal rights over monarchial claims51
96676155Mahmud of GhazniThrid ruler of Turkish slave dynasty in Afghanistan, led invasions into India and gave Muslims a reputation of intolerance and aggression52
96676156MalaccaPortugese factory or fortified trade town on Malayan peninsula in southern Asia53
96676157MamluksMuslim slave warriors, established a dynasty in Egypt, defeated Mongols at Ain Jalut and halted advance54
96676158Manorialismsystem of economic and political relations between lords and peasants in a hierarchy of obligations that exchanged labor or rents for access to land55
96676159Mansa Musafirst Muslim ruler of Mali empire, brought it to its height,Timbuktu established as trade center, made pilgrimage to Mecca and brought fame to Mali and tons of gold that devalued it in Egypt56
96676160Mawalinon Arab converts to Muslim57
96676161Mira BaiHindu writer of religious poetry and reflected openness of bhaktic cults to women58
96676162Mitalabor extracted for lands assigned to the state and the religion by all communities in Inca imperial control59
96676163Mongolscentral Asian nomads, captured Baghdad and killed last Abbasid caliph60
96676164Mu'awiyaleader of the Umayyad clan and first Umayyad caliph following civil war with Ali61
96676165Muhammad ibn QasimArab general, conquered Sind in India and declared the region and the Indus River Valley to be part of the Umayyad Empire62
96676166Muhammad of Ghurmilitary commander of Persian extraction who ruled a small mountain kingdom in Afghanistan that brought much of the Indus river valley, Sind, and northwest India under his control63
96676167Nokculture featuring highly developed art style in the forests of Nigeria64
96676168Parliamentsbodies representing privileged groups and implemented feudal principle of rulers consulting with vassals65
96676169Peter AbelardFrench scholastic philosopher, teacher, and theologian with an important affair66
96676170Pochtecaspecial merchant class in Aztec society specializing in long distance trade67
96676171Quipusystem of knotted strings used by Incas in place of writing and accounting68
96676172Ruriklegendary Scandinavian regarded as founder of the first kingdom of Russia based in Kiev69
96676173Sahelextensive grassland at the southern edge of Sahara70
96676174SaladinMuslim leader in the last decades of the 12th century, reconquered most of the crusader posts for Islam71
96676175Scholasticismdominant medieval philosophical approach, used logic to solve theological problems72
96676176Seljuk TurksNomadic invaders from central Asia via Persia, ruled in the name of Abbasid caliphs mid 11th century73
96676177Serfspeasant agricultural laborers within the manorial system74
96676178ShariaIslamic law, defined the patrilineal nature of Islamic inheritance75
96676179Split InheritanceInca practice of decent all titles and political power to one successor and wealth and land to another76
96676180Stateless societiesAfrican societies organized with kinship lacking political power and authority77
96676181Sundiata"lion prince" and a member of the Keita clan that created the Mali Empire78
96676182Tambosstations used by Incan military as inns and storehouses located along roads, held supplies and relay points for messengers79
96676183TatarsMongols, captured Russian cities and largely destroyed Kievan state in 1236, left orthodoxy and aristocracy in tact80
96676184Tenochtitlanfounded on marshy island in lake Texcoco, became center of Aztec power, joined with Tlacopan and Texcoco in 1434 to form a triple alliance that controlled most of central America81
96676185Thomas AquinasSaint Thomas(the Angelic Doctor) Italian scholastic philosopher and major theologian of Catholic Church82
96676186Timbuktuport city of Mali, had library and university and 50,000 people83
96676187Toltec Culturesucceeded Teotihuacan culture in Mexico, strongly militaristic including human sacrifice84
96676188Ulamaorthodox religious scholars within Islam for a more conservative and restrictive theology, opposed non-Islamic ideas and scientific thinking85
96676189Umayyadclan of Quraysh that dominated politics and commercial economy of Mecca, later establish dynasty as rulers of Islam86
96676190Ummacommunity of the faithful within Islam, created degree of political unity87
96676191Urban IIcalled first crusade in 1095, appealed to Christians to free holy land from Muslims88
96676192Vassalsmembers of the military elite who received land from a lord in return for military service and loyalty89
96676193Vikingsseagoing Scandinavian raiders who disrupted coastal areas of Western Europe90
96676194Vladimir Iruler of Russian kingdom of Kiev, converted kingdom to christianity91
96676195Wazirchief administrative official under Abbasid caliphate, initially from Persian provinces92
96676196William the Conquerorinvaded England from Normandy and extended tight feudal system to England with centralized monarchy93
96676197Yorubacity states developed in northern Nigeria 1200, Ile-Ife featured artistic style possibly related to earlier Nok culture, agricultural societies supported by peasantry and dominated by ruling family94
96676198Zakattax for charity, obligatory for all Muslims95

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