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AP literature part two Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
6612460610EmaciatedAbnormally lean. From starvation or illness0
6612460611ImminentLikely to happen very soon1
6612460612ImportunateAnnoyingly persistent. Insistent2
6612460613EmissaryA person sent on a special mission. An agent3
6612460614PremeditatedPlanned beforehand4
6612460615InimicalHostile. In opposition5
6612460616VenerationProfound respect6
6612460617AbominationSomething hateful and disgusting7
6612460618HypocriteOne who pretends to be what he/she is not8
6612460619ImpalpableNot perceptible to the touch. Too subtle to be grasped by the mind9
6612460620ScurrilousCoarse. Vulgar10
6612460621PristinePure. Unspoiled. Of an earlier condition11
6612460622PestilenceInfectious disease12
6612460623CalamityA disaster. An extreme misfortune13
6612460624ExtortTo get by force or threats.14
6612460625DeleteriousHarmful to health or well being15
6612460626PropensityInclination. Tendency16
6612460627AsperitySharpness. Harshness of temper17
6612460628LoquacityExcessive talkativeness18
6612460629TransfigurationA radical change in form or appearance19
6612460630SolaceConsolation. Comfort20
6612460631InuredAccustomed to something painful or difficult21
6612460632VicissitudeUnforeseeable change22
6612460633AfflictionSomething causing pain and distress. A misfortune23
6612460636TransitoryTemporary. Not enduring26
6612460637AppalledFilled with dismay. Shocked.27
6612460638ConjecturalBased on guesswork or incomplete evidence28

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