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AP World History- Review Packets Flashcards

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9795661567Period 1Technological and environmental transformations to 600 BCE0
9795674020BCEBefore Common Era1
9795674021BCBefore Christ2
9795684763Paleolithic EraOld Stone Age3
9795688542NomadicLifestyle where people live by wondering4
9795729637Nature of Civilization-Large cities that control countrysides around them -Monumental architecture -Complex political organizations -A written language -Specialization of labor -Advanced art and literature -Long distance trade5
9795779160Mesopotamia-River Valley Civilization between Tigris and Euphrates in present-day Iraq -Developed cuneiform -Sumerian civilization6
9795793650CuneiformA form of writing developed by the Sumerians using a wedge-shaped stylus and clay tablets7
9795817928Egypt-River Valley Civilization at the mouth of the Nile River -Developed hieroglyphics8
9795831206HieroglyphicsForm of writing with symbols9
9795859177Indus Valley-River Valley Civilization in Northwestern India (two major cities: Harappa and Mohenjo Daro)10
9795874263AryansConquered Indus River Valley and brought HINDUISM11
9795885292Shang-River Valley Civilization along the Yellow River in China -Decimal system12
9795904357Meso-America-River Valley Civilization inhabited by Chavan's and Olmec's -Polytheistic13
9795931212PolytheisticBelief in many gods14
9811728110Period 2-Larger empires begin to rise -Buddhism, Greek Philosophy, Jainism, Confucianism -Han Dynasty, Roman Republic, Athenian city-state -More diverse cultural interactions -Ends because classical empires had collapsed and Islam enters 600BCE-600CE15
9811942731Classical Civilizations-Kept better/more recent records -Expansionists who intentionally conquered those around them -Very large populations (compared to the River Valley Civilizations) -Patriarchal societies -Agricultural based economies -Complex gov't (kept land and people together) -Expanding trade base (connected empires)16
9812025044Zhou Dynasty-Chinese dynasty that followed the Shang dynasty and preceded the Qin dynasty -Lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history -Regional feudal states -Ruled as coordinators rather than as a central govt. -Military force determined the strength of rulers -Introduced Mandate of Heaven17
9812065101CECommon Era18
9812069166Mandate of HeavenThe idea that there could be only one legitimate ruler of China at a time, and that this ruler had the blessing of the gods19
9812093292Han Dynasty-Second imperial dynasty of China (preceded by the Qin dynasty and succeeded by the Three Kingdoms period) -Spanned over four centuries -Considered a "golden age" in Chinese history -Created silk road20
9812140649Mauryan Empire-An Iron Age power in ancient India -Was one of the world's largest empires in its time and the largest ever in the Indian subcontinent21
9812195616Gupta Empire-An ancient Indian empire covering much of the Indian subcontinent -Called the Golden Age of India (science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy)22
9812359030Greece Civilization (800-300BCE)-Education/humanism/philosophy and political theory/polytheistic/ sailors -No centralized gov't (geography) -City-states -Slavery -Sparta men- fierce warriors23
9812405051Rome Civilization (500BCE-746CE)-Military perfection -Engineering/architecture -Polytheistic (not really important to them) -Christianity was born within their rule -12 tables -Land ownership = wealth -Slavery -Gaps between rich and poor led to disruptions24
981243508212 TablesRome's first code of written laws25
9812437916City-statesDifferent sections of land owned by the same country but ruled by different rulers26
9812472558The Silk Road-Ancient trade routes that extended from the Roman empire in the west to China in the east -Most desired item- SILK from China -Several connected routes27
9812509481The Indian Ocean TradeWater trade route connecting Africa, the Middle East, India, Asia and China28
9812550381Saharan Trade-Connected people that lived south of the Sahara to the Mediterranean and the Middle East -Berbers! -Salt and gold29
9812561198Berbers-Nomadic people who used camel herding for trade -SPREAD ISLAM30
9812609404Judaism-The monotheistic religion of the Jews -It originated with Abraham and the Hebrew people.31
9812625419ChristianityAbrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life, teachings, and miracles of Jesus of Nazareth32
9812639964Buddhism-Religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama that emphasizes how to escape suffering -Based on the teachings of the Buddha that developed in India -Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path33
9812662001Four Noble TruthsSuffering The cause of suffering The end of suffering The path34
9812677534Eightfold PathThe basic rules of behavior and belief leading to an end of suffering35
9812682545HinduismA religion native to India, featuring belief in many gods and reincarnation36
9812686640LegalismA Chinese philosophy that emphasizes strict obedience to law: belief that people were bad by nature and needed to be controlled37
9812697753HellenismBlending of Egyptian, Persian and Greek culture; emphasis on philosophy and sciences.38
9812702887Confucianism-A system of philosophical and ethical teachings founded by Confucius and developed by Mencius -Emphasizing love for humanity39

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