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Muslim World- Final

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It was the crossroads of 3 continents- Africa, Europe, and ASia
Most of it was desert (inhabited by Bedouins); only a little bit was arable
trade routes connected Arabia to the major ocean and land trade routes
A city in western Arabia
A town 200 miles north of Mecca (Hijrah)
Jerusalem and Cordoba.
A Muslim state that was settled in southern Spain by the Berbers after the Battle of Tours in 732
trade goods, gold, and information about the empire
to solidify power
the leading city until Baghdad; cultural center of Islamic learning
a region of western North Africa, consisting of the Mediterranean coast lands of what is now Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria
nomadic herders who lived in clans on the desert part of the Arabian peninsula
their ideals of courage and loyalty to family and their warrior skills
the prophets
Allah was the one and only god and that all other gods must be abandoned
messenger of Allah
Yathrib; Hijrah
political and spiritual
A shrine in Mecca
religious community
He had taken great strides toward unifying the Arabian Peninsula under Islam
Abu-Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali
It is a title that means "successor" or "deputy"
The Qur'aan and Muhammad's actions
some tribes on the Arabian Peninsula
the inner struggle against evil or an armed struggle against unbelievers
Muslim armies conquered Syria, lower Egypt, and part of the Sassanid Empire
They expnaded the Muslim empire
those who did not outwardly resist the rule of the Umayyads
followers of Muhammad's example
those who thought that the caliph needed to be a descendant of the Prophet
those who rejected the luxurious life of the Umayyads and pursued a life of poverty and devotion to a spiritual path
It was formed by Shi'a Muslims who claimed descent from Muhammad's daughter Fatimid
North Africa; it spread across the Red Sea to western Arabia and Syria
through religion, language, trade, and economy
after the caliphs
controlling conquered territories
they thought it was too far away from their lands
central Iraq
strong bureaucracy
treasury, department to manage army, diplomats, and taxes
people consulting religious leaders
complete political control of empire
independent Muslim states sprang up and local leaders dominated smaller regions?
each individual is responsible for the actions of his or her life
holy book of the Muslims
faith, prayer, alms, fasting, pilgrimage
scholar class
Muhammad's example
the body of law that is assembled from the Qur'an and sunna
luxurious lifestyle, problems arose
strong bureaucracy
spread religion
House of Wisdom, poems, calligraphy, Great Mosque of Damascus, used 2 levels of arches, they translated and studied Greek texts, solved problems by conducting experiments in labs, thought math was the basis of all knowledge, most of advances in math were related to the study of astronomy

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