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8000 BCE - 600 CE Flashcards


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158907883egyptsociety was ruled by a pharaoh considered the incarnation of the sun god who controled acces to the Nile; they had hieroglyphics, the 365-day calender, they were polythestic and worshipped the dead0
158907884Tigristhe eastern of the two rivers that define the historic region of the fertile crescent, empties into the Persian Gulf. Baghdad alongside this river1
158907885GhanaFirst known kingdom in sub-Saharan West Africa. Also the modern West African country once known as the Gold Coast. , once known as the Gold Coast. Gold and salt trade.2
158907886NEOLITHIC REVOLUTIONThe shift from hunting of animals and gathering of food to the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis around 8,000 BC3
158907887treaty of verdunSigned in 843, the treaty divided the carolingian empire into three sections, which led to the eventual destruction of charlemagne's empire4
159180793Eurasiathe land mass formed by the continents of Europe and Asia5
159180794Continentone of the large landmasses of the earth noun Ex. "there are seven continents"6
159180795The Saharathe world's largest desert (3,500,000 square miles) in northern Africa. Another important pattern of long distance trade from North Africa/Mediterranean to interior West Africa with a transforming impact; rooted in environmental variation7
159180796The Himalayas..., a mountain range extending 1500 miles on the border between India and Tibet. Ex. this range contains the world's highest mountain., marks the northern border of the Indian subcontinent; site of the Aryan settlements that formed small kingdoms or warrior republics.8
159180797The Andes..., a mountain range in South America running 5000 miles along the Pacific coast (Longest mountain range in the world and the highest mountains in the Western Hemisphere). The Border between Argentina and Chile9
159180798Oceans: Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, arid Pacific...10
159180799The Mediterranean Sea..., the largest inland sea. Ex. between Europe and Africa and Asia11
159180800Mesopotamia: Sumeria and Babylon...12
159180801The Fertile Crescenta geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates. [SOMEONE WANA CONDENCE?] The mutually stimulating interactions of different cultures first become obvious in the Near East, which a turmoil of over-population and wanderings of people are the background for the first civilization appeared and prospered in the Fertile Crescent. Linguistic differences provide another distinction among the people of early civilized times in the Fertile Crescent, including Hamitic(evolved in Africa north and north-east of the Sahara), Semities of the Arabian peninsula, the Indo-Europeans from southern Russia, and Caucasian from Gergia and Caucasus region. The Caucasian occupied the Fertile Crescent in 4000BC, followed by Semitic people established in central Mesopotamia, across the middle reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates. The interplay and rivalry of the Semitic people with the Caucasians is a continuing theme in the early history of the area, followed by Hittites, one of Indo-European groups, entered into Anatolia from Europe, to dispute and mingle with the Semitic and Caucasion people in the Crescent by 2000BC.13
159180802Tigris and Euphrates River..., Two rivers on either side of Mesopotamia flowing southeastward to the Persian Gulf.14
159180803Egypt..., a republic in northeastern Africa known as the United Arab Republic until 1971.Ex. site of an ancient civilization that flourished from 2600 to 30 BC. an ancient empire west of Israelcentered on the Nile River and ruled by a Pharaoh; figured in many events described in the Old Testament,15
159180804Nile River..., the world's longest river (4180 miles). Ex. flows northward through eastern Africa into the Mediterranean; the Nile River valley in Egypt was the site of the world's first great civilization. flows south to north, empties into Mediterranean sea, floods same time every year, carried silt (VERY fetrile) .the Ancient Egyptians depended upon it for survival16
159180805Indus Riverallowed for a prosperous urban civilization and it formed around 2500 BCE; supported several large cities including Harappa and Mohenjo Daro; the houses even had running water; developed their own distinctive alphabet alphabet and artistic form;17
159180806Huang He AND Yellow River...the largest city and former capital of Turkey noun Ex. rebuilt on the site of ancient Byzantium by Constantine I in the fourth century; renamed Constantinople by Constantine18
159180807Yangzi River: "River of Sorrows"...19
159180808Central Asia and Mongolia...20
159180809Constantinoplethe largest city and former capital of Turkey. rebuilt on the site of ancient Byzantium by Constantine I in the fourth century; renamed Constantinople by Constantine who made it the capital of the Byzantine Empire; now the seat of the Eastern Orthodox Chu,21
159180810Ghana..., a republic in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea. Ex. "Ghana was colonized as the Gold Coast by the British"22
159180811Prehistory vs. History..., Prehistory - period of time before writing had been invented while history is any time after writing had been invented where humans now know exactly what had happened rather than making assumptions23
159180812The "Out ofAfrica" thesis vs. the multiregional thesis...24
159180813The Stone' Age: the Paleolithic era and the Neolithic era,...25
159180814Family units, clans, and tribes ....26
159180815Hunting and gathering societies...27
159180816Gender division of labor...28
159180817The domestication ofanimals and plants...29
159180818Civilization..., a society in an advanced state of social development (e.g., with complex legal and political and religious organizations). Ex. "the people slowly progressed from barbarism to civilization"30
159180819Features of a civilization:...31
159180820development of a written language...32
159180821city...people living in a large densely populated municipality, a large and densely populated urban area (Ex. may include several independent administrative districts; "Ancient Troy was a great city"), an incorporated administrative district established by state charter,33
159180822specialization of labor..., individuals could specialize in different types of jobs; it was no longer necessary for one individual to learn how to do every kind of work34
159180823public works..., structures (such as highways or schools or bridges or docks) constructed at government expense for public use35
159180824how a civilization asserts and legitimizes authority [i.e., mandate of heaven; pharaoh]...36
159180825metallurgy and metalworking...37
159180826Cuneiform..., an ancient wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia and Persia, (A system of writing in which wedge-shaped symbols represented words or syllables. It originated in Mesopotamia and was used initially for Sumerian and Akkadian but later was adapted to represent other languages of western Asia 3000 b.c.e)38
159180827The Gilgamesh epic ....39
159180828Hammurabi's law code..., -Babylonian -18th century BC -first known widespread complete and complex set of rules and penalties -mostly laws and etiquette for business -issued under the authority of the Sun God Shamash40
159180829The Egyptian Book ofthe Dead...41
159180830Pyramids..., A group of huge monuments in the desert of Egypt, built as a burial vaults for ancient Egyptian kings. The age of building this object in Egypt began about 2700 B.C.E42
159180831Hieroglyphics..., an ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds43
159180832Indus valley civilization...44
159180833Urban planning (Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro)...45
159180834Early China: Shang, Zhou...46
159180835The Hittites and iron weapons...47
159180836The Assyrians and cavalry warfare...48
159180837The Persian Empire (tolerance)...49
159180838The Hebrews and monotheism...50
159180839The Phoenicians and the alphabet...51
159180840The Lydians and coinage...52
159180841Classical Societies: Greece, India, Rome, Persia, China...53
159180842The Greek city-states (Sparta and Athens)...54
159180845The Roman Republic...57
159180846Plebeians vs. patricians...58
159180847The Roman Empire...59
159180848China's Qin, Han and Tang dynasties...60
159180849The Chinese tributary systemHLP, form of conducting diplomatic and political relations with China before the fall of the Qin Dynasty61
159180850The Silk RoadOne of the first trade routes in the world,an ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean Sea extending some 6,440 km (4,000 mi) and linking China with the Roman Empire. Marco Polo followed the route on his journey to Cathay.62
159180851Heian Japan..., (794-1185 C.E.) local rulers on the island of Honshu recognized the emperor as Japan's supreme political authority, but, unlike China, Japanese emperors rarely ruled; they only acted as figure heads. Fujiwara family had the power. Two sections of rule: imperial house and ruling parties and factions. Culture of Heian was influenced by Chinese traditions.63
159180852DravidiansEXPAND PLZThe , one of the main groups of people in India; probably descended from the Indus River culture that flourished at the dawn of Indian civilization over 4,000 yrs. ago64
159180853the Indian caste system...A set of rigid social categories that determined not only a person's occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in society 1: Brahmanism or Priests 2: Kshatriyas or Rulers and Warriors 3: Vaisyans or Commoners, Farmers, Craftsmen, and Traders 4: Sudras or Laborers and Servants The caste system was family based and you could not move up a class65
159180854Byzantine Empire(330-1453) The eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived after the fall of the Western Empire at the end of the 5th century C.E. Its capital was Constantinople, named after the Emperor Constantine.66
159180855Early Medieval Europe..., After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Germanic tribes that had invaded the empire settled into different parts of western Europe and formed their own kingdoms. The map above shows the major kingdoms that were in place by the beginning of this period (600 C.E.) The borders of the kingdoms changed frequently as the groups invaded one another's territory, and many other smaller groups were involved in the fighting.67
159180856FeudalismA political system based on the rule of local lords bound to a king by ties of loyalty. It developed as a system of local defense against invaders in western Europe, China, and Japan. DICT DEF= The social system that developed in Europe in the 8th C68
159180857Bantu migrationsA millenia long series of physical migrations, a diffusion of language and knowledge out into and in from neighboring populations, and a creation of new societal groups involving inter-marriage among communities and small groups moving tocommunities and small groups moving to new areas also known as Bantu Expansions.ALT.Made the establishment of agricultural societies possible throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa. Resulted in a great deal of cultural mixing, mingling, and the spread of religous beliefs.69
159187730The Olmec..., The Olmec flourished during Mesoamerica's Formative period, dating roughly from 1400 BCE to about 400 BCE. They were the first Mesoamerican civilization and laid many of the foundations for the civilizations that followed. Among other "firsts", there is evidence that the Olmec practiced ritual bloodletting and played the Mesoamerican ballgame, hallmarks of nearly all subsequent Mesoamerican societies.70
159187731The Maya..., Lived in the Yucatan Peninsula; major focus was religion; made an accurate calendar with 365 days; built large stone temples in the shape of pyramids; created their own system of hieroglyphics; civilization declined around 900 AD for unknown reasons.71
159187732Cultural diffusion vs. independent innovation...72
159187733Class distinctions, hierarchy, and social stratification...73
159187734Social mobility..., The ability of individuals to move from one social standing to another. Social standing is based on degrees of wealth, prestige, education and power.74
159187735Caste systemHLP? a social structure in which classes are determined by heredity, System in India that gives every Indian a particular place in the social hierarchy from birth. Individuals may improve the position they inherit in the caste system in their next life through their actions, or karma. After many lives of good karma, they may be relieved from cycle of life and win their place in heaven.75
159187736Patriarchies vs. matriarchiesPatriarchies- authority vested in males; male control of a society or group. matriarchies- authority vested in females; female control of a society or76
159187737Aristocracy (nobility or noble class)..., the most powerful members of a society, a privileged class holding hereditary titles.77
159187738oligarchy..., a political system governed by a few people, "leadership of the few"; a form of government in which the full exercise of political rights and power in a city-state was limited to the affluent ... many of them were aristocrats. In the 5th century BC, Sparta was the leading proponent of oligarchy.78
159187739Republic..., a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them79
159187740Democracy..., a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them, AND/OR the political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives80
159187741TheocracyEXPAND, the belief in government by divine guidance81
159187742Slavery vs. serfdom..., - Slavery: the condition of being owned by another person and being made to work without wages - Serfdom: A medieval peasant who was forced to work the land of a lord's manor in exchange for protection. They were little more than slaves.82
159187743Religious interaction and missionary activity...83
159187744Migration..., the movement of persons from one country or locality to another AND/OR , the periodic passage of groups of animals (especially birds or fishes) from one region to another for feeding or breeding84
159187745Polytheism..., belief in multiple Gods85
159187746Zoroastrianism..., system of religion founded in Persia in the 6th century BC by Zoroaster. EX. set forth in the Zend-Avesta; based on concept of struggle between light (good) and dark (evil)86
159187747Judaism and monotheism (the Ten Commandments, the Torah, the Talmud)...87
159187748YH'NH (Yahweh) and the Messiah...88
159187749The Jewish Diaspora..., The exile that forced several israelites from the states of Israel, Jordan and parts of Lebanon.89
159187750Hinduism (the Upanishads, the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad-Gita)...90
159187751Karma and dharma...91
159187752Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva...92
159187753The caste system (the Laws of Manu)...93
159187754Moksha..., The Hindu concept of the spirit's 'liberation' from the endless cycle of rebirths.94
159187755Buddhism (The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path)...95
159187756Nirvana..., (Hinduism and Buddhism) the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation. ex. EX. characterized by the extinction of desire and suffering and individual consciousness96
159187757Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism...97
159187759Confucianism (The Analects, filial piety, 5 relationships, value of education, view of merchants)...99
159187760The Mandate of Heaven...100
159187761Dynastic Cycle...101
159187763The Bible (Old and New testaments)...103
159187764The Edict of Milan...104
159187765The Neolithic Revolution...105
159187766The Persian Wars...106
159187767The Peloponnesian War...107
159187768Punic Wars...108
159187769The Aryan Invasion of India...109
159187770Treaty of Verdun...110
159187771Battle of Tours...111
159187772The Exodus from Egypt (Passover)...112
159187773Expulsion of the Jews from the Roman Empire...113
159190481Alexander the Great...115
159190486Julius Caesar...120
159190487Shi Huangdi...121
159190488Lady Murasaki...122
159190490Emperor JustinianSHORTEN..., Emperor Justinian ruled over the Byzantine Empire from 527 to 565 CE. His goal was to reunite the east and the west. He secured the eastern borders with diplomacy and sent most of his troops to reconquer the west. This left the East unprotected and without the resource of manpower. He built the Hagia Sophia and established the Corpus Juris Civilis. He ruled using Caesaropapism and combined religion and law. His motto was "One empire, one church, one law!" He made every citizen covert to Christianity.124
159190491Charlemagne..., King of the Franks (r. 768-814); emperor (r. 800-814). Through a series of military conquests he established the Carolingian Empire, which encompassed all of Gaul and parts of Germany and Italy. Illiterate, though started an intellectual revival. (250)125
159190492The Olmec..., The Olmec flourished during Mesoamerica's Formative period, dating roughly from 1400 BCE to about 400 BCE. They were the first Mesoamerican civilization and laid many of the foundations for the civilizations that followed. Among other "firsts", there is evidence that the Olmec practiced ritual bloodletting and played the Mesoamerican ballgame, hallmarks of nearly all subsequent Mesoamerican societies. Giant heads.126
159190493The MayaCONSOLIDATE., Most advanced of all the pre-Columbian Amerindians by building on ancient cultural traditions, Mayan written language and complex calendar derived from the Olmec prototypes, concept of zero, models for the classical Amerindian civilization. Lived in the area we know as Central America and Mexico's Yucatan peninsula127
159190494Abraham..., the first of the Old Testament patriarchs and the father of Isaac, the first of the great Biblical patriarchs, father of Isaac, and traditional founder of the ancient Hebrew nation: considered by Muslims an ancestor of the Arab peoples through his son Ishmael.128
159190495Moses..., (Old Testament) the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites from Egypt across the Red sea on a journey known as the Exodus. EX. according to Genesis, God promised to give Abraham's family (the Hebrews) the land of Canaan (the Promised Land); God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son; "Judaism, Christia129
159190496David and Solomon..., David established the capital of Jerusalem. He was a favorite of the people and was anointed as the second king. Solomon was David's son. Builds a temple in Jerusalem for David. First king during time of peace. Kingdom was divided after Solomon's reign.130
159190497Siddhartha GautamaHELP HERE, founder of Buddhism; grew up a wealthy prince in the warrior class; had a family and became a monk; through meditation gained enlightenment; called the Buddha131
159190498Laozithe "Old Master" who encouraged people to give up worldly desires in favor of nature; he founded Taoism (Daoism)132
159190499Confucius..., Western name for the Chinese philosopher Kongzi (551-479 B.C.E.). His doctrine of duty and public service had a great influence on subsequent Chinese thought and served as a code of conduct for government officials.133
159190500Jesus of Nazaretha teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth134
159190501Emperor Constantinefounded Constantinople; best known for being the first Christian Roman Emperor; issued the Edit of Milan in 313, granting religious toleration throughout the empire135

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