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AP English Vocabulary Flashcards

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290782265Copiousabundant; large in number or quantity.0
290782266Nebuloushazy; vague; confused.1
290782268Evincemake evident; show clearly.3
290782269Ferventhaving great intensity or spirit; ardent.4
290782270Ardentcharacterized by intense feeling; fervent.5
290782271Heresyopinion against church doctrine.6
290782272Axiomaticself-evident; obvious.7
290782273Unremittingnot slacking or stopping.8
290782274Boisterousrough; noisy; rowdy.9
290782275Intemperateimmoderate in indulgence. (alcohol often.)10
290782276Lineamentslines on face; distinguishing features.11
290782277Odiousdeserving or causing hatred; offensive.12
290782278Prodigya person having extraordinary talent.13
290782279Harbingerherald or omen sent to inform.14
290782280Accoladeaward, honor, ceremony, sword knighting.15
290782281Vanquishto conquer or subdue by force.16
290782282Posthumousarising or occurring after death.17
290782283Entouragean important persons posse.18
290782284Confutationto prove false or invalid.19
290782285Effervescencegive off bubbles or to be bubbly or cheery.20
290782286Adulationexcessive devotion to somebody.21
290782287Untrammelednot hindered or impeded.22
290782288Transcendentgoing beyond ordinary limits.23
290782289Propagateto reproduce.24
290782291Anathemaa hated thing or person.26
290782292Esotericmeant for a select few; arcane.27
290782293Emancipationthe act of being freed.28
290782294Miscegenationinterracial marriage.29
290782295Attenuateto weaken.30
290782296Expedientadvantageous in your own interests.31
290782298Draconianrigorous; severe; cruel; austere.33
290782299Imputingexemption from punishment.34
290782300Iniquitouswicked; unjust; sinful.35
290782301Untenablenot fit for occupation.36
290782302Obfuscationto confuse; to make obscure.37
290782303Depredationthe act of plundering; praying upon.38
290782304Discomfitureconfusion; embarrassment.39
290782305Prosaiccommonplace or dull.40
290782306Schismdivision or disunion.41
290782307Equanimitymental or emotional stability.42
290782308Illicitnot legally permitted or authorized.43
290782309Debaucheryexcessive indulgence; intemperate.44
290782310Benignpleasant and beneficial in manner.45
290782312Peccadillosmall sin.47
290782313Axioma self-evident truth that requires no proof.48
290782314Sine qua non.essential element.49
290782315Indeliblymarks that can't be erased.50
290782316Tacitimplied; silently understood.51
290782317Insidiousintended to entrap.52
290782318Pantheona tomb or memorial.53
290782319Amalgamation.the act of combining.54
290782320Invidious.calculated to create ill will.55
290782321Emendationa correction or change.56
290782322Politya particular form or system of government .57
290782323Tropea literary or rhetorical device.58
290782324Cogentto the point relevant; clear.59
290782325Nullifyto declare legally void.60
290782326Evocativebringing about emotion or ideas.61
290782327Iconographysymbolic representation; image; art.62
290782328Disavowto disclaim knowledge or connection.63
290782329Demonizeto make demon-like.64
290782330Transientnot lasting enduring or permanent.65
290782331Usurpationillegal seizure of a throne. to trespass.66
290782332Sufferancecapacity to endure suffering.67
290782333Consanguinityclose relationship; kinship.68
290782334Depositorya place something is stored.69
290782335Dissolutionbreaking of a bond or relationship. dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure.70
290782336Perfidydeliberate breach of faith or trust.71
290782337Redressto dress again, correcting error.72
290782338Magnanimityhaving a lofty, generous, and courageous spirit73
290782339Conjureto affect, produce, bring.74
290782340Rectituderightness or principle of conduct.75
290782341Acquiesceto comply silently.76
290782342Factiona group within a larger group.77
290782343Propensitya natural tendency.78
290782344Candidfrank; outspoken and sincere.79
290782345Aggregatetotal; whole; combined; sum; mass.80
290782346Actuatemotivate; put into action.81
290782347Zealfervor for a person, cause, or object.82
290782348Desideratumsomething wanted or needed; desired83
290782349Wealwell-being; happiness.84
290782350Opprobriuminfamy; disgrace.85
290782352Inducementsomething that persuades; an incentive.87
290782353Factiousdivisive; pertaining to faction.88
290782354Fallibleliable to err.89
290782355Cabala small group of plotters; a group.90
290782357Palpablereadily or plainly seen; tangible.92
290782358Maladydisorder; disease.93
290782359Infallibletrustworthy; sure; certain.94
290782360Illustrateto furnish with drawing; to make clear.95
290782361Deductionreasoning from the general to the particular. thesis then examples.96
290782362Inductionreasoning from detailed facts to general principles. examples then thesis.97
290782363Sophomoricintellectually pretentious and conceited, but immature.98
290782364Speciousapparently good, though lacking real merit. pleasing to the eye, but deceptive.99
290782365Spuriousnot genuine or authentic.100
290782366Pugnaciouseager to fight; quarrelsome.101
290782367Philippicspeech or discourse of bitter denunciation.102
290782368Straw man argumentan argument purposefully oversimplified so it can be easily undermined.103
290782369Non sequitura conclusion that does not follow from the premises; an illogical conclusion.104
290782370Fallacymisleading or unsound argument.105
290782371Jeremiada prolonged lamentation.106
290782373Entreatyearnest request.108
290782374Remonstrateto say or plead in objection or disapproval.109
290782375Prostrateto lay flat;l to cast down in humility.110
290782376Inestimableincapable of being estimated.111
290782378Baselymorally low.113
290782379Subjugationthe act of being under domination.114
290782380Supplicationentreaty or petition.115
290782381Extenuateto represent as less serious.116
290782382Brethrenfellow members.117
290782383Temporalnot eternal.118
290782384Accostto confront boldly.119
290782385Extricablecapable of being free.120
290782386Expiationthe act of making amends.121
290782387Zenithhigh point or state.122
290782388Conjectureguess speculation.123
290782389Venerableimpressive; commanding respect.124
290782390Defunctno longer in use; extinct.125
290782391Visagethe face; physiognomy.126
290782392Awryturned or twisted to one side.127
290782393Torpidslow and apathetic.128
290782394Eruditescholarly; learned.129
290782395Despondencydepression; dejection.130
290782396Repletestuffed; filled.131
290782397Scurrilousgrossly or obscenely abusive.132
290782398Effluencesomething that flows out.133
290782399Ethereallight airy; delicate; heavenly.134
290782400Malevolencebeing of malice; hatred; ill will.135
290782401Despoticautocratic; tyrannical.136
290782402Foliageleaves or plants.137
290782403Abodehome or house.138
290782404Ethosethical appeal; credibility.139
290782405Pathosemotional appeal.140
290782406Logoslogical appeal.141
290782407Syllogisma three-part deductive argument in which a conclusion is based on a major premise and a minor premise ("All men are mortal; Socrates is a man; therefore, Socrates is mortal.")142
290782408Mordantwitty and bitingly sarcastic143
290782409Canardfalse or groundless rumor.144
290782410Reciprocalmutual; felt in return.145
290782411Integralnecessary to the whole.146
290782412Callowimmature or inexperienced.147
290782413Timorousfull of fear; timid.148
290782414Epocha particular period of time marked by distinctive features.149
290782415Austeresever; uncompromising; strict; grave.150
290782416Explicateto make plain or clear.151
290782417Languorouscharacterized by sluggishness; slothy.152
290782418Onerousburdensome; oppressive; having obligations or responsibilities.153
290782419Portentan indication or omen of something about to happen.154
290782421Brevityshort brief, but informative.156
290782422Germaneclosely or significantly related; relevant.157
290782423Ponderousof great weight; heavy, awkward.158
290782424Cursorygoing rapidly over something without noticing details; hasty; superficial.159
290782425Archaicmarked with characteristic of ab earlier period, primitive, ancient.160
290782426Discernrecognize, comprehend; to distinguish mentally.161
290782427Devoidnot possessing, destitute.162
290782428Puerilepertaining to childhood; childish; callow.163
290782429Irremediablebeyond repair.164
290782430Garrulousexcessively talkative; loquacious.165
290782431Girththe circumference of anything.166
290782432Surrogatea person appointed to act for another.167
290782433Chagrina feeling of vexation marked by humiliation.168
290782434Complacencya feeling of quiet pleasure or security, unaware of potential danger; smug satisfaction.169
290782435Canonicalpertaining to a clergy rule of law.170
290782437Tractionthe adhesive friction of two surfaces.172
290782438Loquaciousgarrulous; talkative; chattering.173
290782439Thronga group of people or objects crowded together.174
290782440Edificea large building; a large or complex system.175
290782441Sepulchersa tomb.176
290782442Congenialagreeable; suitable; or pleasing in nature.177
290782443Auspiciouspromising success.178
290782444Physiognomyface, visage.179
290782445Auguredprophet; soothsayer.180
290782446Theocracygovernment based on religion.181
290782447Rotunditythe condition of roundness.182
290782448Reputeestimation in the view of others; public respect; good name.183
290782449Malefactressa women who violates the law; Hester Prynne.184
290782450Autumnalpast maturity or middle life; the autumn of life.185
290782451Abashedashamed or embarassed.186
290782452Sumptuarypertaining to or regulating expenditure, often for religious or moral reasons, usually relating to clothing or food.187
290782453Evanescentvanishing, fleeting.188
290782454Ignominydisgrace or dishonor.189
290782455Iniquitygross injustice or wickedness.190
290782456Ignominiousmarked by disgrace.191
290782457Spurnto reject with disdain.192
290782458Pillorya wooden instrument of punishment on a post with holes for the neck and hands. to punish by putting in a pillory. a wooden platform for punishment.193
290782459Contumelyinsulting actions or words. (adverb noun)194
290782460Phantasmagoricfantastic; dream-like; deceptive appearance.195
290782461Heterogeneousdifferent in kind; mixed.196
290782462Sojourna temporary stay.197
290782464Eccentricityoddity or peculiarity.199
290782465Luridgruesome, horrible, revolting.200
290782466Peremptoryleaving no opportunity for denial or refusal.201
290782467Tempestuousturbulent; stormy.202
290782468Deludeto mislead the mind or judgement of; to deceive.203
290782469Feignto represent fictitiously; to fake.204
290782470Besmirchto tarnish; soil.205
290782471Connoteto signify or suggest.206
290782472Denoteto mean literally.207
290782473Retributionrequital according to merits.208
290782474Plebeianthe common people; proles.209
290782475Commiserationto feel or express sorrow or sympathy or pity.210
290782476Acentricnot centered.211
290782477Ingenuityinventiveness or cleverness.212
290782478Penitenceregret for wrongdoing or sin.213
290782479Exhortto urge or advise; caution.214
290782480Repugnancebeing offensive and distasteful.215
290782481Succorhelp, relief, and assistance.216
290782482Callousmade hard; insensitive; unsympathetic.217
290782483Pietyreference for God.218
290782484Contumaciouslystubbornly perverse or rebellious.219
290782485Sanctifyto make holy220
290782486Averredto allege as a fact, assert with confidence.221
290782487Potentpowerful, mighty.222
290782488Dexterityskill with the hands.223
290782489Imbuedimpregnated or inspired.224
290782490Mutabilitysubject to change.225
290782491Prolificproducing offspring with great frequency.226
290782492Capricea sudden unpredictable charge.227
290782493Placidpleasantly calm or peaceful.228
290782494Dearthinadequate supply; scarcity.229
290782495Paternitystate of being a father.230
290782496Intrinsicbelonging to by nature.231
290782497Pallidpale deficient in color.232
290782498Panoplyimpressive array.233
290782499Cabalisticmystic; occult.234
290782500Requitalreturn; reward; repayment; punishment in return.235
290782502Adduceto bring forward as evidence.237
290782503Tithetax for the church.238
290782504Aspirationaim, ambition, longing.239
290782505Parableshort story with moral lesson.240
290782506Contagionsomething infectious or contagious.241
290782507Consignexchange; hand over.242
290782508Pharmacopeiaa book of drugs.243
290782509Parochialnarrowly restricted in outlook or scope. school related to religion.244
290782510Propoundto offer for consideration.245
290782511Celibacyabstention from sex.246
290782512Vilifiedslandered, defamed.247
290782514Stupefiedto be put into a stupor.249
290782515Solacecomfort in sorrow, misfortune, or trouble.250
290782516Penitentialpertaining to repentance.251
290782517Tenaciousstubborn, persistent, determined.252
290782518Mirthgaiety or jollity; amusement or laughter.253
290782519Recompenseto repay or reward.254
290782521Dementto make mad or indane.256
290782522Palliateto alleviate or mitigate.257
290782523Somniferousbring or inducing sleep.258
290782524Rapturea state of elated bliss.259
290782525Riotouscharacterized by riot.260
290782526Comportto bear or conduct oneself; to behave.261
290782527Vilewretchedly bad.262
290782528Disingenuouslacking sincerity.263
290782529Latentpresent but not visible.264
290782530Forlorndesolate; hopeless, miserable; abandoned.265
290782531Apocryphalof doubtful authenticity.266
290782533Omnipotentall powerful.268
290782534Omniscienceall knowing.269
290782535Avowala statement asserting the existence or the truth of something.270
290782536Scourgea whip; to whip; something bad.271
290782538Pallcloth for coffin; a coffin.273
290782539Effusiveextravagantly demonstrative.274
290782540Augmentenlarge or increase.275
290782541Inchoatein an initial stage; not fully formed276
290782542Corollaryan inference that follows directly from the proof of another proposition; a practical consequence that follows naturally.277
290782543Amalgama combination or blend of diverse things.278
290782544Bequeathto give or pass on as an inheritance.279
290782545Leviathansomething very large; giant sea creature in the Bible.280
290782546Plutocratsomeone who exercises power by virtue of wealth.281
290782547Autocrata cruel and oppressive dictator.282
290782548Lethargylack of energy; sluggishness.283
290782549Uncouthuncultured; crude.284
290782550Venerationreligious zeal.285
290782551Accretionsomething contributing to growth or increase.286
290782552Malignspeak unfavorably about.287
290782554Misnomeran unsuitable or misleading name.289
290782556Purviewthe range of interest or activity that can be anticipated.291
290782557Nugatoryof no real value.292
290782558Imperiousoverbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing.293
290782559Benevolentgenerous in providing aid to others.294
290782560Solicitudea feeling of excessive concern.295
290782561Condescensiona communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient.296
290782563Pretensefalse claim.298
290782564Sublimeinspiring awe.299
290782565Patrimonyan inheritance coming by right of birth.300
290782566Biliouspeevish or irritable; sickeningly unpleasant.301
290782567Judiciousproceeding from good sense or judgment.302
290782568Degeneratebecome worse; deteriorate.303
290782569Swinishresembling swine.304
290782570Unregeneratehopelessly bad; persisting in holding obstinately to old ideas or habits305
290782571Panderplay up to another's desires and weaknesses.306
290782572Tenuoushaving little substance or significance; thin.307
290782573Putativegenerally regarded as such; reputed; hypothesized, inferred; assumed.308
290782574Mortifycause to feel shame; hold within limits and control.309
290782575EnamoredFond of; feeling love towards.310
290782576Vitiatecorrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality.311
290782577Sinecurea position requiring little or no work; an easy job.312
290782578Extrinsicnot forming an essential part of a thing or arising or originating from the outside.313
290782580Antithesisexact opposite.315
290782581Antitheticalsharply contrasted in character or purpose.316
290782582Nadirlowest point.317
290782583Firmamentthe sky, the heavens.318
290782585Malleablecapable of being shaped.320
290782586Panegyricsspeech or writing that honors a person or thing; praise.321
290782587DemagogueA leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power.322
290782588Incongruouslacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness.323
290782591Polymatha person with knowledge of many subjects.326
290782593Meliorateto make better.328
290782595Voraciousexcessively greedy and grasping.330
290782596Acuteextremely sharp or intense.331
290782597Surreptitiousconducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods.332
290782600Pedanticshowing off learning; bookish.335
290782601Precocioustalented beyond one's age.336
290782603Squalorsordid dirtiness.338
290782604Phalanxa compact or close-knit body of people, animals, or things.339
290782605Mélangea mixture; a hodgepodge.340
290782606Luminousgiving off light.341
290782607Innateexisting from birth, inborn.342
290782608Excoriateappearing or developing early, express strong disapproval of.343
290782609Unsavorynot pleasing in odor or taste; distasteful.344
290782610Bulwarkprotective fence or wall.345
290782611Expatriateexpel from a country.346
290782612Insuperableincapable of being overcome.347
290782613Aestheticpertaining to beauty.348
290782614Aestheteone who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature.349
290782615Transiencethe attribute of being brief or fleeting; effusive.350
290782616Pathologystudy of disease.351
290782617Obduratestubborn, unyielding,352
290782618Imperviousincapable of being affected.353
290782619Quixoticidealistic but impractical.354
290782620Capriciousimpulsive and unpredictable.355
290782621Frigidextremely cold.356
290782622Disseminateto scatter or spread widely.357
290782623Duplicitousdeliberately deceptive.358
290782624Squabblea quarrel about petty points.359
290782626Disdainreject with contempt; spurn.361
290782627Stricturesconditions or rules.362
290782628Emphaticforceful and definite in expression or action.363
290782629Hedonismdevotion to pleasure.364
290782630Rapaciousexcessively greedy and grasping.365
290782631Inordinatebeyond normal limits.366
290782633Diffidentlacking self-confidence.368
290782634Ornateelaborately decorated.369
290782635Denigrateto attack the reputation of; to speak ill of.370
290782636Scrupulouscharacterized by extreme care and great effort.371
290782637Arcaneknown or understood by only a few.372
290782638Screeda long piece of writing.373
290782639Laconicbrief and to the point; brevity.374
290782640Sonorousfull and loud and deep.375
290782641Seminalcontaining seeds of later development.376
290782642Acrimoniousmarked by strong resentment or cynicism.377
290782643Consummateperfect and complete in every respect.378
290782644Facadea deceptive outward appearance.379
290782647Griftera person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud.382
290782648Accruegrow by addition.383
290782649Consensusgeneral agreement.384
290782650Contentionthe act of competing as for profit or a prize.385
290782652Obviateprevent the occurrence of.387
290782654Precipicea very steep cliff.389
290782655Purportintention, purpose.390
290782656Derisiveabusing vocally.391
290782657Rankleto cause anger, irritation, or bitterness.392
290782658Propinquitythe property of being close together.393
290782659Banesomething causes misery or death.394
290782660Blightanything that destroys, prevents growth, or causes devaluation.395
290782661Verduregreen foliage.396
290782663Malignantextremely malevolent or malicious.398
290782665Nuptialof or relating to a wedding.400
290782666Dexterityadroitness in using the hands.401
290782667Precocityexhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age.402
290782668Enigmapuzzle; mystery.403
290782669Asperityharshness of manner.404
290782670Scintillatingsparkling, twinkling, exceptionally brilliant.405
290782673Reverenceprofound respect.408
290782674Sentinela guard.409
290782676Extenuationto act in such a way as to cause an offense to seem less serious.411
290782678Quaffto drink in large quantities; to gulp.413
290782679Cholericeasily moved to anger.414
290782680Vicissitudea passing from one thing to another, change of luck.415
290782682Rapturousfilled with great joy; ecstatic.417
290782683Ludicrousridiculous, laughable, absurd.418
290782684Potencythe state of being potent.419
290782685Potentatemonarch or ruler with great power.420
290782686Duplicitytreachery, deceitfulness; guile.421
290782687Metropolislarge dense city.422
290782689Audaciousdisposed to venture or take risks.424
290782690Miendignified manner or conduct.425
290782691Consternationfear resulting from the awareness of danger.426
290782693Melancholycharacterized by or causing or expressing sadness.428
290782695Languidlacking energy.430
290782696Erraticliable to sudden unpredictable change.431
290782697Vivacitycharacterized by high spirits and animation.432
290782698Apotheosizedraised to a spiritual or god-like state.433
290782700Guiletreacherous, cunning, deceit; duplicity.435
290782701Scruplehesitate on moral grounds.436

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