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Fr AP - le Petit Nicolas (first set)

Terms : Hide Images
215696621aimer assezto like fairly well
215696622amadouerto coax, cajole
215696623discuterto discuss
215696624donner des coups de poingto punch
215696625enlever un enfantto kidnap a child
215696626être déçuto be disappointed
215696627être privé deto be deprived of
215696628éviterto avoid
215696629faire croire queto make (someone) believe that
215696630faire les guignolsto clown around
215696631mettre la puce à l'oreilleto give someone an idea; to start the wheels turning
215696632plaisanterto joke
215696633taquinerto tease
215696634trainerto drag
215696635une bandea gang
215696636une bêtisea stupid thing
215696637un bottin téléphoniquea phone book
215696638le chouchouthe teacher's pet
215696639l'entreprisethe business, company
215696640une façon dea way, means of
215696641le goûterthe snack
215696642la maîtressethe elementary school teacher
215696643un malentendua misunderstanding
215696644un moyena means
215696645un patrona boss
215696646une poussettea stroller
215696647la récrérecess
215696648un sifflet à roulettea whistle
215696649un surveillanta supervisor, guard
215696650il s'agit deit has to do with
215696651être cadreto be a middle manager
215696652être mère au foyerto be a stay-at-home mom
215696653des tas de chosestons of things
215696654plein delots of
215696655il y a du mondethere are people (guests at the house)
215696656auparavantbefore, previously
215696657aussitôtimmediately, straight away
215696658de la part deon behalf of
215696659afin dein order to
215696660celui-cithe latter
215696661ce dernierthe latter
215696662alors quewhen, while
215696664suite àfollowing
215696665au jour Jon the big day
215696666tout est bien qui fini bienall's well that ends well

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