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AP Biology- Plants Flashcards

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6371326398shoot systemthe aerial portion of a plant body, consisting of stems, leaves. and flowers.0
6371326399rootan organ in vascular plants that anchors the plant and enables it to absorb water and minerals from the soil1
6371326400ground tissue systemplant tissues that are neither vascular nor dermal, fulfilling a variety of functions, such as storage, photosynthesis, and support2
6371326401vascular tissueplant tissue consisting of cells joined into tubes that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant body3
6371326402apical meristemembryonic plant tissue in the tips of roots and the buds of shoots. The dividing cells of an apical meristem enable the plant to grow in length4
6371326403lateral meristema meristem that thickens the roots and shoots of woody plants. The vascular cambium and cork cambium are lateral meristems5
6371326404vascular cambiuma cylinder of meristematic tissue in woody plants that adds layers of secondary vascular tissue called secondary xylem (wood) and secondary phloem6
6371326405cork cambiuma cylinder of meristematic tissue in woody plants that replaces the epidermis with thicker, tougher cork cells.7
6371326406parenchymaa relatively unspecialized plant cell type that carries out most of the metabolism, synthesizes and stores organic products, and develops into more differentiated cell type8
6371326407collenchymaa flexible plant cell type that occurs in strands or cylinders that support young parts of the plant without restraining growth9
6371326408sclerenchymatype of ground-tissue cell with an extremely thick, rigid cell wall that makes ground tissue tough and strong10
6371326409pectinany of various water-soluble colloidal carbohydrates that occur in ripe fruit and vegetables11
6371326410xylemthe woody part of plants: the supporting and water-conducting tissue, consisting primarily of tracheids and vessels12
6371326411phloemvascular plant tissue consisting of living cells arranged into elongated tubes that transport sugar and other organic nutrients throughout the plant13
6371326412lignina complex polymer14
6371326413tracheidsA water-conducting and supportive element of xylem composed of long, thin cells with tapered ends and walls hardened with lignin.15
6371326414vessel membersxylem cells shorter and wider than tracheids, long and tapered16
6371326415sieve-tube cellscylindrical cells lacking nuclei and with perforated sides and end walls that allow the movement of phloem sap between cells17
6371326416companion cellsa type of plant cell that os connected to a sieve- tube element by many plasmodesmata and whose nucleus and ribosomes may serve one or more adjacent sieve-tube elements18
6371326417epidermisthe dermal tissue system of non-woody plants, usually consisting of a single layer of tightly packed cells.19
6371326418cuticlea waxy covering on the surface of stems and leaves that acts as an adaptation that prevents desiccation in terrestrial plants.20
6371326419stomatathe small openings on the undersides of most leaves through which oxygen and carbon dioxide can move21
6371326420guard cellsThe two cells that flank the stomatal pore and regulate the opening and closing of the pore.22
6371326421peridermthe protective coat that replaces the epidermis in woody plants during secondary growth, formed of the cork and cork cambium23
6371326422pithground tissue that is internal to the vascular tissue in a stem; in many monocot roots, parenchyma cells that form the central core of the vascular cylinder24
6371326423mesophyllspecialized ground tissue that makes up the bulk of most leaves; performs most of a plant's photosynthesis25
6371326424taproot systemA root system common to eudicots consisting of one large, vertical root (the taproot) that produces many smaller lateral, or branch, roots.26
6371326425fibrous root systemfiber: a lignified cell type that reinforces the xylem of angiosperms and functions in mechanical support; a slender, tapered sclerenchyma cell that usually occurs in bundles27
6371326426vascular cylindercentral region of a root that includes the vascular tissue-xylem and phloem28
6371326427root capthimble-shaped mass of cells covering and protecting the growing tip of a root29
6371326428root hairstiny hair-like extensions that increase the surface area of the root allowing it to absorbs more water and nurtients30
6371326429pericyclethe outermost layer in the vascular cylinder from which lateral roots arise31
6371326430endodermisthe innermost layer of the cortex in plant roots; a cylinder one cell thick that forms the boundary between the cortex and the vascular cylinder32
6371326431barkall tissues external to the vascular cambium, consisting mainly of the secondary phloem and layers of periderm33
6371326432lenticelsSmall raised areas in the bark of stems and roots that enable gas exchange between living cells and the outside air.34
6371326433heartwoodthe older inactive central wood of a tree or woody plant35
6371326434sapwoodnewly formed outer wood lying between the cambium and the heartwood of a tree or woody plant36
6371326435casparian stripa water impermeable ring of was in the endodermal cells of plants that blocks the passive flow of water and solutes into the stele by way of cell walls37
6371326436root nodulesswellings on roots; contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria38
6371326437mycorrhizaesymbiotic relationships between fungal hyphae and plant roots39
6371326438transpirationthe passage of gases through fine tubes because of differences in pressure or temperature40
6371326439cohesion-tension theorycohesion: the binding together of like molecules. often by hydrogen bonds41
6371326440translocationThe process by which organic substances move through the phloem of a plant42
6371326441pressure flow theorythe best-supported theory to explain the movement of food through the phloem. A high concentration of organic substance inside cells of the phloem at a source, such as a leaf, creates a diffusion gradient that draws water into the cells. Movement occurs by bulk flow; phloem sap moves from sugar sources to sugar sinks by means of turgor pressure.43
6371326442flowerreproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts44
6371326443stamenthe pollen-producing reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of an anther and a filament45
6371326444filamentin an angiosperm the stalk portion of the stamen, the pollen0producing reproductive organ of a flower46
6371326445antherin an angiosperm, the terminal pollen sac of a stamen, where pollen grains containing sperm-producing male gametophytes form47
6371326446carpelthe ovule producing organ of a flower, consisting of the stigma, style and ovary48
6371326447stigmathe sticky part of a flower's carpel, which traps pollen grains49
6371326448stylethe stalk of a flower's carpel, with the ovary at the base and the stigma at the top50
6371326449ovaryin flowers, the portion of a carpel in which the egg-containing ovules develop51
6371326450ovulea structure that develops within the ovary of a seed plant and contains the female gametophyte52
6371326451sepala modified leaf in angiosperms that helps enclose and protect a flower bud before it opens53
6371326452pollen grainin seed pants a structure consisting of the male gametophyte enclosed within a pollen wall54
6371326453microsporea spore from a heterosporous plant species that develops into a male gametophyte55
6371326454megasporea spore from a heterosporous plant species that develops into a female gametophyte56
6371326455pollinationthe transfer of pollen from male reproductive structures to female reproductive structures in plants57
6371326456cotyledona seed leaf of an angiosperm embryo. Some species have one cotyledon, others two.58
6371326457fruita mature ovary of a flower. the fruit protects dormant seeds and often aids in their dispersal59
6371326458endospermin angiosperms a nutrients-rich tissue formed by the union of a sperm with two polar nuclei during double fertilization. the endosperm provides nourishment to the developing embryo in angiosperm seeds60
6371326459vegetative growthvegetative reproduction: cloning of plants by asexual means, One stage of plant development, production of nonreproductive leaves, stems, and roots61
6371326460germinationthe process whereby seeds or spores sprout and begin to grow62
6371326461imbibitionthe physical adsorption of water onto the internal surfaces of structures63
6371326462gibberellinsany of a class of related plant hormones that stimulant growth in the stem and leaves, trigger the termination of seeds and breaking of bud dormancy, and with auxin stimulate fruit development64
6371326463auxinsa term that primarily refers to indoleacetic acid (IAA), a natural plant hormone that has a variety of effects, including cell elongation, root formation, secondary growth, and fruit growth.65
6371326464cytokininsany of a class of related plant hormones that retard aging and act in concert with auxin to stimulate cell division, influence the pathway of differentiation, and control apical dominance66
6371326465abscisic acida plant hormone that slows growth, often antagonizing actions of growth hormones. two of its many effects are to promote seed dormancy and facilitate drought tolerance67
6371326466ethylenethe only gaseous plant hormone. among its many effects are response to mechanical stress, programmed cell death, leaf abscission, and fruit ripening68
6371326467apical dominanceconcentration of growth at the tip of a plant shoot, where a terminal bud partially inhibits ancillary bud growth69
6371326468plant tropismA plant response in which the direction of the response is related from which the stimulus comes.70
6371326469gravitropisma response of a plant or animal to gravity71
6371326470phototropismgrowth of a plant shoot toward or away from the light72
6371326471thigmotropismplant growth in response to touch73
6371326472photoperiodisma physiological response to photoperiod, the relative lengths of night and day. and example of photoperiodism is flowering.74
6371326473long-day plantsa plant that flowers only when the light period is longer than critical length75
6371326474short-day plantsa plant that flowers only when the light period is shorter than a critical length76
6371326475day-neutral plantsa plant in which flower formation is not controlled by the photoperiod or day length77
6371326476abscissiona plant hormone that slows growth, often antagonizing actions of growth hormones, two of its many effects are to promote seed dormancy and facilitate drought tolerance.78
6371326477dormancya condition typified by extremely low metabolic rate and a suspension of growth and development79

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