4450047359 | abajo | under, underneath, below, down | 0 | |
4450047360 | para abajo | downward | 1 | |
4450047361 | abandonar | to leave, to forsake, to give up, to abandon | 2 | |
4450047362 | abarcar | to include, to embrace, to take in | 3 | |
4450047363 | abastecer | to supply, to purvey | 4 | |
4450047364 | abatir | to throw down, to overthrow | 5 | |
4450047365 | abdicar | to abdicate, to leave | 6 | |
4450047366 | la abeja | bee | 7 | |
4450047367 | ablandarse (el corazón) | to soften, to mellow, to relent | 8 | |
4450047368 | abogado | lawyer | 9 | |
4450047369 | abolir | to abolish | 10 | |
4450047370 | abonar | to subscribe to, to pay | 11 | |
4450047371 | abrazar | to hug, to embrace | 12 | |
4450047372 | el abrazo | hug | 13 | |
4450047373 | abreviar | to abbreviate | 14 | |
4450047374 | abrigado | sheltered, protected, clothed warmly | 15 | |
4450047375 | el abrigo | coat, overcoat | 16 | |
4450047376 | el abrigo de piel | fur coat | 17 | |
4450047377 | abrir | to open | 18 | |
4450047378 | abrochar | to button up, to button down, to buckle up | 19 | |
4450047379 | abrumar | to crush, to overwhelm, to oppress | 20 | |
4450047380 | absorber | to absorb, to soak up | 21 | |
4450047381 | abuelo, -a | grandfather, grandmother | 22 | |
4450047382 | aburrirse | to get bored, to become bored | 23 | |
4450047383 | acá y allá | here and there | 24 | |
4450047384 | acabar(se) | to finish | 25 | |
4450047385 | acabar con | to end with | 26 | |
4450047386 | acabar de | to have just + infinitive | 27 | |
4450047387 | acalorado, -a | hot, heated | 28 | |
4450047388 | acaramelado, -a | caramel covered | 29 | |
4450047389 | acaso | perhaps, maybe, by chance | 30 | |
4450047390 | por si acaso | just in case | 31 | |
4450047391 | acatar | to respect, to heed | 32 | |
4450047392 | acceder | to agree, to consent | 33 | |
4450047393 | el accidente | accident | 34 | |
4450047394 | la accíon | action | 35 | |
4450047395 | accionar | to work, to act | 36 | |
4450047396 | las acciones | stocks | 37 | |
4450047397 | el aceite | oil | 38 | |
4450047398 | la aceituna | olive | 39 | |
4450047399 | acentuar (se) | to accentuate | 40 | |
4450047400 | aceptar | to accept | 41 | |
4450047401 | la acequia | irrigation ditch | 42 | |
4450047402 | la acera | sidewalk, pavement | 43 | |
4450047403 | acercarse | to approach, to go near | 44 | |
4450047404 | el acero | steel | 45 | |
4450047405 | acertar(ie) | to ascertain, to be right, to guess | 46 | |
4450047406 | aclarar | to clarify | 47 | |
4450047407 | acoger | to welcome, to make welcome | 48 | |
4450047408 | acomodado | comfortable | 49 | |
4450047409 | acomodar | to accomodate | 50 | |
4450047410 | acompañar | to accompany | 51 | |
4450047411 | aconsejar | to advise | 52 | |
4450047412 | acontecer | to happen, to occur, to take place | 53 | |
4450047413 | el acontecimiento | event, happening | 54 | |
4450047414 | acordarse de | to remember | 55 | |
4450047415 | acorralar | to enclose, to corner | 56 | |
4450047416 | acostarse | to go to bed | 57 | |
4450047417 | acostumbrar | to be accustomed to | 58 | |
4450047418 | la actitud | attitude | 59 | |
4450047419 | la actividad | activity | 60 | |
4450047420 | la actuación | action, conduct | 61 | |
4450047421 | actual | present, modern | 62 | |
4450047422 | la actualidad | present time | 63 | |
4450047423 | en la actualidad | at the present moment | 64 | |
4450047424 | actuar | to act, to behave | 65 | |
4450047425 | acudir | to come | 66 | |
4450047426 | acudir a | to come to, to aid, to heed | 67 | |
4450047427 | el acuerdo | agreement, understanding | 68 | |
4450047428 | de acuerdo con, a | in accordance with | 69 | |
4450047429 | de mutuo acuerdo | in mutual agreement | 70 | |
4450047430 | estar de acuerdo con | to be in agreement with | 71 | |
4450047431 | ponerse de acuerdo | to bring to an agreement | 72 | |
4450047432 | el acumulador | battery(car) | 73 | |
4450047433 | acusar | to accuse | 74 | |
4450047434 | el adagio | adage | 75 | |
4450047435 | adaptar | to adapt | 76 | |
4450047436 | adelantar | to move forward, to progress | 77 | |
4450047437 | ¡adelante! | Go on! Come in! | 78 | |
4450047438 | en adelante | from now on, henceforth, in the future | 79 | |
4450047439 | adelgazar(se) | to get thin, to slim down | 80 | |
4450047440 | además | moreover, in addition | 81 | |
4450047441 | además de | besides | 82 | |
4450047442 | adentro | inside | 83 | |
4450047443 | adiestrar | to train, to instruct, to guide | 84 | |
4450047444 | el adiós | goodbye | 85 | |
4450047445 | la adivinanza | riddle, prediction | 86 | |
4450047446 | adivinar | to guess, to divine | 87 | |
4450047447 | el adivino | magician, fortune-teller, sage | 88 | |
4450047448 | admirar | to admire | 89 | |
4450047449 | adoctrinar | to indoctrinate | 90 | |
4450047450 | adornarse | to adorn oneself | 91 | |
4450047451 | el adorno | ornament, adornment | 92 | |
4450047452 | adosar | to lean, to attach | 93 | |
4450047453 | adquirir | to require | 94 | |
4450047454 | el advenedizo | upstart | 95 | |
4450047455 | el advenimiento | coming, arrival, advent | 96 | |
4450047456 | advertencia | warning, piece of advice | 97 | |
4450047457 | advertir | to advise, to warn | 98 | |
4450047458 | el afán | hard work, industry, zeal | 99 | |
4450047459 | afectar | to affect | 100 | |
4450047460 | el afecto | affection, fondness | 101 | |
4450047461 | afianzar | to guarantee, to strengthen, to reinforce | 102 | |
4450047462 | el aficionado | amateur | 103 | |
4450047463 | afirmar | to affirm | 104 | |
4450047464 | afrontarse | to confront, to face up to | 105 | |
4450047465 | las afueras | outskirts, outside, out-of-doors, suburbs | 106 | |
4450047466 | agacharse | to lean over, to bend down, to duck | 107 | |
4450047467 | agarrar | to grasp, to seize | 108 | |
4450047468 | agasajar | to treat kindly, to regale | 109 | |
4450047469 | el agente publicitario | publicity agent | 110 | |
4450047470 | agitar | to shake, to wave, to excite, to rouse | 111 | |
4450047471 | agitarse | to get excited | 112 | |
4450047472 | agobiar | to burden | 113 | |
4450047473 | agonizar | to agonize | 114 | |
4450047474 | agotarse | to become exhausted | 115 | |
4450047475 | agraciado | pretty, attractive, graceful | 116 | |
4450047476 | agradable | agreeable | 117 | |
4450047477 | agradar | to please | 118 | |
4450047478 | agradecer | to thank | 119 | |
4450047479 | agregar | to add | 120 | |
4450047480 | agrícola | farming, agricultural | 121 | |
4450047481 | agruparse | to form a group, to crowd together | 122 | |
4450047482 | el agua | water | 123 | |
4450047483 | hacerse agua la boca | to make one's mouth water | 124 | |
4450047484 | el aguacate | avocado | 125 | |
4450047485 | aguantar | to put up with, to stand, to tolerate, to bear | 126 | |
4450047486 | aguardar | to wait for, to await | 127 | |
4450047487 | agudo | sharp | 128 | |
4450047488 | el águila | eagle | 129 | |
4450047489 | la aguja | needle | 130 | |
4450047490 | el agujero | hole | 131 | |
4450047491 | aguzar | to sharpen | 132 | |
4450047492 | ahí | there | 133 | |
4450047493 | de ahí | from there | 134 | |
4450047494 | el ahijado | godchild, adopted child | 135 | |
4450047495 | ahogar | to drown | 136 | |
4450047496 | ahorcar | to hang | 137 | |
4450047497 | ahorrar(se) | to save | 138 | |
4450047498 | airoso | ventilated, windy, graceful, elegant | 139 | |
4450047499 | aislar | to isolate | 140 | |
4450047500 | el ajedrez | chess | 141 | |
4450047501 | ajeno | other people's | 142 | |
4450047502 | el ajo | garlic | 143 | |
4450047503 | el ajonjolí | sesame | 144 | |
4450047504 | ajustar | to adjust | 145 | |
4450047505 | el ala | wing | 146 | |
4450047506 | alabar | to praise | 147 | |
4450047507 | la alabanza | praise | 148 | |
4450047508 | el alambrado | wire netting, wire fencing | 149 | |
4450047509 | el álamo | poplar tree | 150 | |
4450047510 | alargar | to lengthen, to prolong | 151 | |
4450047511 | el alarido | howl, yell, shriek | 152 | |
4450047512 | el alba | dawn | 153 | |
4450047513 | albergar | to lodge, to stay | 154 | |
4450047514 | el alboroto | uproar, disturbance | 155 | |
4450047515 | la alcachofa | artichoke | 156 | |
4450047516 | el alcalde | mayor | 157 | |
4450047517 | el alcance | reach | 158 | |
4450047518 | al alcance de | within reach of | 159 | |
4450047519 | tener al alcance | to have within reach | 160 | |
4450047520 | la alcancía | money box, piggy bank | 161 | |
4450047521 | alcanzar | to reach, to achieve | 162 | |
4450047522 | alcanzar la felicidad | to find happiness | 163 | |
4450047523 | la alcoba | bedroom | 164 | |
4450047524 | la aldea | village, town | 165 | |
4450047525 | alegrar | to allege, to claim | 166 | |
4450047526 | alegrarse | to be happy | 167 | |
4450047527 | la alegría | happiness | 168 | |
4450047528 | alejado, -a | faraway | 169 | |
4450047529 | el alejamiento | estrangement, removal, absence | 170 | |
4450047530 | alejar(se) de | to back away from, distance oneself from | 171 | |
4450047531 | el alemán | German | 172 | |
4450047532 | alentar | to encourage, to inspire | 173 | |
4450047533 | el alero | eaves (house), fender (of a car) | 174 | |
4450047534 | la alfarería | pottery, ceramic | 175 | |
4450047535 | el alfil | bishop (chess) | 176 | |
4450047536 | la algazara | uproar | 177 | |
4450047537 | algunas cuantas | some, few | 178 | |
4450047538 | la alhaja | jewel, gem, piece of jewelry | 179 | |
4450047539 | la alhambrada | wire fencing, wire netting | 180 | |
4450047540 | el aliento | breath | 181 | |
4450047541 | alimentar(se) | to nourish | 182 | |
4450047542 | el alimento | food | 183 | |
4450047543 | aliviar | to relieve, to ease, to alleviate | 184 | |
4450047544 | el alma | soul | 185 | |
4450047545 | el almacén | department store, shop, warehouse | 186 | |
4450047546 | la almendra | almond | 187 | |
4450047547 | el almíbar | syrup (not medicine) | 188 | |
4450047548 | la almohada | pillow | 189 | |
4450047549 | el almuerzo | lunch | 190 | |
4450047550 | alojar | to house, to lodge, to stay a night | 191 | |
4450047551 | el alpinismo | mountain climbing | 192 | |
4450047552 | alquilar | to rent | 193 | |
4450047553 | el alquiler | rent | 194 | |
4450047554 | alrededor de | around, about, encircling | 195 | |
4450047555 | los alrededores | the outskirts, the out-of-doors | 196 | |
4450047556 | el altavoz | speaker | 197 | |
4450047557 | alto | high, tall, stop | 198 | |
4450047558 | la altura | height | 199 | |
4450047620 | aludir | to allude | 200 | |
4450047621 | el alumbrado | light | 201 | |
4450047622 | alumbrar | to light, to enlighten | 202 | |
4450047623 | alusivo | allusive, referring to | 203 | |
4450047624 | el alza | rise | 204 | |
4450047625 | el alzamiento | lifting, raising | 205 | |
4450047626 | alzar | to raise, to lift | 206 | |
4450047627 | allá | there | 207 | |
4450047628 | el más allá | the beyond | 208 | |
4450047629 | más allá | farther on, beyond | 209 | |
4450047630 | el ama de casa | housewife | 210 | |
4450047631 | amable | pleasant, agreeable | 211 | |
4450047632 | el amaestrador | tamer | 212 | |
4450047633 | amanecer | to get daylight | 213 | |
4450047634 | la amapola | poppy (flower) | 214 | |
4450047635 | amar | to love | 215 | |
4450047636 | amargo | bitter | 216 | |
4450047637 | el amargor, la amargura | biterness | 217 | |
4450047638 | amarillo | yellow | 218 | |
4450047639 | amarrar | to tie up, to make fast, to moor | 219 | |
4450047640 | la amatista | amethyst | 220 | |
4450047641 | ambicionar | to on aspire, to strive for, to seek | 221 | |
4450047642 | ambiental | environmental | 222 | |
4450047643 | el ambiente | environment | 223 | |
4450047644 | el medio ambiente | natural environment | 224 | |
4450047645 | ambos | both | 225 | |
4450047646 | la amenaza | threat | 226 | |
4450047647 | amenazar | to threaten | 227 | |
4450047648 | la ametralladora | machine gun | 228 | |
4450047649 | amigable | friendly | 229 | |
4450047650 | la amistad | friendship | 230 | |
4450047651 | amontonarse | to add up, to amass | 231 | |
4450047652 | amortizar | to amortize, to pay off | 232 | |
4450047653 | amparar | to help, to aid | 233 | |
4450047654 | ampliar | to enlarge | 234 | |
4450047655 | amplio | wide, large | 235 | |
4450047656 | la ampolleta | hourglass, electric bulb | 236 | |
4450047657 | el analfabetismo | illiteracy | 237 | |
4450047658 | analizar | to analyze | 238 | |
4450047659 | ancho | wide | 239 | |
4450047660 | el anciano | old man | 240 | |
4450047661 | anclar | to moor, to anchor | 241 | |
4450047662 | andar | to walk | 242 | |
4450047663 | andar angustiado | to worry, to stew about | 243 | |
4450047664 | el anfiteatro | amphitheater | 244 | |
4450047665 | el ángulo | angle | 245 | |
4450047666 | la angustia | anxiety | 246 | |
4450047667 | anhelante | yearning, longing | 247 | |
4450047668 | anhelar | to long for, to pine for, to yearn for | 248 | |
4450047669 | el anillo | ring | 249 | |
4450047670 | animar | to animate, to encourage | 250 | |
4450047671 | animarse a | to take heart, to regain courage | 251 | |
4450047672 | el ánimo | spirit, will, heart | 252 | |
4450047673 | el anochecer | to become night | 253 | |
4450047674 | el ansia | anxiety, worry | 254 | |
4450047675 | ansioso | anxious | 255 | |
4450047676 | anteayer | day before yesterday | 256 | |
4450047677 | el antepasado | ancestor | 257 | |
4450047678 | anterior | before, anterior | 258 | |
4450047679 | anticuado | antiquated | 259 | |
4450047680 | antiguo | old, ancient | 260 | |
4450047681 | antojar (se) | to fancy, to feel like | 261 | |
4450047682 | anular | to repeal, to revoke, to invalidate | 262 | |
4450047683 | anunciar | to announce | 263 | |
4450047684 | el anuncio | ad, news, announcement | 264 | |
4450047685 | añadir | to add to, to increase | 265 | |
4450047686 | el añil | indigo | 266 | |
4450047687 | el año | year | 267 | |
4450047688 | año tras año | year after year | 268 | |
4450047689 | antaño | long ago | 269 | |
4450047690 | apaciguar | to pacify | 270 | |
4450047691 | apagado | put out, extinguished | 271 | |
4450047692 | apagar | to put out, to turn off | 272 | |
4450047693 | el aparato | machine | 273 | |
4450047694 | aparecer | to appear, to turn up | 274 | |
4450047695 | apartar(se) | to depart from, to forsake, to go away a distance | 275 | |
4450047696 | aparte de | aside from | 276 | |
4450047697 | apático | apathetic, listless | 277 | |
4450047698 | el apellido | father's name, family name | 278 | |
4450047699 | apenas | scarcely | 279 | |
4450047700 | la apertura | opening, hole | 280 | |
4450047701 | apetecer | to appeal to, to look tasty | 281 | |
4450047702 | aplastar | to smash | 282 | |
4450047703 | aplaudir | to applaud | 283 | |
4450047704 | aplicar(se) | to apply oneself | 284 | |
4450047705 | apodar | to nickname | 285 | |
4450047706 | apoderarse de | to seize, to take power | 286 | |
4450047707 | apolillado | moth-eaten | 287 | |
4450047708 | apoltronado | idle, lazy | 288 | |
4450047709 | aporrear | to hit, to give a beating | 289 | |
4450047710 | anunciar | to announce | 290 | |
4450047711 | el anuncio | ad, news, announcement | 291 | |
4450047712 | añadir | to add to, to increase | 292 | |
4450047713 | el añil | indigo | 293 | |
4450047714 | el año | year | 294 | |
4450047715 | año trans año | year after year | 295 | |
4450047716 | antaño | long ago | 296 | |
4450047717 | apaciguar | to pacify | 297 | |
4450047718 | apagado | put out, extinguished | 298 | |
4450047719 | apagar | to put out, to turn off | 299 | |
4450047720 | el aparato | machine | 300 | |
4450047721 | aparecer | to appear, to turn up | 301 | |
4450047722 | apartar (se) | to depart from, to forsake, to go away a distance | 302 | |
4450047723 | aparte de | aside from | 303 | |
4450047724 | apático | apathetic, listless | 304 | |
4450047725 | el apellido | father's name, family name | 305 | |
4450047726 | apenas | scarcely | 306 | |
4450047727 | la apertura | opening, hole | 307 | |
4450056766 | apetecer | To be appealing | 308 |
Spanish Language and Culture AP Test Prep Flashcards
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