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AP World History Final Flashcards

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2669090570Which of the following civilizations share the most in common with the Harappan Civilization found in the Indus River Valley?The Olmecs0
2669097121Identify the important original contribution of the Hebrew culture to the civilizations in the Middle East and the Mediterranean during the classical period?Monotheism1
2669109123What statement best explains the presence of greek architectual styles throughout the middle east and the Med?Greek trading empires and the conquests of Alexander the Great spread Hellenic culture across these areas2
2669114420What civilization was initially responsible for the unification of the Middle East, Asia Minor, and Iranian plateau?persian3
2669120520What statement offers the most complete analysis of the decline of the Han dynasty?Attacks by militarily superior horse-mounted steppe tribesmen equipped with strong bows; internal revolts due to increased taxes and weakening central authority; weak emperors and corrupt bureaucracy.4
2669132135Identify the major source of instability across Asia and Europe during the 14th century?The Black death5
2669139363Identify the nation that led European exploration through government efforts to provide their sailors with mot advanced navigation?Portugal6
2669141249The creation of the Atlantic Trade Network greatly facilitated the spread of what religion?Christianity7
2669152211What was the purpose of the encomienda system?Provide labor for the creation of Spanish plantations, ranches, and mining8
2669155705What European nation established largest land based empire in the 18th century?Russia9
2669161151What was not a factor in the Industrial Revolution?improvements in navigational tools10
2669166382Which of the following did the most to encourage European exploration during the 1400s and 1500s?The desire to trade directly with China & the Indies11
2669172404The world's leading producer of cotton textiles around 1700 was?India12
2669176067What innovation had the greatest impact on the early Industrial revolution in England?steam engine13
2669180193What are the 5 pillars of Islam?1) Profession of Faith (Shahada) 2) Prayer (Salat) 3) Almsgiving (Zakat) 4. Fasting (Sawm) 5) Pilgrimage (Hajj)14
2669187362The period after the fall of Rome and before the Renaissance?Dark Ages15
2669194181The ___ was a codification of Roman Law?Justinian's Law16
2669200000By the mid 1500s_ had centralized power over the entire Russian sphere, ruling ruthlesly and using secret police?Ivan the Terrible17
2669202451The___ empire underspanned from the Pacific to Eastern Europe.Mongol18
2669203591Civilization of the Kush located inEgypt19
2669206042Catholic Reformation introduced theJesuits20
2669214112___ developed a mathematical theory of the earthGalileo21
26692181581609 sailed for the Dutch looking for a Northwest PassageHenry Hudson22
2669224576What was not an effect of the agricultural revolution?end to the enclosure movement23
2669237500What best justifies the claim that 1400s marks new period in history?Discovering of the New World24
2669239457Most world historians would agree that the key to European dominance in the world economy wasIndustrial Revolution25
2669241900Society is a civilization ifsedentary agriculture26
2669245389China's economic strength was?A.27
2669246299Nirvana meansreincarnation28
2669249614Compared to China, India wasmore social29
2669250699If the greek genius was politics, the roman genius wasengineering30
2669251767Japan developedShintoism31
2669253837Hinduism and Buddhism all of the following constituted the same as the Roman Christianity32
2669256415The system that describes economic and political relations between landlords and peasantsmanorialism33
266925790346.Tale of the Genji34
2669261482What italian captain reached the americas in 1492?Columbus36
2669263681Which of the following was not a technological improvement in 15th century in the West?lateen sails37
2669270126What was not a religous proposition by Martin Lutherpriests should practice celibacy38
2669273319Paleolithic age refers to?simple stone tools were developed39
2669275638Grants of Indians to individual spaniards were called?encomienda40
2669278079Political philosophy of enlightenmentc.41
2669281574What year did the French Revolution begin?178942
2669282737Scholars from Gupta India are best known fordevising 0 and pi43
2669289135What feature typical to most advanced civilizations did Andean societies lack?written script44
2669295360Which of the following is least related to the expansion of trade in medieval europe?rising unpopularity of the Catholic Church45
2669300047Which of the following best describes the effect of the agricultural revolution?46
2669302330The Rights of Men is like ourDeclaration of Independence47
2669305090Which was not part of the Catholic Counter Reformation48
2669310724provided mathematical proof of the heliocentric theorycopernicus49
2669313485Famous women during enlightenmentMary Wollstonecraft50
2669314667Wrote Wealth of NationsAdam Smith51
2669319166Dutch Settlers in Southern AfricaBoers52
2669320069Portuguese and Spanish colonies in Brazil became major centers ofsugar production53
2669324383Russia's emancipation of the serfsmany could not afford housing or food54
2669341516British promise to support, establish jewish settlement in M.E.Balfour Declaration55
2669344973Wealthy peasants who controlled most of Russia and were called?Kulaks56
2669346652In What city did Russian Revolution beginSt. Petersburg57
2669351515Institution created as a result of wwIIunited nations58
2669358176Describe the European Economic Committee post 1950sOverall groth in gross national product surpassed the rates of any ectended period since the industrial revolution began59
2669362057What phrase did Churchill coin for the divided section after wwII?Iron Curtain60
2669365615Programs of loans that was designed to aid western europe from WWII devestationMarshall Plan61
2669368953Development of new government after wwII is most Accurate?New constitutions established in western Europe uniformly established effective parliaments with universal, including female, suffrage.)63
2669372944Describe germany government after WWII?During the cold war, France, Britain, and the United States merged their territories to form the Federal Republic of Germany.64
2669377247A return to conservatismMargaret Thatcher65
2669378556Who emerged from the Soviet union in 1956?Nikita Khrushchev66
2669382139Leader of Cuban Revolution?Fidel Castro67
2669382546Who enacted the Good Neighbor Policy?FDR68
2669385371How did Anwar Sadat alter Egyptian policies established by the military government after 1952?He ended the costly confrontation with Israel after 1973.69
2669388329Brought to power in 1979 in Iran?Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.70
2669391861One of the signs of slightly iminished racial tensions in S. Africa?freeing of mandela71
2669393699Reforms of glashnosts and perestroka.Mikhail Gorbachev72
266939568686. B.Kuwait73
2669396394Created after WWII as a coalition to world peaceunited nations74
2669397137Focal point of the cold war?Germany75
266939786889. A jewish monotheismd.76
2669399117Hitler came to power in Germanythrough elections77
2669407189Division in India between Muslims and Hindus in 1947?partition of india78
2669408746Emerged as head of the nationalist party of china in 1920s.Chiang Kai-shek79
2669410522The Duma waselected legislative body that, along with the State Council, constituted the imperial Russian legislature from 1906 until its dissolution at the time of the March 1917 Revolution80
2669413463Which was not an event leading to WWI?France's invasion of belgium81
2669417115Soviet union and People's republic of china 5 year policyeconomic policies82
2669420031WWI what was new military technique that was used?aerial combat83
2669422764As the world's economy expanded in the 19th century, the need for greater supplie of money, gold, and diamonds.south africa84
2669429296steam engine and internal combustion engine made it possible toexploit fossil fuels85
266943021699. cnationalism86
2669431711What crop dominated southeast asian agriculture in 1400srice87

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