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9753103461Photosynthesis Formula6CO2 + 6H2O = C6_H12_O6 + 6O20
9753103462Aerobic Respiration FormulaO2+ glucose ➡ CO2 + H2O + ATP1
9753133545BODAmount of O2 needed by aerobic decomposers (Biological Oxygen Demand)2
9753137453EutrophicationRapid algae growth in a body of water due to an excess of nitrogen and phosphorous3
9753141349HypoxiaAquatic plants die increasing BOD (Biological oxygen demand) reducing dissolved oxygen levels4
9753147116Primary Air PollutantsDirectly emitted from source ( Carbon Monoxide , Carbon dioxide , Sulfur dioxide , Nitrogen monoxide, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter)5
9753156363Secondary Air PollutantsAir pollutants in the atmosphere that form from reacting with primary air pollutants (ex. photo chemical smog)6
9753174423El ninoEl Nino Southern Oscillation Eastern Pacific experiences warmer climate preventing up welling due to lower themocline (more rain=more flooding) Droughts in Western pacific (No water=Famine)7
9753198081TroposphereCloset to sea level, where weather occurs8
9753199031StratosphereProvides Ozone layer9
9753199996TranspirationWater evaporates from plants into atmosphere10
9753202686Global Percent of Freshwater use for agriculture70%11
9753204199Global Percent of Freshwater in water table22%12
9753205635House hold appliance that uses the most waterToilet flushing13
9753209325LoamySoil ideal for farming, nutrient rich, and holds air and water well14
9753211467Primary SuccessionLand devoid of soil, lifeless, magma forming island15
9753214171Secondary SuccessionLand that has experienced force fire, removing plants, but keeping soil16
9753217380MutualismCooperation between two organisms, both benefit ( Bees)17
9753219328CommensalismOne organism benefits, other is neutral (Bird in tree)18
9753224706ParasitismOne organisms benefits at the cost of the host (Tape worm, Mosquito)19
9753229933Density Dependent FactorsEffects depend on the size and population of a species (Competition, Disease, space)20
9753234916Density Independent FactorsEffects do not depend of size or population of a species (Floods, fires,drought)21
9753238862Carrying CapacityThe upper limit of organisms an environment can sustain22
9753241008R-selected species (Opportunistic)Density independent, Boom and bust population growth/ J curve, short life, fast reproduction only once, many offspring, type III, most die early some longer, (mice, fish, insects)23
9753253508K-selected species (Logistic)Density dependent, S curve, few offspring, slow maturity, longer lives, type I or II, most live to max life span, (Elephants, humans, mammals)24
9753266755MPGMaximum Population Growth always exponential, species over produce25
9753268689Biotic PotentialAmount of offspring an organism is capable of having26
9753270550Type ISurvival decreases with age (Humans)27
9753273795Type IISurvival don't change (Reptiles,Birds)28
9753275041Type IIISurvival increases with age (Fish, mice, insects)29
9753276363TFRTotally Fertility Rate- avg number of kids a woman will have30
9753280223Rate of Natural increaser=(b-d)/1000 *10031
9753283147Demographic Transition modelStage 1-4 Increasing Women Empowerment decreases population as they have less kids because they are focused on education in both Stage 2 and 332
9753289264Age Structure Diagram S2Fat Base, skinny top, growing population33
9753293929Age Structure Diagram S3Slim, rectangular, stable population34
9753297031Age Structure Diagram S4V shaped decreasing population35
9753298399Doubling time formula70/rate of natural increase36
9753299349Demographic divideDeveloped countries and developing face completely different problems. S2 Overpopulation, famine, disease, poverty, technology, 3rd world problems S3+4 Consumerism, Higher education, malnutrition, 1st world problems37
9753307758O HorizonHumus (organic matter)38
9753308692A HorizonTop soil (minerals + organic matter)39
9753309809B HorizonSubsoil (clay + minerals)40
9753310885C HorizonAbove bedrock Contains rocks41
9753314830D HorizonBed rock42
9753317853Mineral ReserveAmount of mineral resource that can economically be recovered43
9753332349Nitrogen Oxides(NO) Source:cars Effects: promotes acidification of lakes, respiratory irritant, leads to smog and ozone. Reduce by using catalytic converters44
9753338354Sulfur Oxides(SO) Source: coal burning Effects: acid deposition, respiratory irritant, damages plants. Reduce by using scrubbers45
9753346730Carbon Oxides(CO2)Source: cars and incomplete combustion (burning wood leaves ash=incomplete) Effects: contributes to global warming and binds to hemoglobin reducing bloods ability to carry oxygen Reduce by using catalytic converters46
9753363530Ozone in troposphere(O3) Secondary pollutant Effects: respiratory irritant and plant damage Reduce by reducing NO emissions and VOCs Ex. benzene, formaldehyde47
9753369627VOCsVolatile organic compounds change from liquid to vapor easily used in air fresheners, path thinners, released by burning fuel48
9753378526RadonRadioactive gas from decay of Uranium can seeps through cracks of houses Causes Lung Cancer49
9753382309Acid depositionSulfuric and nitric acid lowering pH of water (acid rain)50
9753386650Green House GasesH2O vapor, CO2, O3, Ch4, CFCs Trap infrared heat from sun51
9753397430External CostsHarmful environmental side effects not reflected in product price52
9753398782SubductionWhen a one tectonic plate goes under another53
9753403143ConvergenceTwo tectonic plates collide either causing subduction or forms a mountain54
9753407776TransfomativeWhen two tectonic plates slide against each other55
97534138561st Law of ThermodynamicsEnergy Cannot be Created Nor Destroyed, but Can Change from one Form to another56
97534156642nd Law of ThermodynamicsWhen energy changes form, some of it is lost (such as heat in friction) entropy, no process is 100% efficient57
9753420421Nuclear FissionAtoms split releasing energy used in nuclear power plants58
9753420952Nuclear FusionAtoms combine (Powers the sun)59
9753425598Green RevolutionUses Monoculture and hi-put farming methods to feed global population. Using irrigation, fossil fuel machines, pesticides, and fertilizers60
9753428654MonocultureLow genetic diversity in agriculture, causes soil problems from no crop roatation.61
9753432663BiotanicalsOrganic insecticide that biodegrades but most be applied constantly (nicotine)62
9753434843Chlorinated HydrocarbonsSynthetic insecticides that bio accumulate/last long, non toxic to humans, but nerotoxin for fish (DDT)63
9753441149OrganophosphatesNerve gas toxic to everything, but biodegrades64
9753443335Importance of PesticidesDeveloped nation's economy relies on it, protects human health by killing vectors of disease65
9753447559VectorAny organisms that carry disease (Mosquitoes Malaria, Rats black plague, ticks Lyme disease)66
9753454186#1 Problem of PesticidesBio accumulation of chlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT) bio magnify and endangered top predators such as eagles and hawks Solution: GMOs, organic farms, biodegradable pesticides67
9753458519#2 Problem of PesticidesLeads to Genetic Resistance as killing only the weaks only let the strong reproduce Solution: GMOs, IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Inter cropping, Biological controls (lady bugs, cane toads), reproductive controls (sterile Male)68
97829863685 Products of OilTar, Asphalt, Gasoline, Diesel, Plastics69
9782989565CAFEThe Corporate Average Fuel Economy (Regulates fuel efficiency of cars and light trucks)70
9782994120Open Pit MiningDigging a big hole in the earth (Quarry) Causes Habitat Loss, acid mine drainage, and erosion71
9782998657Sub-surface MiningDigging a mine to go underground Problems: Human Health (collapses, fires, black lung)72
9783002099Strip MiningMachines strip strands of land leaving spoiled banks leading to acid mine drainage73
9783006530Mountaintop RemovalExploding a mountain, causes habitat loss, waste rock, dirt, and mining minerals such as mercury contaminate groundwater74
9783014856Ocean DrillingHarvesting oil and natural gas using hydraulic fracking75
9783025015Main Pollutants of MiningCO2, SO2, NO2, PM, CH4 (methane), soil/water pollution from runoff include: sediments(eutrophication), sulfuric acid, and mercury76
9783035194What Happened at Fukushima DaiichiNuclear meltdown from tsunami hit after 9.0 earthquake, no fatalities but short term radiation77
9783040099Watershedland area that delivers water, sediment, and dissolved substances via small streams to a major steam (river) as well as replenishes aquifers78
9783044015Clean Air ActUS federal law designed to control air pollution. Requires the EPA to develop and enforce regulations against airborne pollutants known to be hazardous to human health.79
9783046753Clean Water Act of 1972The EPA is charged with implementing pollution control programs and ensure water quality standards for surface waters. Does not protect groundwater, wells or artificial lakes.80
9783051976Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974The EPA sets standards to protect drinking water against contaminants like animal wastes, chemical wastes, etc. Does not cover private wells.81
97830599343 Sources of MethaneCattle farms, landfill, natural gas emissions82
97830647444 innovations of the Green Revolution1. Artificial Selection/GMO's 2. Irrigation 3. Synthetic Pesticides/Herbicides 4. Synthetic fertilizers83
9783067662The Pesticide treadmillBecause organisms can become resistant to pesticides, farmers are caught on a treadmill of having to use stronger and stronger chemicals. Overtime pests become resistant to pesticides.84
97830716904 ways to conserve water1. Eat lower in the food chain (less H20 intensive foods) 2. Use gray water to flush toilet or landscape. 3. Low flow appliances. 4. Only do full loads of wash.85
9783073956TurbidityMeasure of water clarity86
9783075329Levels of coal (lowest energy to highest)Peat, lignite, sub-bituminous, bituminous, anthracite87
9783081430Problem with frackingUses high pressure to extract oil and gas, could lead to contamination of groundwater88
9783089772Chemical formula of troposphere ozone in phtochemical smogNOx (nitrogen Oxides) + VOC (volatile organic compounds from burning gasoline) + Sunlight ------> O389
97830985132 Benefits of wetlands1)Flood control 2)Natural filter90
9783101144"Hazardous" characteristics1.Poisonous 2.Chemically Reactive 3.Corrosive 4.Flammable91
9783104694Chemical formula(s) of acid rainSO3 + H2O→ H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) OR NO2 + H2O→HNO3 (nitric acid)92
9783105909KwashiorkorLife-threatening and debilitating form of malnutrition. It's caused by a lack of protein in the diet common in developing countires.93
9783109868MarasmusMost common form of acute malnutrition94
9783113440NIMBYNot In My Back Yard, which is opposition by residents to a proposal for a new development because it is too close to them, even though it is needed by society (i.e. landfills, power plants, etc.)95
9783116087FormaldehydeEmitted from many building materials (plywood, particleboard, and various household products (furniture, drapes, upholstery, adhesives in carpeting and wallpaper)96
9783121029Positive feedback loop in the oceanCO2 + H2O ⇄ H2CO3 (carbonic acid)97
9783128000HydroponicsThe process of growing plants in sand, gravel, or liquid, with added nutrients, but without soil.98
9783129255Importance of SiliconUsed in photo voltaic cells. (solar panels)99
9858767989Catalytic converters convert these into CO2Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons100
9858777775This place experiences largest annual temperature change from global warmingAlaska101
9858781052Aerosols are linked to what in the atmosphere?Cooling102
9858783016Why doesn't H2O vapor contribute to global warming?Short duration in atmosphere103
9858787877Problem with herbicides for fishEndocrine disruptors104
9858791746Ex. of Tragedy of the commonsWater pollution from oil rigs in Gulf of Mex.105
9858801816Coal ashContains Arsenic and mercury106
9858809634Primary Sewage TreatmentRemoval of solids107
9858810568Secondary sewage TreatmentBiological process to remove dissolved and suspended organic compounds.108
985881970975% of solid waste sourceMining (spoil banks and slag from smelting)109
9858826051Percent change formula(Original - New)/Original*100110
9858836110H20 Temp Increases from logging becauseWater table lowered from trees not keeping water in the soil-> Shallower water-> Heats up faster111
9858841509Rachel Carson's significancePesticide Awareness wrote "Silent Spring"112
9858845635Contains most chromium, platinum, magnesiumSouth Africa but actually entirely Wakanda (Makes sense tho)113
9858858033AnoxiaVoid of Oxygen114
9858869441Solving Environmental Problems steps1.Sound alarm (Individuals/ people find problem) 2.Scientific Assessment (problem w/ research) 3.Risk Analysis (Balance Cost/Risks) 4.Public Education (Provide solutions) 5. Political Action (Laws/acts) 6. Follow Through (Monitoring)115
98588837973 Points to solving environmental problemsEnvironmentally Sustainable Economically Viable Socially Acceptable116
9858890781Lake WashingtonEx. of Eutrophication117
9858893055Zebra Mussels (Great Lakes)Invasive species118
9858905093Amount of people in the U.S.About 325 Million119
9858906325Age of earth4.5 billions years120
9858911634Kyoto Protocol: 1997Made to reduce Green house gas emissions121
9858916912Montreal Protocol 1989Banned CFCs (helped protect ozone layer)122
98589217603 Most commons produced grains1. Corn 2. Wheat 3. Rice123
9862996762CERCLA/Super fund (Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act)A Federal fund to clean up uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous-waste sites as well as accidents, spills, and other emergency releases of pollutants and contaminants into the environment.124
9863090205Resource Conservation and Recovery ActGives EPA the authority to control hazardous waste from the "cradle-to-grave."125
9863168818Toxic Substances Control Act 1976provides EPA with authority to require reporting, record-keeping and testing requirements, and restrictions relating to chemical substances and/or mixtures.126
9863226508AsbestosHeat resistant fibers that cause lung disease if inhaled127
9863269388FormaldehydeColorless, flammable gas at room temperature and has a strong odor. Resins used wood furniture Building materials and insulation for preservation.128
9863359686Most of U.S. municipal waste goesSanitary landfills129
9863434352Thermal Inversion Caused byMountainous geography creating a bowl and layers of warm air between cold air130
9867269470Heat Trapping Ability (Greatest to least)CFCs, CH4 (methane), NO2, CO2131
9867286432Greenhouse gases order of abundance in atmosphere (greatest to least)CO2, CH4, NO2, CFCs132
9867302395Most abundant element in atmosphereNitrogen133
9867324230Mitigationto reduce severity (problem has happened)134
9867330527Adaptationto be better suited for an environment (prevent problem for happening)135
9893499962Indicator speciesShows if a disease causing pathogen are present (Ex. Fecal coliform bacteria such as E. coli.)136
9893533444Manure LagoonMan made pond lined with rubber to handle large amounts of livestock waste137
9893563520Leach FieldsPart of a septic system made out of underground pipes138
9893585535SeptageClean water in the middle of septic tanks containing the bacteria, pathogens, and inorganic nutrients139
9893606656SludgeSolid waster from washwater140
9893633673Acid mine drainage141
9893674655PerchlrolatesHarmful chemicals used in rocket fuels142
9894163134Exxon Valdez oilAlaska 1989 Ship spilled 11 million gallons of oil off the coast143
9894185769Deep Water Horizon Oil spilPipe break 1 mile below ocean floor released 206 million gallons of oil144

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