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Unit 5 Flashcards

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303252167Astrolabletool used to find longitude and lattitude by using sun and star0
303252168Bartolomeo DiasPortuguese. In 1488 rounds the Cape of Good Hope and enters Indian Ocean basin1
303252169Circumnavigationtraveling around something (by ship or plane)2
303252170Columbian ExchangeThe exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages.3
303252171Compassnavigational instrument for finding directions4
303252172Dutch united east India companywhere the states-general of the netherlands(dutch) granted a 21 year monopoly to carry out colonial activities in asia5
303252173English east India companyAn early joint-stock company; were granted on English royal charter with the intention of favoring trade privileges in India.6
303252174Ferdinand MagellanPortuguese navigator who led the Spanish expedition of 1519-1522 that was the first to sail around the world.7
303252175Galleona large square-rigged sailing ship with three or more masts8
303252176Immunitiesprotection from laws or punishment9
303252177James cookEnglish navigator who claimed the east coast of Australia for Britain and discovered several Pacific islands (1728-1779)10
303252178Lateen sailsTriangular sail on a short mast11
303252179Middlemenin trading systems, those dealers who operate between the original buyers and the retail merchants who sell to consumers.12
303252180Northwest passagewater route to asia through North America sought by european explorers13
303252181Seven years warWorldwide struggle between France and Great Britain for power and control of land14
303252182Siberiaa vast Asian region of Russia15
303252183Vasco da gamaPortuguese explorer. In 1497-1498 he led the first naval expedition from Europe to sail to India, opening an important commercial sea route. (p. 428)16
30325218430 years war(1618-1648) This Bourbon vs. Habsburg War resulted from a conflict between the Protestant Union and the Catholic League in the Holy Roman Empire17
30325218595 thesiswritten by Martin Luther in 1517, they are widely regarded as the primary catalyst for the Protestant Reformation. Luther used these theses to display his displeasure with some of the Church's clergy's abuses, most notably the sale of indulgences; this ultimately gave birth to Protestantism.18
303252186Adam smithScottish economist who advocated private enterprise and free trade (1723-1790)19
303252187Anglican churchthe national church of England (and all other churches in other countries that share its beliefs)20
303285206Capitalisman economic system based on private ownership of capital21
303285207Charles VHoly Roman emperor (1519-1558) and king of Spain as Charles I (1516-1556). He summoned the Diet of Worms (1521) and the Council of Trent (1545-1563).22
303285208CopernicusPolish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center (1473-1543)23
303285209Council of trentan ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church convened in Trento in three sessions between 1545 and 1563 in response to the Reformation24
303285210Diet of wormsAssembly of the estates of the empire, called by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1521. Luther was ordered to recant but he refused. Charles V declared Luther an outlaw.25
303285211Divine rightbelief that a rulers authority comes directly from god.26
303285212Enlightenmenta movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions27
303285213Excommunicateexclude from a church or a religious community28
303285214Glorious revolutionthe revolution against James II29
303285215Heresya belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion30
303285216Indulgencespardon sold by catholic church to reduce one's punishment31
303285217JesuitsAlso known as the Society of Jesus; founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) as a teaching and missionary order to resist the spread of Protestantism.32
303285218John CalvinFrench humanist whose theological writings profoundly influenced religious thoughts of Europeans. Developed Calvinism at Geneva. Wrote Institutes of Christian Religion33
303285219Joint-stock companiesan association of individuals in a business enterprise with transferable shares of stock, much like a corporation except that stockholders are liable for the debts of the business34
303285220KeplerGerman astronomer who first stated laws of planetary motion (1571-1630)35
303285221King Henry VIIIFounder of the church in England and ruled England from 1509-1547. He broke the Catholic church because he couldn't get a divorce36
303285222LockeEnglish empiricist philosopher who believed that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience (1632-1704)37
303285223Louis XIVking of France from 1643 to 1715; his long reign was marked by the expansion of French influence in Europe and by the magnificence of his court and the Palace of Versailles (1638-1715)38
303285224Martin Luthera German monk who became one of the most famous critics of the Roman Catholic Chruch. In 1517, he wrote 95 theses, or statements of belief attacking the church practices.39
303285225MontesquieuFrench political philosopher who advocated the separation of executive and legislative and judicial powers (1689-1755)40
303285226NewtonEnglish mathematician and physicist41
303285227Peace of Westphaliathe peace treaty that ended the Thirty Years' War in 164842
303285228Peter Iczar of Russia who introduced ideas from western Europe to reform the government43
303285229Protestantthe Protestant churches and denominations collectively44
303285230PuritansProtestant sect in England hoping to "purify" the Anglican church of Roman Catholic traces in practice and organization.45
303285231Putting out systemsystem of merchant-capitalists "putting out" raw materials to cottage workers for processing and payment that was fully developed in England46
303285232Recantformally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure47
303285233Reformationa religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches48
303285234Versaillesa palace built in the 17th century for Louis XIV southwest of Paris near the city of Versailles49
303285235VoltaireFrench writer who was the embodiment of 18th century Enlightenment (1694-1778)50
303285236CortesSpanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico (1485-1547)51
303285237Creolesdescendents of Spanish-born BUT born in Latin America; resented inferior social, political, economic status52
303285238EncomiendaA grant of land made by Spain to a settler in the Americas, including the right to use Native Americans as laborers on it53
303285239EngenhoBrazilian sugar mills; term symbolized entire complex world of everything relating to the production of sugar.54
303285240Haciendathe main house on a ranch or large estate55
303285241HispaniolaCaribbean island, present day Haiti and the Dominican Republic56
303285242Indentured servantLaborer who agreed to work without pay for a certain period of time in exchange for passage to America57
303285243Indigenousoriginating where it is found58
303285244Mestizoa person of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry)59
303285245Mita systemThe system recruiting workers for particularly difficult and dangerous chores that free laborers would not accept.60
303285246MulattoesPeople of African and European descent61
303285247PeninsularesSpanish-born, came to Latin America; ruled, highest social class62
303285248PizarroSpanish explorer who conquered the Incas in what is now Peru and founded the city of Lima (1475-1541)63
303285249Smallpoxa highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin eruption with pustules that form scabs that slough off leaving scars64
303285250Tainonative americans who lived where columbus first landed65
303285251Treaty of tordesillasSet the Line of Demarcation which was a boundary established in 1493 to define Spanish and Portuguese possessions in the Americas.66
303285252Viceroygovernor of a country or province who rules as the representative of his or her king or sovereign67
303285253Ghana empireLocated on the North banks of the Nile river. Extensive trade with Berbers68
303285254Mali empireFormed in 1240 when Sundiata took control of Ghana Empire. It controlled trade across Sahara, the South and the Niger River.69
303285255Songhay empirePortion of Mali after that kingdom collapsed around 1500; this empire controlled Timbuktu.70
303285256Kingdom of Congooutlet of the Congo River, southwest Africa71
303285257Queen nzingaLeader who ruled in Angola and spent almost 40 years battling Portuguese slave traders72
303285258CapetownOriginally in a base to provide food for Dutch Ships to Spice Islands, it became an area of moderate climate and freedom from tropical disease that made it attractive to settlers73
303285259Fulania family of languages of the Fulani people of West Africa and used as a lingua franca in the sub-Saharan regions from Senegal to Chad74
303285260Syncretic religionsreligions, or strands within religions, that combine elements of two or more belief systems.75
303285261Middle passagethe route in between the western ports of Africa to the Caribbean and southern U.S. that carried the slave trade76
303285262African diasporathe forced removal of Africans from their homeland to serve as slaves in the Americas77
303285263Olaudah equianosold into slavery at age 11; after gaining freedom, he spoke out against slavery and published his autobiography78
303285264Bulliongold or silver in bars or ingots79
303285265Daimyoa japanese feudal lord who commanded a private army of samurai80
303285266Filial pietyin Confucian thought, one of the virtues to be cultivated, a love and respect for one's parents and ancestors81
303285267Gentrythe most powerful members of a society82
303285268Infanticidemurdering an infant83
303285269Manchuthe last imperial dynasty of China (from 1644 to 1912) which was overthrown by revolutionaries84
303285270MandarinSmembers of the elite class of civil servents in Chinese government85
303285271Ming dynastyA major dynasty that ruled China from the mid-fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. It was marked by a great expansion of Chinese commerce into East Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia86
303285272Qing dynastythe last imperial dynasty of China (from 1644 to 1912) which was overthrown by revolutionaries; during the Qing dynasty China was ruled by the Manchu87
303285273Shogunsmilitary leaders of the Bakufu88
303285274TokugawaThe administration (shogun) that introduced Japan's policy of isolationism89
303285275Abbas the greatSafavid shah (1587-1629); extended the empire to its greatest extent; used Western military technology.90
303285276Mehmed IIalso calle Mehmed the Conqueror, Murad's son, conquered Constaninople in 1453 and opened it to new citizens of many religions and backgrounds. The rebuilt city was renamed Instanbul.91
303285277Mughal empirea period of Muslim rule of India from the 1500s to the 1700s92
303285278Osmanmost successful warrior and "founder" of Ottomans93
303285279SafavidThe shi'ite muslim dynasty that ruled in persia between the 16th and 18th centuries94
303285280Sikhismthe doctrines of a monotheistic religion founded in northern India in the 16th century by Guru Nanak and combining elements of Hinduism and Islam95
303285281Wahabia member of a strictly orthodox Sunni Muslim sect from Saudi Arabia96

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