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Chemistry SAT

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181570423rutherford experimentAlpha particles pass thru gold foil ►atom = nucleus +empty space
181570424mass spectroscopySeparates isotopes based on mass of particles. Lighter particles are deflected farther.
181570425alpha particleHelium nucleus
181570426beta particleelectron
181570427gamma rayno charge
181570428positronpositive electron
181570429law of multiple proportionswhen two elements, A and B, combine in more than one compound, the B masses have a whole number ratio
181570430anhydridesoxides react w/ water to form acids or bases
181570431acidic anhydridesfrom nonmetallic oxides
181570432basic anhydridesfrom metallic oxides
181570433electrolytic solutionsthe more it ionizes the better
181570434ionic compoundgood electrolyte
181570435covalent compoundpoor electrolyte
181570436polar moleculebad electrolyte
181570437brownian movementcolloidal particles move in zigzag motion
181570438deliquescent(especially of certain salts) becoming liquid by absorbing moisture from the air
181570439litmus paperUsed to determine whether a substance is acidic or basic. Bases turn red litmus blue. Acids turn blue Linus red.
181570440boyle's lawP1V1=P2V2
181570441charle's lawV1/T1 = V2/T2
181570442Dalton's law of partial pressureP total=P1+P2+P3...
181570443graham's law of effusionrate1/rate2=√(MM2/mm1)
181570444molaritynumber of moles of solute per liter of solution
181570445molalitymoles of solute/Kg of solvent
181570446hess's lawthe overall enthalpy change in a reaction is equal to the sum of enthalpy changes for the individual steps in the process
181570447bohr model of an atomdense and positive nucleus, negative electrons
181570448max # of electrons per orbital2n squared
181570449avagadro's lawequal volumes of different gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure have the same number of molecules
181570450law of definite compositiona compound always contains two or more elements combined in a definite proportion by mass
181570451faraday's lawan electric field is induced in any region of space iun which a magnetic field is changing with time; the magnitude of the induced electric field is proportional to the rate at which the magnetic field changes
181570452first law of thermodynamicsenergy is neither created nor destroyed, but may be converted from one form to another
181570453second law of thermodynamicsa law stating that mechanical work can be derived from a body only when that body interacts with another at a lower temperature
181570454henry's lawThe solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas on the surface of the liquid
181570455percent errormeasured value - accepted value / accepted value
181570456percent yieldactual yield / expected yield
181570457gibbs free energy▲G=▲H-T▲S
181570458pauli exclusionOrbital can hold at most 2 electrons. To occupy same orbital, electron must have opposite spin.
181570459hund's laweach subshell in an orbital must have one electron before pairing up
181570460aufbau principlean electron occupies the lowest-energy orbital that can receive it
181570461le chatlier's principleif equilibrium is disturbed, the reaction will shift in a direction to relieve the disturbance
181570462estercontains an internal O=C-O- group
181570464alcoholhydroxyl group
181570465carboxyl groupcooh

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