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AP Biology: Plants Flashcards

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5951944951plants*--*dominant photosynthetic organisms on planet *--*eukaryotic cells *--*multicellular *--*cell walls are made of cellulose *--*exhibit alternation of generations0
5951944952alternation of generationsthe alternation between the haploid gametophyte and the diploid sporophyte in a plant's life cycle1
5951944953gametophytethe stage in the life cycle of a plant in which the plant produces gametes, or sex cells **egg or sperm, haploid generation2
5951944954sporophytethe stage in the life cycle of a plant in which the plant produces haploid spores **spore or seed, diploid generation3
5951944958Plants (and classification of) show evolution from...water to land4
5951944959What did plants develop to solve most of the problems of transition from water to land?vascular tissue seeds cuticle stomata5
5951944960xylemvascular tissue that carries water and dissolved minerals from the roots of a plant to its leaves. one direction **in charge of water6
5951944961phloemvascular tissue through which food moves in some plants **in charge of food (phloem and food both start with F...?)7
5951944962BryophytesMosses *--*do NOT have vascular tissue *--*found in damp, wet areas close to the ground *--*instead of growing vertically, they grow horizontally *--*do NOT produce seeds; produce spores *--*do NOT produce fruit8
5951944963Pteridophytes*--*Pteridophytes *--*do have vascular tissue *--*found in wet areas, usually under trees, because they have to have water for reproduction (for the sperm to swim) *--*do NOT produce seeds; produce spores *--*do NOT produce fruit9
5951944964Gymnosperms*--*do have vascular tissue *--*can be found anywhere, really *--*due to wind, pollen carries sperm to cone, which fertilizes egg and produces seeds *--*do NOT produce fruit10
5951944965AngiospermsMost complex *--*can be found anywhere except really cold environments *--*do have vascular tissue *--*do produce seeds *--*do produce fruit (purpose: to disperse seeds)11
5951944966self pollinationthe transfer of pollen from one flower to another flower on the same plant12
5951944967cross pollinationa reproductive process in which pollen from one plant is transferred to the stigma of another plant13
5951944969transpirationprocess within plants that is a loss of water in vapor form; it occurs due to plants opening stomata to take in CO2 (regulated by guard cells)14
5951944972Why would a plant want to get rid of water?to get "new" water into the plant, you've got to get rid of some of the "old" water a plant needs to make room for "new" water in order to distribute food throughout the phloem of the plant15
5951944976tropisma growth response of a plant toward or away from a stimulus (basically a response to a stimulus) **often caused by hormones16
5951944977thigmotropismplant response to contact i.e. vines growing around something17
5951944978phototropismplant response to light **flowers bend toward the sun18
5951944979gravitropismresponse of a plant to the force of gravity19
5951944980positive tropismplant response towards stimulus20
5951944981negative tropismplant response away from stimulus21
5951944982hormoneschemical substances (very simple structures) produced at one location and used at other locations They are effective in very small quantities and can cause a "cascade effect".22
5951944983cytokininsplant hormones that stimulate cell division; they are produced in large quantities in plant roots23
5951944984auxins (indole acetic acid - IAA)plant hormones that lead to phototropism by elongating the dark side of the plant and affect turgor pressure **causes cell elongation (causes plants to bend)24
5951944988gibberellins (GAs)Hormone that promotes stem elongation25
5951944989ethylene gasgaseous plant hormone responsible for fruit ripening (example of positive feedback) **ripe fruit give off ethylene gas26
5951944990abscisic acidA plant hormone that brings about dormancy in buds, mantains dormancy in seeds, and brings about stomatal closing, among other effects. Produced in stressful situations27
5951944992photoperiodisma plant's response to seasonal changes in length of night and day (particularly with flowering) **length of dark period determining factor28
5951944994long day plantplant which critical photoperiod must be surpassed in order for it to flower **begin forming flower buds when the days are longer than their critical day length29
5951944995short day plantplant which flowers until the critical photoperiod is passed; then becomes vegetative **begin flowering when the days are shorter than their critical day length30
5952028868water potentialdirection water will flow, impacted by solute concentration and pressure31

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