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AP Language Terms Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
2824668617AudienceThe listener, viewer or reader of a text0
2824668618ConcessionAn acknowledgement that an opposing argument may be true1
2824668619ConnotationA meaning that readers have with a word beyond its definition2
2824668620ContextThe circumstances, atmosphere, attitudes and events surrounding a text3
2824668621CounterargumentAn opposing argument to the one a writer is putting forward4
2824668622EthosSpeakers appeal to demonstrate credibility and trustworthiness5
2824668623LogosSpeakers appeal to reason by offering details, examples, facts, statistics or testimonies6
2824668624OccasionThe time and place a speech is given or a piece is written7
2824668625PathosSpeakers appeal to emotion8
2824668626PersonaThe face or mask a speaker shows to his audience9
2824668627PolemicAn aggressive argument establishing superiority over others10
2824668628PropagandaThe spread of ideas and information to further a cause11
2824668629PurposeThe goal the speaker wants to achieve12
2824668630RefutationA denial of the validity of an opposing argument13
2824668631RhetoricThe art of finding ways to persuade an audience14
2824668632Rhetorical AppealTechnique used to persuade an audience by what they find important or compelling15
2824668633Rhetorical TriangleA diagram that illustrates the relationship among the reader, audience and subject in a text16
2824668634SOAPSA mnemonic device that stands for Subject, Occasion, Audience, Purpose and Speaker17
2831931597SpeakerThe person or group who creates a text18
2831932897SubjectThe topic of a text19
2831933477TextAny cultural piece that can be "read"20

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