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AP World Chapter 13 Flashcards

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9192334164Aztec EmpireMajor state that developed in what is now Mexico in the 14th and 15th centuries; dominated by the semi-nomadic Mexica, who had migrated into the region from northern Mexico0
9192334165BeninTerritorial state that emerged by the 15th century in the region that is now southern Nigeria; ruled by a warrior king who consolidated his state through widespread conquest1
9192334166chosen womenAmong the Incas, girls who were removed from their homes at a young age, trained in Inca ideology, and set to producing corn beer and textiles; they later were given as wives to distinguished men or sent to serve as priestesses.2
9192334167Christopher ColumbusGenoese mariner (1451-1506) commissioned by Spain to search for a new trading route to Asia; in 1492 he found America instead.3
9192334168seizure of ConstantinopleConstantinople, the capital and almost the only outpost left of the Byzantine Empire, fell to the army of the Ottoman sultan Mehmed II "the Conqueror" in 1453, an even that marked the end of Christian Byzantium.4
9192334169firestick farmingA manipulation of their environment by the Paleolithic peoples of Australia that involved controlled burns to clear underbrush.5
9192334170FulbeWest Africa's largest pastoral society, whose members gradually adopted Islam and took on religious leadership role that led to the creation of a number of new states6
9192334171Vasco da GamaPortuguese explorer (ca. 1460-1524) whose 1497-1498 voyage was the first European venture to reach India by circling the tip of South Africa7
9192334172HuitzilopochtliPatron deity of the Aztec empire, associated with the sun8
9192334173Hundred Years' WarMajor conflict between France and England (1337-1453) over rival claims to territory in France; the two states' need to finance the war helped encourage their administrative development.9
9192334174IgboPeople whose lands were east of the Niger River in what is now southern Nigeria in West Africa; they build a complex society that rejected kingship and centralized statehood and relied on other institutions to provide social coherence10
9192334175Inca EmpireThe Western Hemisphere's largest imperial state in the 15th and early 16th centuries; built by a relatively small community of Quechua-speaking people (the Inca), the empire stretched some 2,500 miles along the Andes Mountains, which run nearly the entire length of the west coast of South America, and contained perhaps 10 million subjects.11
9192334176Iroquois League of Five NationsConfederation of five Iroquois peoples in what is now New York State; the loose alliance was based on the Great Law of Peace, an agreement to settle disputes peacefully through a council of clan leaders.12
9192334177MalaccaMuslim port city that came to prominence on the waterway between Sumatra and Malaya in the 15th century CE; it was the springboard for the spread of a syncretic form of Islam throughout the region13
9192334178MexicaSemi-nomadic people of northern Mexico who by 1325 had established themselves on a small in Lake Texcoco, where they built their capital city, Tenochtitlan; the Mexica were the central architects of the Aztec Empire14
9192334179Ming DynastyChinese dynasty (1368-1644) that succeeded the Yuan dynasty of the Mongols; noted for its return to traditional Chinese ways and restoration of the land after the destructiveness of the Mongols15
9192334180Mughal EmpireOne of the most successful empires of India, a state founded by an Islamized Turkic group that invaded India in 1526; the Mughals rule was noted for their efforts to create partnerships between Hindus and Muslims16
9192334181NezahualcoyotlA poet and king of the city-state of Texcoco, which was part of the Aztec Empire (1402-1472)17
9192334182Ottoman EmpireMajor Islamic state centered on Anatolia that came to include the Balkans, the Near East and much of North Africa18
9192334183Paleolithic persistenceThe continuance of gathering and hunting societies in substantial areas of the world despite millennia of agricultural advance.19
9192334184pochtecaProfessional merchants in the Aztec Empire whose wealth often elevated them to elite status.20
9192334185European RenaissanceA "rebirth" of classical learning that is most often associated with the cultural blossoming of Italy in the period 1350-1500 and that included not just a rediscovery of Greek learning but also major developments in art , as well as growing secularism in society.21
9192334186Safavid EmpireMajor Turkic empire of Persia founded in the early 16th century, notable for its efforts to convert its populace to Shia Islam22
9192334187Songhay EmpireMajor Islamic state of West Africa that formed in the second half of the 15th century23
9192334188TenochtitlanThe metropolitan capital of the Aztec Empire, with a population of 150,000-200,00 people.24
9192334189TimbuktuGreat city of West Africa, noted in the 14th-16th centuries as a center of Islamic scholarship.25
9192334190TimurTurkic warrior (1336-1405) also known as Tamerlane whose efforts to restore the Mongol Empire devastated much of Persia, Russia, and India. His biggest rival though was the Islamized Golden Horde. He is the great great grandfather of Babur who later founds the Mughal Empire.26
9192334191Triple Alliance1428 agreement between the Mexica and two other nearby city-states that launched the Aztec Empire27
9192334192YongleChinese emperor (r. 1402-1422) during the Ming dynasty who was a key figure in the restoration of China to greatness and who commissioned an enormous feet to spread awareness of Chinese superiority to much of Asia and eastern Africa28
9192334193Zheng heGreat Chinese admiral (1371-1433) who commanded a fleet of more than 300 ships in a series of voyages of contact and exploration that began in 1405.29
9192334194YorubaA West African people who formed several kingdoms in what is now Benin and Southern Nigeria30
9192334195EwuareBenin Oba who strengthened the army and pushed Benin's borders as far as the Niger River in the east; westward into Yoruba country and south to the Gulf of Guinea31
9192334196Iroquois-Speaking peoplePeople that lived in agricultural village societies. Included the Onondaga, Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, and the Mohawk32
9192334197Great Law of PeaceOral constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy, which was later recorded in writing. The Iroquois nations adopted this constitution as a means to live together as equals and included some democratic ideals. In some ways, the Iroquois created a model for the US Constitution33
9192334198Temple of HeavenA famous temple in China adjacent to the Forbidden City. Rulers performed Confucian-based rituals there.34
9192334199Civil Service Examination SystemExams that Chinese bureaucrats passed to serve in state-based organizations, based on Confucian concepts and Han origins35
9192334200EunuchsCastrated men that served in important government positions in China.36
9192334201CeylonAn island in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of India; now known as Sri Lanka37
9192334202Leonardo da VinciItalian painter, engineer, musician and scientist. The most versatile genius of the Renaissance. Leonardo filled notebooks with engineering and scientific observations that were in some cases centuries ahead of their time. As a painter da Vinci is best known for "The Last Supper" (c. 1495) and "Mona Lisa" (c. 1503)38
9192334203Michelangelo(1475-1564) An Italian sculptor, painter, poet, engineer, and architect. Famous works include the mural on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and the sculpture of the biblical character David.39
9192334204Raphael SanzioItalian Renaissance artist who painted the Madonna and Child and the School of Athens.40
9192334205Niccolo Machiavelli(1469-1527) Wrote "The Prince" which contained a secular method of ruling a country. "The end justifies the means."41
9192334206Henry the Navigator(1394-1460) Portuguese prince who promoted the study of navigation and directed voyages of exploration down the western coast of Africa.42
9192334207John CabotEnglish explorer who claimed Newfoundland for England while looking for the Northwest Passage43
9192334208AnatoliaA large peninsula at the western edge of Asia; also called Asia Minor44
9192334209JanissariesInfantry, originally of slave origin, armed with firearms and constituting the elite of the Ottoman army from the 15th century until the corps was abolished in 1826.45
9192334210Sonni AliWest African Monarch who ruled the Songhai from 1464-1492. Known by all as one of the great military commanders, he is remembered in some stories as a wise and tolerant ruler, and a cruel dictator in others. Also remembered for having a 400 ship river based navy that controlled the trade along the entire Niger River46
9192334211Leo AfricanusMoroccan captured by pirates and given to Pope Leo X who converted him to a Christian and sent him to Africa to gather accounts; published his book in 1526; traveled through the Songhai kingdom; was impressed by Timbuktu, economic growth; food supply; food trade from southern Savanna to Timbuktu47
9192334212Lake TexcocoLake where the capital city of the ancient Aztecs Tenochtitlan was built48
9192334213Florentine CodexA document that is a major source of information on Aztec history and culture; compiled soon after the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs, complied by Fray Bernardino de Shagun in the 1550s based on interviews, main source in Nahuatl about the events of the Spanish conquest.49
9192334214QuetzalcoatlAztec nature god, feathered serpent, his disappearance and promised return coincided with the arrival of Cortes50
9192334215QuechuaThe language of the Inca Empire, now spoken in the Andes highlands (about 7 million people speak this language.)51
9192334216ViracochaThe father of the Inti; the supreme creator and storm god of the Inca pantheon.52
9192334217QuipusA system of knotted cords of different sizes and colors used by the Incas for keeping records.53
9192334218CuzcoThe capital city of the Incan Empire, located in present-day Peru54
9192334219MitaIn the Inca Empire, the requirement that all able-bodied subjects work for the state a certain number of days each year.55
9192334220Machu PichuA city built by the Inca people on a mountaintop in the Andes Mountains in present-day Peru. Means "great peak56
9192334221MalincheAlso known as Dona Marina, was a Nahua woman from the Tlaxcalan tribe that played a role int he Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire by acting as an interpreter.57

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