7066352690 | abdicate | step down from power/position | 0 | |
7066352691 | accession | gaining access to new office | 1 | |
7066354313 | agrarian | cultivated land | 2 | |
7066355268 | animism | belief that everything has a soul or spirit | 3 | |
7066355269 | antiquity | ancient | 4 | |
7066355270 | aristocracy | privileged class, nobility | 5 | |
7066356350 | asceticism | rejection of pleasures of the world | 6 | |
7066356351 | assimilate | to make alike or similar | 7 | |
7066357861 | authoritarian | absolute rule | 8 | |
7066357862 | barbarism | uncivilized condition | 9 | |
7066360926 | bureaucracy/crats | state officials | 10 | |
7066371173 | city-state | city forms independent state | 11 | |
7066371862 | civic | relating/belonging to a city | 12 | |
7166373713 | classical | high stage of early civilization | 13 | |
7166374195 | colonial | concerning colony or colonies | 14 | |
7166374566 | commerce | transaction of goods and services | 15 | |
7166375770 | concubine | woman who cohabits a man she is not married to, mistress | 16 | |
7166431026 | conscription | compulsory military service | 17 | |
7166455914 | cosmopolitan | at ease with other countries | 18 | |
7166456148 | coup | decision to change illegally or by force | 19 | |
7166457135 | demography/ic | study of characteristics of human population | 20 | |
7166457761 | despot | cruel dictator | 21 | |
7166684116 | dissent | difference in opinion, protesting | 22 | |
7166684886 | dissident | person who rebels from established policy | 23 | |
7166690801 | domestic | existing or occurring inside a particular country; not foreign or international. | 24 | |
7166691202 | dynasty | leaders in the same family | 25 | |
7166692022 | edict | formal proclamation | 26 | |
7166692660 | BCE | Before the Common Era, also known as Before the Christian Era. This is the period of time before the traditional date of Christ's birth. This has replaced B.C. (Before Christ) | 27 | |
7166696255 | CE | Common Era, also known as the Christian Era. This is the period of time that begins with the traditional date of Christ's birth. This has replaced A.D. (Anno Domini) | 28 | |
7166697991 | aesthetic | beauty | 29 | |
7166697992 | amenities | the pleasantness of a place or a person. | 30 | |
7166699395 | anarchy | chaos, no ruling government | 31 | |
7166702156 | appeasement | giving something to an aggressive power to keep the peace | 32 | |
7166705629 | autocracy | ruled by one person, one person has all the power | 33 | |
7166706123 | communal | conflict between different communities | 34 | |
7166707663 | diaspora | dispersion of Jews beyond Israel | 35 | |
7168665676 | egalitarian | favor social equality | 36 | |
7168666961 | ethnocentric | judges other cultures by comparing them to his own | 37 | |
7168668681 | feudalism | a European political system in which a lord owned all the land while vassals and serfs farmed it. | 38 | |
7168668983 | gentry | people of good class below nobility | 39 | |
7168670287 | guild | association of people with similar interests | 40 | |
7168670620 | hominids | ape and human | 41 | |
7168671266 | homogeneous | same or similar kinds | 42 | |
7168672725 | ideology | characterize thinking of group/nation | 43 | |
7168673435 | lineage | descending from common ancestor | 44 | |
7168674362 | manifest | to notice | 45 | |
7168675017 | maritime | related to ships or navigation | 46 | |
7168676745 | matrilineal | tracing descent on female side | 47 | |
7168677526 | mercenary | person fighting country that is not their own | 48 | |
7168678488 | monopoly/ize | many buyers, 1 seller | 49 | |
7168679497 | mystical | beyond ordinary understanding | 50 | |
7168680122 | nation-state | state whose citizens speak same language or common descent | 51 | |
7168680623 | neo | new | 52 | |
7168680940 | neolithic | latest part of stone age | 53 | |
7168681315 | pantheon | temple to all gods | 54 | |
7168681922 | papal/cy | relating to pope | 55 | |
7168684143 | parliamentary system | congress | 56 |
ap world history vocabulary 2017 Flashcards
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