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APW Ch. 6-8 Flashcards

APW Ch. 6-8

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95530187MeccaCity in western Arabia. Birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad, and ritual center of the Islamic religion.0
95530189MuhammadArab prophet. Founder of religion of Islam.1
95530191MuslimAdherent of the Islamic religion.2
95530192IslamReligion expounded by the Prophet Muhammad on the basis of his reception of divine revelations, which were collected after his death into the Quran.3
95530193MedinaCity in western Arabia to which the Prophet Muhammad and his followers emigrated in 622 to escape prosecution in Mecca.4
95530194ummaCommunity of all Muslims.5
95530195caliphateOffice established in succession to the Prophet Muhammad to rule the Islamic empire.6
95530196QuranBook composed of divine revelations made to the Prophet Muhammad. The sacred text of the religion of Islam.7
95530197Ummayyad CaliphateFirst hereditary dynasty of Muslim caliphs.8
95530198Shi'itesMuslims belonging to the branch of Islam believing that God vests leadership of the community in a descendant of Muhammad's son-in-law Ali.9
95530199SunnisMuslims belonging to branch of Islam believing that the community should select its own leadership.10
95530200Abbasid CaliphateDescendants of the Prophet Muhmmad's uncle, al-Abbas, the Abbasids overthrew the Ummayyad Caliphate and ruled an Islamic empire from their capital in Baghdad.11
95530201MamluksTurkic military slaves who formed an important part of the armed forces of the Abbasid Caliphate.12
95530202GhanaFirst known kingdom in sub-Saharan West Africa between the sixth and thirteenth centuries C.E.13
95530203ulamaMuslim religious scholars.14
95530204hadithTradition relating the words or deeds of the Prophet Muhammad.15
95530205shaykhsLeaders of tribes and clans within bedouin society; usually men with large herds, several wives, and many children16
95530206Meccaa prosperous trading city/ where Muhammad was born17
95530207UmmayadClan of Quraysh that dominated politics and commercial economy of Mecca; clan established dynasty as rulers of islam18
95530208Qurayshtribe of bedouins that controlled mecca in the 7th century19
95530209Ka'baone of the most revered religous shrines in pre-Islamic Arabia20
95530210MedinaFormally known as Yathrib. Muhammad made the city him base in order to fight against invators from Mecca.21
95530211Muhammadprophet of Islam;; born c. 570 to Banu Hashim clan of Quraysh tribe in Mecca; raised by father family; received revelations from Allah in 610 CE and therafter; died in 63222
95530212Khadijahwidow of a wealthy merchant; Muhammad worked for her and later married her23
95530213ummaCommunity of the faithful within Islam; transcended old tribal boundaries to create degree of political unity24
95530214zakatTax for charity; obligatory for all Muslims25
95530215Ramadanmonth in which muslims fast26
95530216five pillarsbeliefs that all Muslims needed to carry out: Faith, Prayer, Alms, Fasting, and Pilgrimage27
95530217hajjpilgrimage to Mecca28
95530218caliphthe title of the successor to Muhammad29
95530219Abu Bakrfirst caliph after death of muhammad30
95530220Ridda WarsWars that followed Muhammad's death in 632; resulted in defeat of rival prophets and some of larger clans; restored unity of Islam31
95530221jihadsholy wars launched to forcibly spread the Muslim faith32
95530222CoptsChristian sect of Egypt; tended to support Islamic invasions of this area in preference to Byzantine rule.33
95530223NestoriansA Christian sect found in Asia; tended to support Islamic invasions of this area in preference to Byzantine rule; cut off from Europe by Muslim invasions34
95530224UthmanThird caliph and member of Umayyad clan; murdered by mutinous warriors returning from Egypt; death set off civil war in Islam between followers of Ali and the Umayyad clan35
95530225Battle of SiffinFought in 657 between forces of Ali and Umayyads; settled by negotiation that led to fragmentation of Ali's party36
95530226SunnisMuslims that believe the caliph doesn't have to be related to Muhammad and should be chosen by the leaders of the Islamic community37
95530227Mu'awiyacaliph of Umayyad Dynasty, 661-68038
95530228Shi'asupporters of Ali39
95530229KarbalaSite of defeat and death of Husayn, son of Ali; marked beginning of Shi'a resistance to Umayyad caliphate40
95530230DamascusThe Umayyads moved the capital to ____, which was centrally located in the expanding Islamic state41
95530231mawaliMuslim converts42
95530232jizyaHead tax paid by all nonbelievers in Islamic territories43
95530233dhimmiLiterally "people of the book"; applied as inclusive term to Jews and Christians in Islamic territories; later extended to Zoroastrians and even Hindus & Buddhists44
95530234hadithstraditions of the prophet45
95530235Battle of the River ZabVictory of Abbasids over Umayyads; resulted in conquest of Syria and capture of Umayyad capital46
95530236Baghdadcapital of the Abbasid Empire47
95530237wazirchief administrator and head of the caliph's inner councils48
95530238dhowsArab sailing vessels with triangular or lateen sails; strongly influenced European ship design49
95530239ayanThe wealthy landed elite that emerged in the early decades of Abbasid rule50
95530242Islamsubmission to God53
95530244Arabethnic group55
95530245diasporamoving a population out of an area56
95530246Shiitebelieves caliphs should be related to Muhammad57
95530247al mahdithird abbasid caliph58
95530248thousand and one nightsfolk tales from islamic empire59
95530249civil violencedrained treasury and alienated people of abbasids60
95530250spiraling taxation and outright pillagingdestruction of villages in richest area of empire61
95530251bandit gangspeasants were vagabonds62
95530252shi'i sectsreligious groups63
95530253harem and veiltwin emblems of women's subjugation to men64
95530254buyidsinvaded heartlands of abbasid empire and captured baghdad65
95530255seljuk turksgroup of nomadic invaders66
95530256crusadeseight wars christians started to free holy land from muslims67
95530257saladinreconquered most of crusader outposts from islam68
95530258rubaiyatomar khayyam's persian literature69
95530259shah-nama(books of kings) lengthy poem by firdawsi70
95530260ulamaorthodox religious scholars71
95530261alghazaliislamic theologian who struggled to fuse greek and quranic traditions72
95530262sufiswandering mystics who sought a person union with allah73
95530263mongolscentral asian nomadic people74
95530264chinggis khanwar commander of mongols75
95530265egalitarianall believers equal in eyes of god76
95530266muhammad ibn qasimled more than 10000 horse and camel mounted warriors into sind to avenge assault on arab shipping77
95530267arabian nightsbased on indian stories78
95530268mahmud of ghazniled a series of expeditions that started nearly two centuries of muslim raiding and conquest in northern india79
95530269bengallargest muslim community in subcontinent80
95530270al-birunicomplained about indian disdain for muslims81
95530271satiburning of widows on the same funeral pyres as their deceased husband82
95530272kabirremarkable mystic who wrote religious poetry and songs of worship83
95530273shivahindu god of destruction and reproduction84
95530274vishnuhindu god of sacrifice85
95530275sufisgroup who spread islam in southeast asia and varied widely in personality and approach86

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