6827325933 | 95 Theses | piece written by Martin Luther against clerical abuses and sale of indulgences | 0 | |
6827325934 | absolutism | belief that a state should be ruled by one person who has total power | 1 | |
6827325935 | Act of Supremacy | Parliament ends the authority of the pope in England, leading to the formation of the Anglican Church | 2 | |
6827325936 | Adam Smith | economist who wrote "Wealth of Nations" and promoted economic liberalism | 3 | |
6827325937 | Anabaptist | radical Christian group that believed in adult baptism and separation of church from state | 4 | |
6827325938 | balance of power | cooperation between European states to assure no single state becomes too powerful | 5 | |
6827325939 | Baroque | style of art/music that is ornamental and emotional, commonly associated with the Catholic Reformation | 6 | |
6827325940 | boyars | Russian nobles | 7 | |
6827325941 | cahiers | notebooks written on the eve of the French Revolution that presented grievances and proposals for reform | 8 | |
6827325942 | Calvinism | Protestant denomination that believes in absolute power of God and predestination | 9 | |
6827325943 | Cardinal Richelieu | chief minister under Louis XIII who essentially controlled France, sided with Protestants in the Thirty Years' War, and minimized power of nobles | 10 | |
6827325944 | Carlsbad Decree | conservative law suppressing subversive ideas and liberal organizations in university settings | 11 | |
6827325945 | Castiglione | humanist figure who wrote The Courtier and encouraged personal growth | 12 | |
6827325946 | Catherine the Great | ruler of Russia who continued westernization, ended torture, offered limited religious toleration, and supported education | 13 | |
6827325947 | Charles I | English monarch who fought Parliament during English Civil War and was executed for treason | 14 | |
6827325948 | Charles II | English monarch who passed Test Act and restored the monarchy and both houses of Parliament | 15 | |
6827325950 | Chartist Movement | British seeking of universal male suffrage, secret ballot, equal populations for parliamentary districts, and abolishing property requirements for House of Commons | 16 | |
6827325951 | Christian humanism | form of humanism based in Northern Europe that combined the Bible with classical texts | 17 | |
6827325953 | Civil Constitution of the Clergy | law requiring clergy to support French National Assembly, making church officials elected, and confiscating Catholic lands (1790) | 18 | |
6827325954 | Combination Acts | British law forbidding labor unions, repealed during Industrial Revolution | 19 | |
6827325955 | Committee of Public Safety | branch of National Convention that worked to eliminate all inside and outside threats to French Revolution | 20 | |
6827325956 | Concert of Europe | group of Great Powers trying to maintain balance of power and prevent revolution | 21 | |
6827325957 | Concordat of 1801 | Napoleon promises church that a majority of Frenchmen will be Catholic | 22 | |
6827325960 | Congress of Vienna | General peace settlement after defeat of Napoleon that involved Russia, Austria, Prussia, Britain, and France | 23 | |
6827325961 | conservatism | ideology of preserving tradition, maintaining balance of power, opposing civil liberties, and avoiding revolution | 24 | |
6827325963 | Copernicus | Figure of scientific revolution who formulated heliocentric model and published "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies" | 25 | |
6827325964 | cottage system | production of goods within people's homes using hand tools | 26 | |
6827325965 | Council of Trent | group of Catholics who reaffirm Catholic principles but take reform measures | 27 | |
6827325966 | David Ricardo | economist who came up with Iron Law of Wages | 28 | |
6827325967 | Declaration of Rights of Man | French constitution written by National Assembly | 29 | |
6827325968 | Diderot | Enlightenment figure who published "Encyclopedia" and promoted social progress and reform | 30 | |
6827325969 | Directory | corrupt five-man executive (accompanied by legislature) formed in 1795 that began weak dictatorship over France | 31 | |
6827325970 | Edict of Nantes | command for limited religious freedom of Huguenots in France | 32 | |
6827325971 | Elizabeth I | politique who brought many Protestant ideas into Church of England, let people practice whatever religion they wanted at home, and resisted invasion of Spanish Armada | 33 | |
6827325972 | empiricism | theory that knowledge comes only from sensory experience | 34 | |
6827325973 | enclosure | transition from open-field system to fenced-in fields, farming more effectively | 35 | |
6827325974 | English Bill of Rights | Set of English laws protecting individual rights and establishing relationship between king and Parliament | 36 | |
6827325975 | English Civil War | Conflict between Charles I and Parliament over government power | 37 | |
6827325976 | Erasmus | Christian humanist who wrote The Praise of Folly and wanted a reform of the Catholic Church | 38 | |
6827325977 | Estates General | French legislature called in 1788 formed by three separate social groups | 39 | |
6827325978 | Eugene Delacroix | romantic artist who painted "Liberty Leading the People" | 40 | |
6827325979 | Ferdinand and Isabella | rulers of Spain who created equivalent of national church, oversaw the Reconquista, and established Spanish Inquisition | 41 | |
6827325980 | Frederick the Great | ruler of Prussia who wrote new code of law, welcomed religious minorities, and took Silesia | 42 | |
6827325981 | Frederick William I | Prussian king responsible for Prussian absolutism and continuing militarization | 43 | |
6827325983 | Fronde | noble-led rebellion in France against king's authority and the intendant system | 44 | |
6827325984 | Galileo | Figure of scientific revolution who used controlled experiments, formalized concept of inertia, and looked at space with telescope | 45 | |
6827325985 | German Peasants' War | revolt of German lower classes calling for social/political change using the Scriptures | 46 | |
6827325986 | Girondists | moderate republicans who didn't want the execution of the king | 47 | |
6827325987 | Glorious Revolution | end of the divine right monarchy in England | 48 | |
6827325989 | guild | trade based-association with a monopoly over its own trade, special privileges for members, and assurance of high-quality goods | 49 | |
6827325991 | Henry VIII | first head of the Church of England | 50 | |
6827325992 | Huguenots | term for French Calvinists | 51 | |
6827325993 | humanism | program of study through classical works focusing on understanding human nature, reaching ideals, self-improvement, and virtú | 52 | |
6827325994 | Ignatius Loyola | founder of Society of Jesus | 53 | |
6827325995 | Isaac Newton | Figure of scientific revolution who published "Principia," created three laws of motion, and discussed idea of "world machine" | 54 | |
6827325996 | Jacobins | very radical republicans who wanted the execution of the king | 55 | |
6827325997 | James I | English monarch who believed in divine right to rule and absolute power; battled with both Parliament and Puritans | 56 | |
6827325998 | James II | English monarch who violated Test Act and was replaced by Glorious Revolution | 57 | |
6827325999 | Johannes Kepler | Figure of scientific revolution who created three laws of planetary motion | 58 | |
6827326000 | John Calvin | figure of Protestant Reformation who wrote "Institutes of the Christian Religion" and believed in absolute power of God | 59 | |
6827326001 | John Locke | English philosopher who believed in protecting natural rights | 60 | |
6827326002 | junkers | Prussian nobles | 61 | |
6827326003 | Joseph II | ruler of Austria who abolished serfdom and promoted religious toleration, even though his reforms didn't last | 62 | |
6827326004 | Legislative Assembly | French legislature formed in 1791 that declared war on Austria and Prussia when they supported the monarchy | 63 | |
6827326005 | liberalism | ideology of civil rights, liberty, and representative government | 64 | |
6827326007 | Louis XIV | French monarch responsible for absolutism and revocation of the Edict of Nantes | 65 | |
6827326008 | Louis XVI | weak monarch of France who gives in to efforts for a constitutional monarchy and is executed during the Reign of Terror | 66 | |
6827326009 | Machiavelli | humanist figure who wrote The Prince and stated leaders should maintain order at all costs | 67 | |
6827326010 | Martin Luther | main figure of Protestant Reformation and author of "Ninety-five Theses on the Power of Indulgences" | 68 | |
6827326011 | Marxian socialism | ideology of eliminating class struggles to fix societal problems, based on The Communist Manifesto | 69 | |
6827326012 | Medici family | Florentine dynasty of successful merchants, patrons of the arts, and future popes | 70 | |
6827326014 | Montesquieu | Enlightenment figure who promoted separation of powers | 71 | |
6827326015 | Napoleon | emperor of France from 1804 to 1814 who used domestic policy to maintain popularity and order | 72 | |
6827326016 | Napoleonic Code | French civil code reasserting "Declaration of Rights of Man" and explaining civil rights, property, etc. | 73 | |
6827326017 | National Assembly | French legislature formed in 1789 that wrote Declaration of the Rights of Man | 74 | |
6827326018 | National Convention | Legislature formed in 1792 during the radical revolution that declares France a republic | 75 | |
6827326019 | nationalism | ideology of ethnic groups sharing common identity and desire for politically independent state | 76 | |
6827326020 | New Monarchs | term describing powerful rulers of Europe who formed loyal armies, had some power over the Catholic church, and maintained centralized governments excluding nobles | 77 | |
6827326021 | Oliver Cromwell | English military dictator and lord protector who dismissed Parliament | 78 | |
6827326023 | Peace of Augsburg | German states earn the right to choose their official religion and acknowledging Lutheranism as a religion, ending the Schmalkaldic Wars | 79 | |
6827326024 | Peace of Utrecht | Treaty ending War of Spanish Succession, stating that France and Spanish monarchies cannot join, and giving Austria control of former Spanish Netherlands | 80 | |
6827326025 | Peace of Westphalia | Treaty ending Thirty Years' War, reaffirming Peace of Augsburg, and recognizing Calvinism as a religion for German states | 81 | |
6827326026 | Peter the Great | Russian tsar of Romanov Dynasty responsible for westernization and militarization | 82 | |
6827326027 | Philip II | son of Charles V who failed as a leader in the Netherlands and lost battles to English Fleet | 83 | |
6827326029 | Pico della Mirandola | humanist figure who wrote Oration on the Dignity of Man and emphasized potential for human greatness | 84 | |
6827326030 | putting-out system | production of goods where merchants loan materials to cottage workers who return the finished product | 85 | |
6827326031 | Reconquista | reconquering of Iberian Peninsula that had been taken by Muslim powers | 86 | |
6827326032 | Reform Bill of 1832 | British law that extended voting rights to middle class men and eliminated "rotten" boroughs | 87 | |
6827326033 | Reign of Terror | period where National Convention attempted to carry out the "war against tyranny" through mass execution | 88 | |
6827326034 | Renaissance | rebirth of classical Greek/Roman ideas that focused on humanism and the liberal arts | 89 | |
6827326035 | Rene Descartes | Figure of scientific revolution who used deductive reasoning and believed in Cartesian dualism | 90 | |
6827326036 | Revolution of 1830: Belgium | country gains independence and becomes Kingdom of the Netherlands | 91 | |
6827326037 | Revolution of 1830: France | country replaces Charles X with Louis Philippe to prevent return to autocratic rule | 92 | |
6827326039 | Revolution of 1848: France | country becomes a republic and then goes back to an empire | 93 | |
6827326040 | Revolution of 1848: Austria | country maintains control over Hungarian and Italian nationalists | 94 | |
6827326041 | Revolution of 1848: Prussia | country tries to unify Germany but fails when leader takes back his offer to rule, reestablishing German Confederation | 95 | |
6827326042 | Robespierre | Jacobin leader of Committee of Public Safety who was executed to put an end to the Reign of Terror | 96 | |
6827326043 | romanticism | artistic movement of emotion, freedom of thought, personal connection to God, and anti-Enlightenment ideas | 97 | |
6827326044 | Rousseau | Enlightenment figure who promoted emotion over rationalism, also wrote "The Social Contract" and believed in general will | 98 | |
6827326045 | salons | locations where rich women hosted discussions about literature, science, and philosophy | 99 | |
6827326046 | Sans-culottes | radical group of laboring poor who helped overthrow Louis XVI and took over Paris' municipal government | 100 | |
6827326047 | Seven Years' War | first "global" war that involved much of Europe, including Britain, France, Spain, and Prussia | 101 | |
6827326048 | Spanish Inquisition | group investigating converts' faith to Catholicism and punishing Jews/Muslims who maintained their original religion | 102 | |
6827326049 | Storming of Bastille | commoners seize arms and attack a royal prison, leading Louis XVI to withdraw troops from Paris (1789) | 103 | |
6827326050 | Tennis Court Oath | Third Estate decides to write a new constitution and forms National Assembly | 104 | |
6827326051 | Thermidorian Reaction | reaction to Reign of Terror that led to Robespierre's execution, abolition of economic controls, and reconciliation with Catholic Church | 105 | |
6827326052 | Thirty Years' War | conflict between Protestant Union and Catholic League over political and religious influence | 106 | |
6827326053 | Thomas Hobbes | English philosopher who believed in absolutism and preserving order at all costs | 107 | |
6827326054 | Thomas More | Christian humanist and author of Utopia | 108 | |
6827326055 | Treaty of Paris | agreement that ended the Seven Years' War: Britain take France's territory in North America/India and Prussia maintains control of Silesia | 109 | |
6827326056 | utopian socialism | ideology of economic equality, collectivism, minimal private property, and right to work | 110 | |
6827326057 | Voltaire | Enlightenment figure who promoted religious tolerance and the separation of church from state | 111 | |
6827326058 | William and Mary | English monarchs who take power during Glorious Revolution and end absolutism | 112 | |
6827326059 | Women's March on Versailles | Revolt where women invaded the National Assembly and the royal apartments (1789) | 113 | |
6827326061 | Great Northern War | war where Russia's victory under Peter the Great leads to control over Baltic Sea | 114 | |
6827326062 | Gustavus Adolphus | Swedish ruler during Thirty Years' War whose death caused France to help Sweden | 115 | |
6827326063 | Henry IV | French king and politique who wrote Edict of Nantes | 116 | |
6827326065 | Colbert | French Minister of Finances under Louis XIV who promoted mercantilism | 117 | |
6827326066 | Metternich | Austrian foreign minister who promoted conservatism and Concert of Europe | 118 | |
6827326067 | Luddites | group of workers who broke into factories and destroyed machinery | 119 | |
6827326068 | Methodist | Protestant denomination founded by John Wesley in the 1700s | 120 | |
6827326070 | politique | type of leader who puts order ahead of personal beliefs | 121 | |
6827326071 | Pragmatic Sanction | treaty violated when Frederick the Great takes Silesia from Maria Theresa | 122 | |
6827326073 | Puritan | English Protestant denomination known for simple lifestyle | 123 | |
6827326074 | Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre | thousands of French Huguenots and other Protestants killed at wedding of Henry of Navarre | 124 | |
6827326075 | Francis Bacon | scientist known for inductive reasoning | 125 | |
6827326076 | Jesuit | Catholic denomination known for education and missionary work | 126 | |
6827326077 | Star Chamber | secret English court used to deal with aristocrats who threatened royal power | 127 | |
6827326078 | taille | tax on land | 128 | |
6827326079 | Thomas Malthus | economist who believed population will always grows faster than food supply | 129 | |
6827326080 | virtú | quality of being able to shape the world according to one's own will | 130 | |
6827326081 | War of Austrian Succession | war started by the violation of the Pragmatic Sanction | 131 | |
6827326083 | Battle of Lepanto | Philip II defeats Ottoman Turks and prevents their further invasion of Europe | 132 | |
6827326084 | Bossuet | French bishop who pushed idea of divine right to rule | 133 | |
6827326085 | intendant system | system used by French monarchy to limit power of the nobles | 134 | |
6827326086 | Schmalkaldic Wars | religious wars during mid-1500s where Charles V and Catholics fought German princes and Lutherans | 135 |
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