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Acquiring Medical Terminology Chapter 13 Flashcards

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9446401455salping/ofallopian tube18
9446401464amenorrheano menstruation27
9446401465colpostenosisnarrowing in the vaginal opening28
9446401466dysmenorrheapainful menstruation29
9446401467dyspareuniapainful sex30
9446401468gynecomastiadevelopment of breast tissue in males31
9446401469hysteralgiapain in uterus32
9446401470hysterdyniapain in uterus33
9446401471leukorrheawhite vaginal discharge34
9446401472mastalgiabreast pain35
9446401473mastoptosisdownward displacement of breast36
9446401474menorrhagiaexcessive menstrual flow37
9446401475menorrhalgiapainful menstruation38
9446401476metromenorrhagiaexcessive menstrual bleeding at irregular intervals39
9446401477metrorrhagiamenstrual bleeding at irregular times40
9446401478oligomenorrheainfrequent or light menstrual periods41
9446401479ovaralgiapain of ovaries42
9446401480ovarialgiapain of ovaries43
9446401481perineocelehernia in the perineal region44
9446401482polymenorrheamenstrual periods occurring in greater than normal frequency45
9446401483vaginodyniavaginal pain46
9446401484vulvodyniapain in vulva47
9446401485amniorrheadischarge of amniotic fluid48
9446401486amnirrhexisrupture of amniotic sac49
9446401487Braxton Hicks contractionsporadic contractions of the uterine muscles of women not in labor; also known as false labor50
9446401488contractionduring labor, uterine muscles contract51
9446401489amastiaabsence of breast52
9446401490cical dysplasiabad formation of cervical cells53
9446401491colpoptosisdownward displacement of vagina54
9446401492episiostenosisnarrowing of vulvar opening55
9446401493hematosalpinxblockage in fallopian tube caused by blood56
9446401494hydrosalpinxblockage in a fallopian tube caused by water (or any clear fluid)57
9446401495hypermastiaexcessively large breasts58
9446401496hypomastiaabnormally small breasts59
9446401497hysteroptosisdownward displacement of uterus into the vagina60
9446401498macromastiaabnormally large breastssssssssssssssssssss61
9446401499micromastiaabnormally small breasts62
9446401500oophorocystosisovarian cysts63
9446401501pyosalpinxbloackage in a fallopian tube caused by pus64
9446401502uterine prolapsedownward displacement of uterus into vagina65
9446401503cervicographyprocedure for imaging cervix66
9446401504colposcopeinstrument used to examine vagina67
9446401505colposcopyprocedure for examining the vagina68
9446401506hysterosalpingogramrecord of uterus and fallopian tubes69
9446401507hysteroscopeinstrument for examining the uterus70
9446401508hysteroscopyprocedure for examining the uterus71
9446401509mammogramrecord of a breast exam72
9446401510Pap smeartest used to detect cancer cells, most commonly in the cervix73
9446401511sonohysterographyprocedure using sound waves to examine the uterus74
9446401512transvaginal sonographyimaging procedure using sound waves emitted from a device inserted in the vagina75
9446401513vaginoscopeinstrument used to examine the vagina76
9446401514endometriuminner layer of uterine tissue77
9446401515gynecologistspecialist in medical issues specific to women78
9446401516gynecologystudy of medical issues specific to women79
9446401517menarchebeginning or first menstruation80
9446401518myometriummiddle layer of uterine muscle tissue81
9446401519perimetriumouter layer of uterus82
9446401520speculumdevice for examining a body cavity (commonly the vagina)83
9446401521bradytociaslow labor84
9446401522cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)inability of the mother's pelvis to allow baby to pass thru birth canal85
9446401523congenital anomalyirregular condition that is present during birth86
9446401524dystociadifficult labor87
9446401525eutocianormal labor88
9446401527hysterocelehernia of the uterus90
9446401528hysterrhexisrupture of uterus91
9446401529lactogeniccausing formation of milk92
9446401530lactorrheadischarge of milk93
9446401531macrosomiababy with large body94
9446401532microcephalusbaby with small head95
9446401533oligohydramniosnot enough amniotic fluid96
9446401534polyhydramniosexcessive amniotic fluid97
9446401535teratogeniccausing formation of birth defects98
9446401536amniocentesissurgical puncture of the amnion99
9446401537amnioscopeinstrument for examining the amnion100
9446401538amnioscopyprocedure for examining amnion101
9446401539cardiotocographinstrument for recording baby's HR during contractions; also known as a fetal heart monitor102
9446401540fetometryprocedure for measuring fetus103
9446401541hysterographyprocedure for imaging the uterus104
9446401542pelvic sonographinstrument for imaging the pelvis using sound waves105
9446401543pelvicephalometryprocedure for measuring the head size of baby and pelvis size of mother106
9446401544pelvimetryprocedure for measuring the pelvis107
9446401545tocodynagraphinstrument for recording the strength of labor contractions108
9446401546tocographyprocedure for recording strength of labor contractions109
9446401547antepartumtime before birth110
9446401548intrapartumtime during birth111
9446401549lactationproduction of milk112
9446401550natalpertaining to birth113
9446401551neonatalpertaining to new birth (normally the first 28 days after birth)114
9446401552neonatologistspecialist in neonatal period115
9446401553neonatologystudy of neonatal period116
9446401554obstetricianspecialist in pregnancy, labor, and delivery of newborns117
9446401555obstetricsbranch of medicine dealing with pregnancy, labor, and delivery118
9446401556perinataltime around birth (28 weeks of pregnancy to 28 days after pregnancy)119
9446401557perinatologistspecialist in perinatal period120
9446401558perinatologybranch of medicine dealing with perinatal period121
9446401559postnatalpertaining to after birth122
9446401560postpartumpertaining to after birth123
9446401561prenatalpertaining to before birth124
9446401562teratologybranch of medicine dealing with study of birth defects and their causes125
9446401563adenocarcinoma of the breastglandular tumor in the breast126
9446401564cervical intraepithelial neoplasiaabnormal growth of cervical cells127
9446401565cervicitisinflammation of cervix128
9446401566cervicocolpitisinflammation of cervix and vagina129
9446401567cervicovaganitisinflammation of the cervix and vagina130
9446401568colpitisinflammation of vagina131
9446401569colpocystitisinflammation of vagina and urinary bladder132
9446401570cystocelehernia of urinary bladder into vagina133
9446401571dermoid cystovarian cyst containing skin and somtimes hair, teeth, bone, or cartilage134
9446401572teratomadermoid cyst135
9446401573endocervicitisinflammation of the inside of the cervix136
9446401574endometriosisendometrium cells appear and grow outside the uterus137
9446401575endometritisinflammation of endometrium138
9446401576mastitisinflammation of breast139
9446401577menopausecessation of menstruation140
9446401578metrocolpocelehernia of uterus and prolapse into vagina141
9446401579meterophlebitisinflammation of the blood vessels of uterus142
9446401580myometritisinflammation of myometrium143
9446401581oophoritisinflammation of ovary144
9446401582oophoromaovarian tumor145
9446401583ovariorrhexisrupture of ovary146
9446401584ovaritisinflammation of ovary147
9446401585perimetritisinflammation of perimetrium148
9446401586rectocelehernia or protrusion of rectum into vagina149
9446401587salpingitisinflammation of fallopian tube150
9446401588salpingocelehernia of fallopian tube151
9446401589salpingo-oophoritisinflammation of fallopian tube and ovary152
9446401590urethrocelehernia or prolapse of urethra into vagina153
9446401591vaginitisinflammation of vagina154
9446401592vaginomycosisfungal condition of vagina155
9446401593vaginosiscondition of vagina156
9446401594vesicovaginal fistulaabnormal opening btw urinary bladder and vagina157
9446401595vulvitisinflammation of vulva158
9446401596vulvovaginitisinflammation of vulva and vagina159
9446401597abortiontermination of pregnancy160
9446401598abruptio placentaeseparation of placenta from wall of uterus161
9446401599chorioamnionitisinflammation of chorion and amnion162
9446401600chorioangiomablood vessel tumor of chorion163
9446401601choriocarcinomacancerous tumor of chorion164
9446401602chorionitisinflammation of chorion165
9446401603eclampsiasevere, life-threatening complication of pregnancy characterized by seizures166
9446401604ectopic pregnancyimplantation of fertilized egg in a place other than uterus167
9446401605hyperemesis gravidarumpregnancy-related vomiting; extreme form of the more comon morning sickness168
9446401606hysterorrhexisrupture of uterus169
9446401607ovariocyesisectopic pregnancy in ovary170
9446401608placenta previacondition in which placenta is attached to uterus near cervix171
9446401609peeclampsiahigh blood pressure and high protein in urine172
9446401610pseudocyesisfalse pregnancy173
9446401611salpingocyesisectopic pregnancy in fallopian tube174
9446401612spontaneous abortionnaturally occurring abortion (miscarriage)175
9446401613cervicectomysurgical removal of cervix176
9446401614colpopexysurgical fixation of vagina177
9446401615colpoplastysurgical reconstruction of vagina178
9446401616episiorrhaphysuture of vulva179
9446401617hysterectomysurgical removal of uterus180
9446401618hysteropexysurgical fixation of uterus181
9446401619hysterosalpingectomysurgical removal of the uterus and fallopian tube(s)182
9446401620mammoplastysurgical reconstruction of breast183
9446401621mastectomysurgical removal of breast184
9446401622mastopexysurgical fixation of breast185
9446401623myomectomysurgical removal of tumor in muscle (muscle of uterine wall)186
9446401624oophorectomysurgical removal of ovary187
9446401625oophorocystectomysurgical removal of an ovarian cyst188
9446401626oophorotomyincision into ovary189
9446401627ovarian cystectomysurgical removal of an ovarian cyst190
9446401628ovariocentesissurgical puncture of an ovary191
9446401629ovariostomycreation of an opening into an ovary192
9446401630perineorrhaphysuture of perineum193
9446401631salpingectomysurgical removal of fallopian tube194
9446401632salping-oophorectomysurgical removal of fallopian tube ovary195
9446401633salpingopexysurgical fixation of fallopian tube196
9446401634perineoplastysurgical reconstruction of the perineum197
9446401635perineotomyincision into perineum198
9446401636vaginoperineorrhaphysuture of vagina and perineum199
9446401637vaginoperineoplastysurgical reconstruction of vagina and perineum200
9446401638vaginoperineotomyincision into vagina and perineum201
9446401639vaginoplastysurgical reconstruction of vagina202
9446401640abortifacientdrug or device that causes the termination of pregnancy203
9446401641amniotomyincision into amnion204
9446401642cesarean sectiondelivery of baby thru incision made in uterus205
9446401643episiotomyincision into the vulva206
9446401644hysterotomyincision into uterus207
9446401645induced abortionintentional termination of pregnancy208
9446401646in vitro fertilizationfertilization of egg done in test tube209
9446401647oxytocinagent that stimulates uterine contractions and accelerates labor210
9446401648tocolyticagent that stops or delays premature labor and contractions211
9446440958CIPPchronic idiopathic pelvic pain212
9446439355HPVhuman papillomavirus215
9446437830HRThormone replacement therapy216
9446434959LEEPloop electrosurgical excision procedure218
9446431135PIDpelvic inflammatory disease219
9446429144PMSpremenstrual syndrome220
9446426272STD/STIsexually transmitted disease/infection222
9446424086TAH/BSOtotal abdominal hysterectomy/bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy223
9446423033TSStoxic shock syndrome224
9446421534TVStransvaginal sonography225
9446420748VHvaginal hysterectomy226
9446444860CPDcephalopelvic disproportion227
9446453165CS, C-sectioncesarean section228
9446452371DOBdate of birth229
9446451602EDDexpected date of delivery230
9446448447FASfetal alcohol syndrome231
9446447879FOBfather of the baby (or fecal occult blood)232
9446446368IVFin vitro fertilization234
9446445565LGAlarge for gestational age235
9446455968LMPlast menstrual period236
9446457545Pbirths (comes from the word para, which means birth)237
9446456842RDSrespiratory distress syndrome238
9446455969SGAsmall for gestational age239

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