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AP Euro Midterm

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poet, "father of humanism", thought he was witnessing the golden ages
"The Courtier", about how to be a gentleman
by Cervantes, satire of the middle ages
"Praise of Folly", satirizes priests
Martin Luther's list of complaints about the church, indulgences were number one
Catholic princes said they could understand German princes' change to Lutheranism, German princes get to pick their principality's religion
calvinism, predestination, Hueguenots, "Institutes of Christian Religion"
burned 300 Protestant aristocrats, succeeded Henry VIII, died of ovarian cysts
all church services must be Protestant and given in English
Henry of Navarre's wedding, bunch of Huegonots are killed :(
Henry of Navarre, religous toleration in France
Protestants throw Catholics out the window (literally), starts the 30 Years War
Creates navigational schools, encourages naval exploration and starts off the Age of Discovery
Louis XIII's advisor, wants to make king's power absolute and make everyone in France Catholic
France vs. Hapsburg Empire, decrease in Hapsburg power
"Great Elector", created a standing army
helped Hapsburgs in the War of Austrian succession
"Soldier King", mandatory military service
"The Great" expanded Prussia, divided Poland, took Austrian lands after dishonoring the Pragmatic Sanction (Aus)
westernization, make king independant of boyars, increase military power
Doubt everything that is systematically doubtable, everything is based in mathematics, Analytical Geometry
Standing on the shoulders of giants, "Principia Mathematica"
Man is inherently evil, but can be changed
Tabula Rasa
Seperate powers, checks and balances
Social Contract
"Candide", perfectability of man, deist
"Gulliver's Travels"
"The Rise and Decline of the Roman Empire"
"Progress of the Human Mind"
Nobles pay 20% of income to taxes, no one actually paid attention
4 days a month that peasants had to work for France
only noblemen are allowed to hunt, kept poor repressed, hungry, and reliant on nobles
Older Bourgeoisie members take Robespierre's place, buy land, create constitutional government
Men have the right to liberty, property, security, and freedom of oppression
Starving peasants, overtaxed peasants, more taxes, indecisive ruler, economy falling apart
Clergy, no taxes
Nobles, no taxes, most hated
Bourgeoisie and Peasants
Napoleon's attempt to stop British trade; failed
"Reflections on the French Revolution", rips on French
Protect poor people, representation of everyone, everyone has rights
protested changes of the Industrial Revolution in Britain

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