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AP Literature Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
2887250868ThemeThe message the author attempts to convey0
2887252423AllusionA reference to another piece of work1
2887254036SymbolAn object that references something else2
2887255812GothicRomanticism + Fiction + Horror3
2887258809IronyA statement that means the opposite of what it says4
2887260509AntithesisSomething that is the opposite of something else5
2887262343ProtagonistThe main and most important character6
2887264165AntagonistThe adversary of the protagonist7
2887270758The Noble SavageUncivilized and more worthy character8
2887272668Point of ViewNarrator's sentiment9
2887275144EpistolaryRelating to literary works in the form of letters10
2887276345CapriceSudden change of mood or behavior11
2887278221CountenanceExpression of the face12
2887280131ArdentCharacterized by intense feeling13
2887286255EnduedTo endow with some gift14
2887287138AccedeTo give consent15
2887290210PromontoryHigh point of land projecting into the sea17
2887291822PrecipiceSituation of great peril18
2887293302TimorousSubject to fear19
2887295863PerditionState of eternal punishment (religious)21
2887315961SlakeTo quench or satisfy23
2887317306DisconsolateDepressed or unhappy24
2887319610PurloinedTo steal25
2887321113ConjectureA conclusion founded on the basis of incomplete information26
2887325978HovelTiny unkept house27
2887327502SuccorAssistance and support in times of hardship28
2887330043VerdantGreen with grass29
2887333286InsuperableImpossible to overcome30
2887337318UnabatedWithout any reduction in intensity or strength31

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