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AP Literature Flashcards

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5696297552Academicdry and theoretical writing0
5696304730Accentaccent refers to the stressed portion of the word1
5696308666Aestheticappealing to the senses/the study of beauty2
5696314996AllegoryA story in which each aspect of the story has a symbolic meaning3
5696323842AlliterationThe repetition of initial consonant sounds4
5696328191Allusionindirect reference to an event...5
5696332862Ambiguitydeliberately write unclearly to make a point about the state of confusion that exists in the story6
5696350154Anachronismmisplaced in time7
5696358168AnalogyIllustrates the ideas by linking the current ideas to a more familiar idea to better communicate the idea at hand; typically involves the use of an extended simile8
5696374129AnaphoraRepetition of an exact word or phrase at the beginning of a poetic line9
5696381893AnecdoteA short tale told by someone in conversation to make a particular point10
5696388086Antagonist"the bad guy"11
5696393325Anthropomorphismthings take human characteristics12
5696397225Antiheroa protagonist who is markedly unheroic13
5696403175Aphorismalso known as an epigram14
5696406671ApostropheTalking to someone or something not present, or to a personified object or idea15
5696417711Archaismthe use of deliberately old-fashioned language16
5696424823Assonancethe repeated use of an interior vowel sounds on the same line17
5696431794Axis Mundiconnecting earth to heaven18
5696436265BalladA song performed poem that dramatically retells the story of a popular figure19
5696443972Bathos, PathosPathos is when the writing of a scene evokes feelings of dignified pity and sympathy. Bathos is when the author tries to create sympathy and pity when there is no need20
5696464006Bildungsromancoming of age story21
5696468626Blank Verseunrhymed form of poetry22
5696474617CadenceRelates to the rising and falling of speech patterns, stressed and unstressed, the rhythm of speech23
5696482642Cacophonyusing deliberate harsh, awkward sounds that clash together24
5696488048Caesuraa pause in a line of verse25
5696492796CatharsisThe "cleansing" of emotion an audience member experiences, having lived through the experiences presented on stage26
5696534479Chorusgroup of citizens who stand outside the main action on stage27
5696541001Coinagea new word, usually made up on the spot28
5696545611Comedya light-hearted and humorous drama with a happy ending and an emphasis on people overcoming obstacles to be united in love30
5696561132Complex, Densethere is more than one possibility in the meaning of words31
5696569141Conflictindividual vs. themselves, society, nature, fate/gods32
5696578764Conceita startling or unusual metaphor, or a metaphor developed and expanded upon over several lines33
5696592363Connotationthe range of further associations that a word or phrase suggests in addition to the primary dictionary meaning34

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