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APES Chemistry Review Flashcards

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7282693331EnergyThe capacity to do work or transfer heat0
7282697294Physical changeAn event which may alter the appearance but not the chemical composition of a sample of matter1
7283347324ProtonPositive particle within an atom2
7283348591ElementFundamental substance that can't be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means3
7283349825Scientific lawA well-tested pattern observed in data4
7283351404HypothesisA testable explanation for observations in nature5
7283352916Scientific theoryA well-tested & widely accepted scientific hypothesis6
7283357668Chemical changeAn event which alters the arrangement of atoms or ions within molecules of the substances involved7
7283360503Electromagnetic radiationA form of kinetic energy that travels in waves, for example X-rays or ultraviolet waves8
7283365203First law of thermodynamicsThe law that states energy input must equal energy output9
7283366702Organic compoundsThe group of compounds which contain at least 2 carbon atoms combined with other elements (often H & O)10
7283370419Amino acidsThe monomer of proteins11
7283372128Mass numberThe number of protons & neutrons in the nucleus of an atom12
7283375412pHThe measure of hydrogen ions contained in a particular solution13
7283376747NucleotidesThe monomer for nucleic acids14
7283379709Second law of thermodynamicsThe law stating that when energy is changed from one form to another, it is always changed to a less useful or lower-quality form of energy15
7283381532Atomic numberThe number of protons in an atom16
7283383086CarbohydratesThe polymer made of simple sugars such as glucose17
7283386006CoalAn example of high-quality energy18
7283387761Heat stored in the Atlantic OceanAn example of low-quality energy19
7283387762Energy efficiencyThe measure of how much useful work is actually produced from a given unit of energy20
7283389941IsotopeThe variations of an element which have the same atomic number but different mass numbers21
7283394206IonA charged atom or group of atoms22
7283396811ElectronNegative particle of an atom23
7283405286FissionThe nuclear change in which large, unstable atoms split into lighter nuclei24
7283408406Law of conservation of matterThe law which explains why all waste products must be dealt with in nature25
7283409542FusionA change in which 2 small nuclei are forced together at very high temperatures, form a heavier nucleus26
7313172213Positive feedback loopCauses a system to change further in the same direction.27
7313172936Negative feedback loopCauses a system to change in the opposite direction from which it is moving28
7283434075Nitrate ion29
7283435897Sulfate ion30
7283437177Phosphate ion31
7283438883Ammonium ion32
7283450305Sulfur dioxide35

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