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AP midterm Flashcards

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7547844386pulseThe time from which data leaves baseline to the time where it comes back to baseline0
7547865059The Markerresides in a dock at the bottom left of the LabTutor panel; from here it can be dragged and dropped on to any part of the data1
7547870428cycleThe time from the beginning of one pulse to the beginning of the next pulse.2
7547887001Frequency Formula (how often does it pulsate)= number of cycles / time (s) Units in 1/s or Hz or S-13
7547894187Duration Formula (how long the pulse last)= Sum of time interval of each pulse/ # of total pulses Units are in seconds4
7547932558Magnitude Formula (How strong (weak) is the pulse)= Sum of magnitude of each pulse/ # of total pulses Units are in (mV)5
7549222529Osmotic Pressure Formula= iRT (C1 - C2)6
7549228012Osmosis Formula= M X ions7
7549247012Percent Volume Change Formula((Final volume-Initial volume)/Initial volume) x 100%.8
7549282208Retardation Factor Formula= Distance from origin to steroid spot / distance from the origin to the solvent front9
7547956412OsmosisSolvent moves from an area of high solvent concentration to an area of low solvent concentration.10
7598057595DiffusionSolute moves from an area of high solute concentration to an area of low solute concentration.11
7547968792Osmotic pressurethe hydrostatic back pressure required to cancel the osmotic diffusion of H2O from one side of osmometer to the other. Formula: = iRT (C1 - C2)12
7548051508Structure of neuron13
7548064438Cell Body (Soma)contains a nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm and organelles.14
7548067335Dendritesreceiving or input portions of the neuron15
7548069902Axon Hillockcone-shaped elevation joining the cell body and the axon16
7548082091Initial SegmentThe first part of the axon17
7548085130Trigger Zonejunction between the axon hillock and the initial segment where action potentials are generated18
7548088902Axonthe nerve fiber through which impulses are conducted19
7548092966Axon Terminals (Knobs)House neurotransmitters in synaptic vesicles for neurons to communicate.20
7548077363turbidityhe cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by large numbers of individual particles that are generally invisible to the naked eye, similar to smoke in air21
7548147141Hormonea chemical messenger secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids that regulates the metabolic functions of other cells in the body.22
7548151605Endocrine glands:do not have a duct system and are called ductless glands. These glands release hormones directly into the blood.23
7548151606Exocrine glandshave a duct system. Ducts are tubes leading from a gland to its target organ24
7548167243steroidtranscription factors and only resident nuclear receptors can repress in the absence of ligand.25
7548186089polypeptideThey function in an endocrine manner to regulate many physiological functions, including growth, appetite and energy metabolism, cardiac function, stress, and reproductive physiology. Many signal via G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).26
7548191431Tyrosine derivativeThe primary function of these hormones is to regulate the basal metabolic rate and affect almost all the cells of the body. regulate carbohydrate, fat, protein and vitamin metabolism and thereby control the way in which human cells produce energy and use it for the various cellular functions.27
7548217407thin layer chromatography28
7548293491Somatic:Affects striated, skeletal muscle Involved with reflexes Nerves do not synapse at ganglia after leaving CNS Length of the fibers are mostly equidistant29
7548316080Autonomic:Affects smooth muscle Involved in "fight or flight" response Nerves synapse at ganglia after leaving CNS Length of the fibers are usually not equidistant30
7548323851Sympathetic- Adrenergic - Epinephrine/Norepinephrine31
7548333569Parasympathetic- Cholinergic -Acetylcholine32
7548337001Non-adrenergic / non-cholinergic-Nitrergic - Nitric Oxide33
7548354477Cholinergic:neurons that release the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Ex: Skeletal muscle34
7548398400Adrenergic:neurons that release the neurotransmitter epinephrine or norepinephrine Ex: myocardium, glands35
7548404381Nitrergic:neurons that release the neurotransmitter nitric oxide Ex: vasculature endothelium36
7548416969Parasympathetic System:1)Ganglia are located close to the effector organ and far from the spinal cord. 2)Preganglionic neurons long; post ganglionic short 3)Motor neurons exit the brain, (CN3, CN7, CN9, CN10) and sacral regions, (S2-S4), of the spinal cord 4)Referred to as the Craniosacral Nervous system37
7548419488Sympathetic System:1)Ganglia are located far from the effector organ and closer to the spinal cord. 2)Preganglionic neurons short; post ganglionic long 3)Motor neurons exit the thoracic and lumbar regions, (T1-L2), of the spinal cord. 4)Referred to as the Thoracolumbar Nervous system38
7548471205Stomach, Intestines-ParasympatheticIncrease motility, tone and gastric/intestinal secretions39
7548483784Sweat glands-ParasympatheticNo stimulation40
7548483785Salivary Glands-ParasympatheticIncreases secretion41
7548487412Liver-ParasympatheticIncrease in bile secretion and glycogen synthesis42
7548487413Lacrimal glands -ParasympatheticStimulates secretion43
7548492285Skin arterioles -ParasympatheticDilation, increase blood supply44
7548492286Heart arterioles -ParasympatheticConstriction of coronary arteries45
7548505475Heart arterioles- SympatheticDilation of coronary arteries46
7548517071Skin arterioles- SympatheticConstriction, decrease blood supply47
7548523796Lacrimal glands-SympatheticNo stimulation48
7548354742Blood PressureMeasured with a stethoscope and a Sphygmomanometer; it measures the direct pressure of the brachial artery in mmHg. During a time of stress both systolic and diastolic blood pressures rise.49
7548539771Liver-SympatheticDecrease in bile secretion Increase in glucose levels50
7548555066Salivary Glands-SympatheticDecreases secretion51
7548735263Basic Anatomy of the EarthwormGo look at powerpoint picture slide 2952
7548778246Median Lateral FiberOnce the threshold for the median giant fiber is determined, the voltage is increased further to stimulate the lateral giant fiber53
7548808318Lateral Giant FiberHave a higher stimulus threshold and conduct more slowly than median giant fiber because their action potential reaches the recording electrodes after a long latent period and is seen as a second, delayed peak in the recording.54
7548887582Stimulus ArtifactThe first immediate response after the stimulus which is not an action potential but simple due to the voltage applied.55
7548932028First and Second Neural ResponseThe median fiber giant and the lateral fiber giant.56
7548937044Threshold potential (All-or-none response)If depolarization reaches a certain level, (-55mV), then the voltage-gated ion channels open, and an action potential that is always the same size (amplitude) occurs. If threshold potential is not achieved, the action potential will not occur.57
7549018588Normal PulseA normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute.58
7549037619Thready PulseA scarcely perceptible pulse that feels like a fine mobile thread under a palpating finger. It is weak, distant, or muffled upon auscultation. Causes include: anxiety/panic attacks, arrhythmias, Hypovolemic or cardiogenic shock, Heat exhaustion, Hemorrhage, and Respiratory failure.59
7549047422Bounding PulseIs loud, strong and forceful. It is possible for this to be normal such as immediately after exercising. Causes include: Anemia, fever, cirrhosis, anxiety and fever, tachycardia, fluid overload (edema), chronic kidney failure.60
7549163335Irregular PulseA variation in rate of impulses in an artery due to cardiac arrhythmia. Cases include: High blood pressure, coronary heart disease where cholesterol occludes the cardiac arteries, certain drugs like caffeine beta-blockers and amphetamines, low levels of certain electrolytes like potassium, heart muscle changes following injury, illness or surgery, and heart abnormalities.61
7548548848Pulse RateDuring a time of stress, heart rate and cardiac output increases.62
7548380088Skin TemperatureSkin vasodilatation will increase skin temperature63
7548241637ACTHincreased glucocorticoid secretion.64
7548237007β endorphinsanalgesia in the brain in response to stress and exercise65
7548241636Lipotropinsincreased fat breakdown.66
7548239716FSHfollicle maturation and estrogen secretion; sperm cell production.67
7548247604GHIncreased growth in tissues, cartilage and bone, amino acid uptake, protein synthesis, and glycogen and glucose levels.68
7548267528MSHIncreases the production of melanin in melanocytes.69
7548267529TSHincreased thyroid hormone secretion.70
7548270014PRLmilk synthesis in lactating women.71
7548270015LHovulation and testosterone synthesis.72
7548186237Absolute Refractory Period (ARP):the period of time where and excitable cell CANNOT generate another action potential; this time interval coincides with the Na+ channels being closed and inactive which cannot reopen until they return to resting state.73
7548190021Relative Refractory Period (RRP):the period of time during which a second action potential can be initiated, but only by a suprathreshold stimulus; this time interval coincides with the period when the K+ channels are still open after inactivated Na+ channels have returned to resting state; the action potential will always be LESSER in magnitude.74
7548160684The Transmission of the Impulse Across the Synaptic Cleft1)Action potential reaches presynaptic terminal. 2)Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open. 3)Influx of Ca2+ occurs. 4)Synaptic vesicles fuse with membrane, (exocytosis). 5)Neurotransmitters are released into the synaptic cleft and diffuse to the postsynaptic membrane. 6)Neurotransmitter binds to neuroreceptors on the postsynaptic membrane 7)This causes Na+ channels to open and flow into postsynaptic neuron 8)If threshold is reached, action potential is initiated. Specific enzymes break down neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft.75
7548366045Color BlindnessThe Ishihara color test is a test for red-green color deficiencies, the most common kind. A sex-linked occurring primarily in males, women are carriers. Protan is reduced sensitivity to red light. Deutan is to green light and tritin is to blue light.76
7548529206Epinephrinean adrenergic agonist which binds to adrenergic receptors Increases the heart rate and strength of contraction77
7548529207Atropinea cholinergic antagonist which blocks acetylcholine receptors, causing increased sympathetic tone thus indirectly increasing the heart rate Antagonistic at the muscarinic receptor78
7548529208AcetylcholineDecelerates heart rate. Delays the transmission of the impulse, (action potential), into the ventricles and decreases the rhythm rate into the SA node. Cells in the SA node initiate their own depolarization without CNS input!79
7548531998Pilocarpinea direct acting cholinergic agonist which decreases heart rate by directly acting on the receptor.80
7548534481Digitalsstrengthens the force of the heartbeat by increasing the amount of calcium in the cardiocytes. (Calcium stimulates the heartbeat) It binds to sodium and potassium receptors which controls the amount of calcium in the heart muscle by stopping the calcium from leaving the cells.81
7548508662Color Blindness TestThe Ishihara color test is a test for red-green color deficiencies, the most common kind. It was named after its designer, Dr. Shinobu Ishihara (1879-1963), a professor at the University of Tokyo, who first published his tests in 1917. Color blindness is sex-linked occurring primarily in males; women are carriers.82
7548516446Pseudoisochromatic Plates of IshiharaNine plates are used for the condensed version of the Ishihara test on the powerlab tutor83
7548487544Jendrassik Maneuver84
7548471730myotatic reflex85
7548484303Saccadesconstant, involuntary, cyclical movement of the eyeball. Vestibular apparatus disturbance can be in either direction (right or left)86
7548477366Nystagmuscharacterized by the combination of 'slow phases', interspersed with saccade-like 'quick phases' that serve to bring the eye back on target87
7548481476Opsoclonusconsists of rapid, involuntary, multivectorial (horizontal and vertical), unpredictable, conjugate fast eye movements without intersaccadic intervals; characterized by purely fast-phase saccadic eye movements88
7548145643Action potentialNa+/K+ ATPase pumps 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ into the cell89
7548356093LidocaineLocal anesthetics such as Lidocaine, Novocain and Xylocaine function by attaching to the Na+ gates of the neuronal membrane, and thus prevent the flow of Na+ into the cell and the generation of an action potential upon stimulation.90
7548377105Reflex Arc5 Components of the reflex: Sensory receptor Sensory afferent nerve Synapse / interneurons Motor efferent nerve Effector organ91
7548359482CurareCurare and αbungarotoxin are both snake venoms. They block the nicotinic receptors in the somatic nervous system, relaxing skeletal muscle, leading to skeletal muscle paralysis.92
7548342328Diethyl EtherGeneral anesthetics such as diethyl ether and chloroform function to decrease brain activity by opening K+ gates, thus allowing K+ ions out of the cell. The neuron becomes hyperpolarized and is unable to discharge.93
7548316688Conduction VelocityCV = (D2 - D1)/(T2 - T1)96
7548312357Stroop Stress TestA way of inducing physiological stress in human volunteers such as blood pressure, pulse and temperature.97
7548058446Hemolysisthe rupture or destruction of red blood cells98
7548602007Abductionto draw away from the center anatomical axis of the body.99
7548605223Adductionto draw toward the center anatomical axis of the body.100
7548605224Flexiona muscle that bends a limb or body part at a joint so that the angle of the joint decreases.101
7548610966Extensiona muscle that straightens a limb or body part at a joint so that the angle of the joint increases.102
7548613409Circumductioncircular (conical) rotation103
7548617384Elevation/Depressionmovement in the superior/inferior direction104
7548620489Human Motor Points105
7548706257Sweat glands-SympatheticIncreases secretion106
7548708720Stomach, Intestines-SympatheticDecrease motility, tone and gastric/ intestinal secretions107
7548708721Lungs smooth muscle-ParasympatheticBronchiole constriction108
7548708722Lungs smooth muscle-SympatheticBronchiole relaxation and dilation109
7548710611Cardiac muscle-ParasympatheticDecreases heart rate and force of contractions110
7548710612Cardiac muscle-SympatheticIncreases heart rate and force of contractions111
7549502853MiosisAn abnormal fixed constriction of pupils; aka "pin-point pupils"112
7549502854Mydriasisan abnormal fixed dilation of the pupils113
7549518329Presbyopiadecreased elasticity of the lens = or < 1Diopter!114

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