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AP Language and Composition TERMS Flashcards

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7245246576abstract / concretepatterns of language reflect an author's word choice. Abstract words (for example, wisdom, power, and beauty)0
7245246577acronyma word formed from the first or first few letters of several words, as in OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries).1
7245246578actionin narrative writing is the sequence of happenings or events. This movement of events may occupy just a few minutes or extend over a period of years or centuries.2
7245246579alliterationthe repetition of initial consonant sounds in words placed closely next to each other, as in "what a tale of terror now their turbulency tells." Prose that is highly rhythmical or "poetic" often makes use of this method.3
7245246580allusiona literary biographical, or historical reference, whether real or imaginary. It is a figure of speech (a fresh, useful comparison) employed to illuminate an idea. A writer's prose style can be made richer through this economical method of evoking an idea or emotion, as in E. M. Forster's biblical allusion in this sentence: "Property produces men of weight, and it was a man of weight who failed to get into the Kingdom of Heaven."4
7245246581analogya form of comparison that uses a clear illustration to explain a difficult idea or function. It is unlike a formal comparison in that its subjects of comparison are from different categories or areas.5
7245246582analysisa method of exposition in which a subject is broken up into its parts to explain their nature, function, proportion, or relationship. Analysis thus explores connections and processes within the context of a given subject.6
7245246583anecdotea brief, engaging account of some happening, often historical, biographical, or personal. As a technique in writing it is especially effective in creating interesting essay introductions and also in illuminating abstract concepts in the body of the essay.7
7245246584antecedentin grammar refers to the word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers, in writing, it also refers to any happening or thing that is prior to another or to anything that logically precedes a subject.8
7245246585antithesisthe balancing of one idea or term against another for emphasis.9
7245246586antonyma word whose meaning is opposite to that of another word.10
7245246587aphorisma short, pointed statement expressing a general truism of an idea in an original or imaginative way. Marshall McLuhan's statement that "the medium is the message" is a well-known contemporary example.11
7245246588archaiclanguage is vocabulary or usage that belongs to an earlier period and is old-fashioned today. the word "thee" for "you" is an example that is still in use in certain situations.12
7245246589archetypesspecial images or symbols that, according to Carl Jung, appeal to the total racial or cultural understanding of a people. Such images or symbols as the mother archetype, the cowboy in American film, a sacred mountain, or spring as a time of renewal tend to trigger the "collective unconscious" of the human race.13
7245246590argumentationa formal variety of writing that offers reasons for or against something. Its goal is to persuade or convince the reader through logical reasoning and carefully controlled emotional appeal14
7245246591assonancedefined generally as likeness or rough similarity of sound. Its specific definition is a partial rhyme in which the stressed vowel sounds are alike but the consonant sounds are unlike, as in late and make. Although more common to poetry, assonance can also be detected in highly rhythmic prose.15
7245246592assumptionin argumentation is anything taken for granted or presumed to be accepted by the audience and therefore unstated. Assumptions in argumentative writing can be dangerous because the audience might not always accept the idea implicit in them.16
7245246593audiencethat readership toward which an author directs his or her essay. In composing essays, writers most acknowledge the nature of their expected readers- whether specialized or general, minimally educated or highly educated, sympathetic or unsympathetic toward the writer's opinions, and so forth. Failure to focus on the writer's true audience can lead to confusion in language and usage, presentation of inappropriate content, and failure to appeal to the expected reader.17
7245246594balancein sentence structure refers to the assignment if equal treatment in the arrangement of coordinate ideas. It is often used to heighten a contrast of ideas.18
7245246595begging the questionan error or a fallacy in reasoning and argumentation in which the writer assumes as a truth something for which evidence or proof is actually needed.19
7245246596causal analysisa form of writing that examines causes and effects of event20
7245246597characterizationthe creation of people involved in the action. It is used especially in narrative or descriptive writing. Authors use techniques of dialogue, description, reportage, and observation in attempting to present vivid and distinctive characters.21
7245246598chronology / chronological orderthe arrangement of events in the order in which they happened. Chronological order can be used in such diverse narrative situations as history, biography, scientific process, and personal account.22
7245246599cinematic techniquein narration, description, and occasionally exposition is the conscious applications of film art to the development of the contemporary essay.23
7245246600classificationa form of exposition in which the writer divides a subject into categories and then groups elements in each of those categories according to their relationships with one another.24
7245246601clichean expression that once was fresh and original but that has lost much of its vitality through overuse. Because expressions like "as quick as a wink" and "blew her stack" are trite or common today, they should be avoided in writing.25
7245246602climactic orderingthe arrangement of a paragraph or essay so that the most important items are saved for last.26
7245246603coherencea quality in effective writing that results from the careful ordering of each sentence in a paragraph and each paragraph in the essay. If an essay is coherent, each part will grow naturally and logically from those parts that come before it.27
7245246604colloquial languageconversational language used in certain types of informal and narrative writing but rarely in essays, business writing, or research writing. Expressions like "cool", "pal" or "I can dig it" often have a place in conversational settings. However, they should be use sparingly in essay writing for special effects.28
7245246605comparison / contrastas an essay pattern treats similarities and differences between two subjects. Any useful comparison involves two items from the same class. Moreover, there must be clear reason for the comparison or contrast. Finally, there must be a balance treatment of the various comparative or contrasting points between the two subjects.29
7245246606conclusionare the endings of essays. Without a conclusion, an essay would be incomplete, leaving the reader with the feeling that something important has been left out.30
7245246607conflictin narrative writing, the clash or opposition of events, characters, or ideas that makes the resolution of action necessary.31
7245246608connotation / denotationare terms specifying the way a word has meaning.32
7245246609contextthe situation surrounding a word, group of words, or sentence. Often the elements coming before or after a certain confusing or difficult construction will provide insight into the meaning of importance of that item.33
7245246610coordinationin sentence structure refers to the grammatical arrangement of parts of the same order or equality in rank.34
7245246611declarative sentencemakes a statement or assertion.35
7245246612deductiona form of logic that begins with a generally stated truth or principle and then offers details, examples, and reasoning to support the generalization. In other words, it is based on reasoning from a known principle to an unknown principle, from the general to the specific, or from a premise to a logical conclusion.36
7245246613definitionin exposition is the extension of a word's meaning through a paragraph or an entire essay.37
7245246614descriptionin the prose essay is a variety of writing that uses details of sight, sound, color, smell, taste, and touch to create a word picture and to explain or illustrate an idea.38
7245246615developmentrefers to the way a paragraph or an essay elaborates or builds upon a topic or theme.39
7245246616dialoguethe reproduction if speech or conversation between two or more persons in writing.40
7245246617dictionthe manner of expression in words, choice of words, or wording. Writers much choose vocabulary carefully and precisely to communicate a message and also to address an intended audience effectively.41
7245246618digressiona temporary departure from the main subject in writing. It must serve a purpose or be intended for a specific effect.42
7245246619discourse (forms of)relates, conventionally, to the main categories of writing- narration, description, exposition, and argumentation.43
7245246620divisionis that aspect of classification in which the writer divides some large subject into categories.44
7245246621dominant impressionis description is the main impression or effect that writer's attempt to create for their subject.45
7245246622editorializingto express personal opinions about the subject of the essay. It can have a useful effect in writing, but at other times an author might want to reduce it in favor of a better balanced or more objective tone.46
7245246623effecta term used in causal analysis to describe the outcome or expected result of a chain of happenings.47
7245246624emphasisindicates the placement of the most important ideas in key positions in the essay.48
7245246625episodicrelates to that variety of narrative writing that develops through a series of incidents or events.49
7245246626essaythe name given to a short prose work on a limited topic. They take many forms, ranging from personal narratives to critical or argumentative treatments of a subject. Normally they convey the writer's personal ideas about the subject.50
7245246627etymologythe origin and development of a word -- tracing a word back as far as possible.51
7245246628evidencematerial offered to support an argument or a proposition; typical examples include facts, details, and expert testimony.52
7245246629examplea method of exposition in which the writer offers illustrations in order to explain a generalization or a whole thesis.53
7245246630exclamatory sentencesin writing express surprise or strong emotion.54
7245246631expert testimonyas employed in argumentative essays and in expository essays is the use of statements by authorities to support a writer's position or idea.55
7245246632expositiona major form of discourse that informs or explains.56
7245246633extended metaphora figurative comparison that is used to structure a significant part of the composition or the whole essay.57
7245246634fablea form of narrative containing a moral that normally appears clearly at the end.58
7245246635fallacyin argumentation is an error in logic or in the reasoning process.59
7245246636figurative languageas opposed to literal language is a special approach to writing that departs from what is typically a concrete.60
7245246637flashbacka narrative technique in which the writer begins at some point in the action and then moves into the past in order to provide crucial information about characters and events.61
7245246638foreshadowa technique that indicates beforehand what is to occur at a later point in the essay.62
7245246639framein narration and description is the use of a key object or pattern- typically at the start and end of the essay- that serves as a border or structure for the substance of the composition.63
7245246640general / specific wordsthe basis of writing, although it is wise in college composition to keep vocabulary as specific as possible.64
7245246641generalizationa broad idea or statement. All generalizations require particulars and illustrations to support them.65
7245246642genrea type or form of literature -- for example, short fiction, novel, poetry, or drama.66
7245246643grammatical structurea systematic description of language as it relates to the grammatical nature of a sentence.67
7245246644horizontal / verticalparagraph and essay development refers to the basic way a writer moves either from one generalization to another in a carefully related series of generalizations or from a generalization to a series of specific supporting examples.68
7245246645hortatory stylea style in which someone or something wants someone to take part in something69
7245246646hyperboleexaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally70
7245246647hypothetical examplesfunctional examples that can be used when a speaker explains a complicated topic71
7245246648identificationthe action or process of identifying someone or something or the fact of being identified72
7245246649idiomatic languagea type of informal English that have a meaning different from the meaning of words in the expression73
7245246650ignoring the questionwhen you are asked a question and you don't want to answer it74
7245246651illustrationthe action or fact of illustrating something75
7245246652imageryvisually descriptive or figurative language76
7245246653inductionthe action or process of inducting someone to a position or organization77
7245246654inferenceinvolves arriving at a decision or opinion by reasoning from known facts or evidence.78
7245246655interrogative sentencessentences whose grammatical form shows that is a question79
7245246656introductionthe action of introducing something80
7245246657ironythe expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite81
7245246658issuean important problem or topic for debate or discussion82
7245246659jargonspecial words associated with a specific area of knowledge or a particular profession. Writers who employ this either assume that readers know specialized terms or take care to define terms for the benefit of the audience.83
7245246660juxtapositionthe fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect84
7245246661levels of languagea system of sounds that serve as the building blocks for the higher linguistic levels85
7245246662linear orderthe irreflexive version of total order.86
7245246663listinga list or catalog87
7245246664logicreasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.88
7245246665metaphora figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which is not literally applicable89
7245246666metonymya figure of language in which a thing is not designated by its own name but by another associated with or suggested by it, as in "The Supreme Court has decided" (meaning the judges of the Supreme Court have decided).90
7245246667mooda temporary state of mind or feeling91
7245246668motifa decorative design or pattern92
7245246669mytha widely held but false belief or idea93
7245246670narrationthe action or process of narrating a story94
7245246671non sequitura conclusion or reply that doesn't follow logically from the previous statement95
7245246672objective / subjectiveobjective perspectives are ones that are not influenced by feelings or emotions. subjective perspectives are influenced by these things96
7245246673onomatopoeiathe formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named97
7245246674orderthe arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method98
7245246675overstatementthe action of expressing or stating something too strongly99
7245246676paradoxa statement appears to contradict itself100
7245246677paragrapha distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line101
7245246678parallelismthe state of being parallel or of corresponding in some way102
7245246679paraphrasea rewording of something written or spoken by someone else103
7245246680parentheticalrelating to inserted as a parenthesis104
7245246681parodyan imitation of the style of a particular writer105
7245246682periphrasisthe use of indirect and circumlocutory speech or writing.106
7245246683personathe aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others.107
7245246684personificationthe attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.108
7245246685persuasionthe action or fact of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do or believe something.109
7245246686point of viewa particular attitude or way of considering a matter.110
7245246687post hoc, ergo propter hocin logic it is the fallacy of thinking that a happening that follows another must be its result. it arises from a confusion about the logical causal relationship.111
7245246688process analysisa form of technical writing and expository writing "designed to convey to the reader how a change takes place through a series of stages112
7245246689progressionthe process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state.113
7245246690proportiona part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole.114
7245246691propositiona statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion.115
7245246692purposethe reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.116
7245246693refutationthe action of proving a statement or theory to be wrong or false.117
7245246694repetitionthe action of repeating something that has already been said or written.118
7245246695rhetoricthe art of using words effectively in speaking or writing. it is also the art of literary composition, particularly in prose, including both figures of speech and such strategies as comparison and contrast, definition, and analysis.119
7245246696rhetorical questiona question asked only to emphasize a point, introduce a topic, or provoke thought, but not to elicit an answer.120
7245246697rhythmin prose writing it is a regular recurrence of elements or features in sentences, creating a patterned emphasis, balance, or contrast.121
7245246698sarcasmthe use of irony to mock or convey contempt.122
7245246699satirethe humorous or critical treatment of a subject in order to expose the subject's vices, follies, stupidities, and so forth. Its intention is to reform by exposing the subject to comedy or ridicule.123
7245246700sensory languagelanguage that appeals to any of the five senses--sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell.124
7245246701sentimentalityin prose writing it is the excessive display of emotion, whether intended or unintended. Because it can distort the true nature of a situation or an idea, writers should use it caustiusly, or not at all.125
7245246702seriesa number of things, events, or people of a similar kind or related nature coming one after another.126
7245246703settingthe place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place.127
7245246704similea figurative comparison using "like" or "as".128
7245246705slanga kind of language that uses racy or colorful expressions associated more often with speech than with writing. it is colloquial English and should be used in essay writing only to reproduce dialogue or to create a special effect.129
7245246706spatial orderitems arranged according to their physical position or relationships130
7245246707statisticsthe practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities131
7245246708stylea manner of doing something.132
7245246709subordinationthe action or state of subordinating or of being subordinate.133
7245246710syllogisman argument or form of reasoning in which two statements or premises are made and a logical conclusion is drawn from them. As such, it is a form of deductive logic--reasoning from the general to the particular.134
7245246711symbola mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process135
7245246712synonyma word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.136
7245246713themethe central idea in an essay; it is also termed the thesis. Everything in an essay should support this in one way or another.137
7245246714thesisthe main idea in an essay; when stated as a sentence it appears early in an essay (normally somewhere in the first paragraph) serving to convey the main idea to the reader in a clear and emphatic manner.138
7245246715tonethe writer's attitude toward his or her subject or material. An essay writer may have an objective one, subjective, comic, ironic, nostalgic, critical, or a reflection of numerous other attitudes. it is the voice that writers give to an essay.139
7245246716topic sentencethe main idea that a paragraph develops; not all paragraphs have one, often the topic is implied.140
7245246717transitionthe process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.141
7245246718understatementa method of making a weaker statement than is warranted by truth, accuracy, or importance.142
7245246719unitythe state of being united or joined as a whole.143
7245246720usagethe action of using something or the fact of being used.144
7245246721voicethe way you express your ideas to the reader, the ton you take in addressing your audience; it reflects your attitude toward both your subject and your readers.145

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