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AP World History Chapter 11 Flashcards

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7710075000Outrigger Canoea canoe with triangular sails used by Polynesians to cross the Pacific0
7710075001Polynesiapacific islands within a triangle outlined by Hawaii, New Zealand and and Easter Island; inhabited by the Polynesians1
7710075002Maoria complex Polynesian society in New Zealand with around 20000 people; oriented toward war2
7710075748Pagodatiered Buddhist towers with multiple eaves3
7710075749Yangdithe second Sui Emperor who built the Great Canal connecting Beijing and Hangzhou4
7710080526Corveeforced labor5
7710076894Sinificationthe assimilation into Chinese culture6
7710076895Talasa river where Chinese expansion was halted by Arabs and Turks7
7710076896Block Printinga text-printing technique developed by Buddhists and adopted by Chinese; used by Tang to regularize the bureaucracy8
7710077598Moveable Typea printing technique using movable components invented during the Northern Song9
7710077599Li BoTang Chinese poet whose work resembles Rubaiyat10
7710078235Meritocracya system of bureaucratic advancement based on education rather than familial relations11
7710080528Neoconfucianisma combination of Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism supported by Zhu Xi13
7710083743Tributary Systema diplomatic measure based on tribute and arranged marriages15
7710084638Kowtowsbowing before the emperor16
7710084639Zhu xisouthern Song philosopher who founded Neo-Confucianism17
7710085769Prince Shotokuthe Yamato prince who wrote the Seventeen Article Constitution and introduced Chinese political and bureaucratic concepts to Japan18
7710085770Shintoisma nature-centered indigenous Japanese religion that worships Shinto, the sun-goddess19
7710085771Kamithe spirits of nature20
7710086687Taika Reformsa reformation aimed at creating a bureaucratic system like that of Tang China in Japan21
7710086688NaraJapan's first capital city in 710 CE22
7710086689Kanaa syllabic writing system of Japanese23
7710087426Heianmodern day Kyoto; the new capital after a Buddhist monk tried to usurp the throne24
7710087427Tale of the Genjithe first psychological novel describing life at court25
7710087963Lady Murasakiauthor of Tale of Genji, the first psychological novel describing life at court26
7710087964Baraysa reservoir system used by Khmer to control monsoon rains27
7710088655Angkor Wata set of lotus shape Buddhist/Hindu temples in Khmer28

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