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AP World History Chapter 4 - The Greeks Flashcards

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7951662080monarchyGreek for "the rule of one man"; a king represented the community, reigning according to law and respecting the rights of the citizens0
7951679047aristocracy"power in the hands of the best"1
7951690678oligarchy"the rule of a few"; a small group of wealthy citizens NOT necessarily of aristocratic birth2
7951706775tyrannyrule by a man who has seized power by extra-legal means3
7951719303democracya type of Greek government in which all citizens, without regard to birth or wealth, administered the workings of government; "the power of the people"4
7951742993polisgenerally translated as city-state; the basic political and institutional unit of Greece; a community f citizens with their own customs and laws5
7951756380acropolisan elevated point within a city on which stood temples, altars, public monuments, and various dedication to the gods of the polis6
7951765005hoplitethe heavily armed infantry man who was the backbone of the Greek army7
7951772129demea local unit that served as the basic element of Cleisthenes's political system8
7951786400Delian Leaguea grand naval alliance, created by the Athenians and aimed at liberating Ionia from Persian Rule; formed by the Athenians and their allies9
7951802688sovereignan independent, autonomous state run by its citizens, free of any outside power or restraint10
7951813905koinea common dialect of the Greek language that influenced the speech of all Greeks11
7951820685Great Silk Roadthe name of the major route for the silk trade12
7951825120Tychethe Greek goddess of fate and luck, eventually identified with the Roman goddess Fortuna13
7951837585mystery religionsany of the several religious systems in the Greco-Roman world characterized by secret doctrines and rituals of initiation14
7951856103Epicureanisma Greek system of philosophy founded on the teachings of Epicurus, which emphasized that a life of contentment, free from fear or suffering, was the greatest good15
7951881531Stoicismthe most popular of Hellenistic philosophies; it considers nature an expression of divine will and holds that people can be happy only when living in accordance with nature.16
7951906595heliocentric theorythe belief that the earth revolves around the sun; believed by Aristarchus17
7951920061natural lawthe belief that the law's governing ethical behavior are written into nature itself and therefore possess universal validity18
7951940725Archimedesa clever inventor (Archimedian screw and artillery, compound pully, hydrostatics)19
7951958707Hellenistic warfare advancescatapults, battering rams, and wooden siege towers20
7951966454Herophilusdissected corpses and discovered the nervous (and the two types of nerves) system21
7951985608Hellenisticthe blend of Hellenism and Near Eastern cultures22
7952000911Pre-Socratic thinkingthe theory that four simple substances make up the universe: fire, air, earth, and water23

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