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AP World History Vocabulary 1700-Present Flashcards

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9928983172Declaration of IndependenceA document modeled after the political philosophies of John Locke. It altered the natural rights identified by John Locke to include "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."0
9928983173self-strengthening movementa late 19th century movement in which the Chinese modernized their army and encouraged western investment in factories and railways1
9928983174romanticisma literary and artistic movement in 19th century Europe; emphasized emotion over reason2
9928983175Queua long ponytail that Chinese men were forced to wear in order to distinguish them from Manchus3
9928983176Domestic Systema manufacturing method in which the stages of the manufacturing process are carried out in private homes rather than a factory setting4
9928983177Maorisa member of a Polynesian group that settled in New Zealand about 800 C.E.5
9928983178Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the CitizenA statement of political rights adopted by the French National Assembly during the French Revolution6
9928983179Declaration of the Rights of Women and of the FemaleA statement of the rights of women written by Olympe de Gouges in response to the Declaration of the Rights of Man.7
9928983180CommunismAn economic system in which the state controls the means of production.8
9928983181Liberalisman Enlightenment philosophy that favored civil rights, the protection of private property, and representative government9
9928983182Guanobird droppings used as fertilizer; a major trade item of Peru in the late 19th century10
9928983183Suez Canalcanal constructed by Egypt across the Isthmus of Suez in 186911
9928983184Code Napoleon (Napoleonic Code)collection of laws that standardized French law under the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte12
9928983185Spanish-American Warconflict between the United States and Spain that began the rise of the United States as a world power13
9928983186Economic Imperialismcontrol of a country's economy by the business of another nation14
9928983187Revolutions of 1848democratic and nationalistic revolutions, most of them unsuccessful, that swept through Europe15
9928983188spheres of influencedivisions of a country in which a particular foreign nation enjoys economic privileges16
9928983189Jacobinsextreme radicals during the French Revolution17
9928983190theory of relativityidea that argued that time and space are relative to one another18
9928983191theory of natural selectionidea, first proposed by Charles Darwin, that species survive due to favorable characteristics19
9928983192Bourgeoisiein France, the class of merchant and artisans who were members of the Third Estate and initiators of the French Revolution; in Marxist theory, a term referring to factory owners20
9928983193Proletarianin Marxist theory, the class of workers in an industrial society21
9928983194conservatismin 19th century Europe, a movement that supported monarchies, aristocracies, and state-established churches22
9928983195factors of productionthey are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship, which existed in Britain which allowed it to lead in the Industrial Revolution23
9928983196Zaibatsularge industrial organization created in Japan during the industrialization of the late 19th century24
9928983197conscriptionmilitary draft25
9928983198Tanzimet Reforms19th century reforms by Ottoman rulers designed to make government and military more efficient26
9928983199Monroe Doctrinepolicy issued by the United States in which it declared that the Western Hemisphere was off limits to colonization by other powers27
9928983200Indian National Congresspolitical party that became the leader of the Indian nationalist movement28
9928983201Congress of Viennarestored legitimate monarchs to the thrones of Europe and to create a balance of power29
9928983202Boxer Rebellionrevolt against foreign residents of China30
9928983203Sepoy Rebellionrevolt of Indian soldiers against the British; caused by a military practice in violation of the Muslim and Hindu faiths (1857)31
9928983204natural rightsrights that belong to every person and that no government may take away32
9928983205Great Trekslaveholding Boers who, in 1834, left the Cape Colony and moved to the interior of Africa33
9928983206Young Turkssociety founded in 1889 in the Ottoman Empire; its goal was to restore the constitution of 1876 and to reform the empire34
9928983207BoersSouth Africans of Dutch descent35
9928983208SepoysSouth Asian soldiers who served in the British army in India36
9928983209Revolutions of 1905strikes by urban workers and peasants in Russia; prompted by shortages of food and by Russia's loss to Japan in 1905.37
9928983210Entrepreneurshipthe ability to combine the factors of land, labor, and capital to create factory production.38
9928983211social Darwinismthe application of Darwin's philosophy of natural selection to human society39
9928983212Separation of Powersthe division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government40
9928983213estatesthe divisions of society in pre-revolutionary France41
9928983214imperialismthe establishment of colonial empires42
9928983215enclosure movementthe fencing of pasture land in England beginning prior to the Industrial Revolution43
9928983216Bill of Rightsthe first ten amendments to the constitution of the United States44
9928983217Qing Dynastythe Manchurian invaders who ruled China from 1644 to the early 1900s45
9928983218Berlin Conferencethe meeting of European imperialist powers to divide Africa among them46
9928983219capitalthe money and equipment needed to engage in industrialization47
9928983220feminismthe movement to achieve women's rights48
9928983221Reign of Terrorthe period of the most extreme violence during the French Revolution49
9928983222Manifest Destinythe policy in the U.S. that led to its expansion from the Atlantic to the Pacific50
9928983223Meiji Restorationthe restoration of the Meiji emperor in Japan in 1868 that began a program of industrialization and centralization of Japan following the end of the Tokogawa Shogunate51
9928983224extraterritorialitythe right of foreigners to live under the laws of their home country rather than those of the host country52
9928983225dumathe Russian parliament53
9928983226Rajthe Sanskrit name for the British government in India54
9928983227Gran ColumbiaThe temporary union of the northern portion of south America after the independence movements led by Simon Bolivar55
9928983228estates-generalthe traditional legislative body of France56
9928983229Industrial Revolutionthe transition between the domestic system of manufacturing and the mechanization of production in a factory setting57
9928983230Treaty of Nankingtreaty ending the Opium War that ceded Hong Kong to the British (1842)58
9928983231Pogromviolence against Jews in tsarist Russia59
9928983232Opium Warwar between Great Britain and China began with the Qing dynasty's refusal to allow continued opium importation into China; British victory resulted in the Treaty of Nanking (1839-1842)60
9928983233Sino-Japanese Warwar between Japan and China, in 1895, over control of Korea61
9928983234Russo-Japanese WarWar between Russia and Japan over Manchurian territory, resulted in the defeat of Russia by the Japanese Navy62
9928983235Boer WarWar between the British and the Dutch over Dutch independence in South Africa; resulted in British victory (1899-1902)63
9928983236RadicalismWestern European political philosophy during the 19th century; advocated democracy and reforms favoring lower classes64
9928983237May fourth movementa 1919 protest in China against the Treaty of Versailles and foreign influence65
9928983238Tehran conferencea 1943 meeting of leaders of the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union; it agreed on the opening of a second front in France66
9928983239Potsdam conferencea 1945 meeting of the leaders of Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union in which it was agreed that the Soviet Union would be given control of eastern Europe and that Germany would be divided into zones of occupation67
9928983240Geneva Conferencea 1954 conference that divided Vietnam at the seventh parallel68
9928983241Helsinki accordsa 1975 political and human rights agreement signed in Helsinki, Finland, by Western European countries and the Soviet Union69
9928983242cultural revolutiona Chinese movement from 1966 to 1976 intended to establish an egalitarian society of peasants and workers.70
9928983243European Economic CommunityA Common Market organized in 1958 which reduced tariffs among member nations and created a common tariff policy for other world nations71
9928983244Spanish civil wara conflict from 1936-1939 that resulted in the installation of fascist dictator Francisco Franco as ruler of Spain; Franco's forces were backed by Germany and Italy, whereas the Soviet Union supported the opposing republican forces72
9928983245Kabuki theatera form of Japanese theater developed in the 17th century that features colorful scenery and costumes and an exaggerated style of acting73
9928983246Coalitiona government based on temporary alliances of several political parties74
9928983247Yalta conferencea meeting of the leaders of the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States in 1945; the Soviet Union agreed to enter the war against Japan in exchange for influence in the Eastern European states. The Yalta Conference also made plans for the establishment of a new international organization.75
9928983248Iron curtaina metaphorical description of the divide between the Communist East and Democratic Western Europe76
9928983249Welfare statea nation in which the government plays an active role in providing services such as social security to its citizens77
9928983250British commonwealthA political community consisting of the United Kingdom, its dependencies, and former colonies of Great Britain that are now sovereign nations; currently called the Commonwelath of Nations78
9928983251Fascisma political movement that is characterized by extreme nationalism, one-party rule, and the denial of individual rights79
9928983252Alliance for progressa program of economic aid for Latin America in exchange for pledge to establish democratic institutions; part of U.S. President Kennedy's international program80
9928983253Pan-Slavic movementA Russian attempt to unite all Slavic nations into a commonwealth relationship under the influence of Russia.81
9928983254Cubisma school of art in which persons and objects are represented by geometric forms.82
9928983255Al-Qaedaa terrorist group based in Afghanistan in the late 20th and early 21st centuries83
9928983256Ayatollaha traditional Muslim religious ruler84
9928983257Russificationa tsarist program that required non-Russians to speak only Russian and provided education only for those groups loyal to Russia85
9928983258Mandatea type of colony in which the government is overseen by another nation, as in the Middle Eastern mandates placed under European control after WWI86
9928983259Marshall plana U.S. plan to support the recovery and reconstruction of Western Europe after WWII87
9928983260international space stationa vehicle sponsored by 16 nations that circles the earth while carrying out experiments88
9928983261Berlin walla wall, built by the East German Communist government, to separate the Democratic Western Berlin89
9928983262world bankan agency of the United Nations that offers loans to countries to promote trade and economic development90
9928983263import substitution industrializationan economic system that attempts to strengthen a country's industrial power by restricting foreign imports91
9928983264World Trad Organizationan international organization begun in 1995 to promote and organize world trade92
9928983265International Monetary fundan international organization founded in 1944 to promote market economies and free trade93
9928983266European Unionan organization designed to reduce trade barriers and promote economic unity in Europe; it was formed in 1993 to replace the European Community.94
9928983267North American Free Trade Organizationan organization that prohibits tariffs and other trade barriers between Mexico, the United States, and Canada (NAFTA)95
9928983268GuomindangChina's Nationalist political party founded by Sun Yat-sen in 1912 and based on democratic principles; in 1925, the party was taken over by Jiang Jieshi, who made it into a more authoritarian party.96
9928983269containmentCold War policy of the United States whose purpose was to prevent the spread of communism97
9928983270government of India Actthe British law passed in 1935 which increased suffrage and turned provincial governments over to Indian leaders98
9928983271central powersin WWI, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire, and other nations who fought with them against the Allies99
9928983272Allied powersin WWI, the nations of Great Britain, France, Russia, the United States, and others that fought against the Central Powers; in WWII, the group of nations including Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States, that fought against the Axis Powers100
9928983273League of nationsinternational organization founded after WWI to promote peace and cooperation among nations101
9928983274service industriesoccupations that provided a service rather than a manufactured or agricultural product102
9928983275Organization of Petroleum Exporting CountriesOrganization formed in 1950 by oil-producing countries to regulate oil supplies and prices (OPEC)103
9928983276evangelicalpertaining to preaching the Gospel (the good news) or pertaining to theologically conservative Christians.104
9928983277five year plansplans for industrial production first introduced in the Soviet Union in 1928 by Stalin; they succeeded in making the Soviet Union a major industrial power by the end of the 1930s105
9928983278Appeasementpolicy of Great Britain and France of making concessions in Hitler in the 1930s106
9928983279KulaksRussian peasants who became wealthy under Lenin's New Economic Policy107
9928983280AfrikanersSouth Africans who were descended from the Dutch who settled in south Africa in the 17th century108
9928983281Hubble space telescopeTelescope able to peer deep into space109
9928983282Treaty of Brest-Litovskthe 1918 treaty ending WWI between Germany and the Soviet Union110
9928983283Treaty of Versaillesthe 1919 peace treaty between Germany and the Allied nations; it blamed the war on Germany and assessed heavy reparations and large territorial losses on the part of Germany111
9928983284Glasnostthe 1985 policy of Mikhail Gorbachev that allowed openness of expression of ideas in the Soviet Union112
9928983285Persian gulf warthe 1991 war between Iraq and a U.S. led coalition to liberate Kuwait from an Iraqi invasion113
9928983286Deoxyribonucleic acidthe blueprint of heredity114
9928983287No theaterthe classical Japanese drama with music and dances performed on a simple stage by elaborately dressed actors115
9928983288Brinkmanshipthe Cold War policy of the Soviet Union and the United States of threatening to go to war at a sign of aggression on the part of either power116
9928983289Collectivizationthe combination of several small farms into a large government controlled farm117
9928983290Great leap forwardthe diasastrous economic policy introduced by Mao Zedong that proposed the implementation of small scale industrial projects on individual peasant communities118
9928983291Sputnikthe first man-made satellite, launched by the Soviet Union119
9928983292Anschlussthe German annexation of Austria prior to WWII120
9928983293United Nationsthe international organization founded in 1945 to establish peace and cooperation among nations121
9928983294Holocaustthe Nazi program during WWII that killed 6 million Jews and other groups considered undesirable122
9928983295Reparationsthe payment of war debts by the losing side123
9928983296Great depressionthe severe worldwide economic downturn that began in the late 1920s and continued into the 1930s throughout many regions of the world124
9928983297Apartheidthe South African policy of separation of the races125
9928983298McDonaldizationthe spread of American culture and values around the world126
9928983299Eurothe standard currency introduced and adopted by the majority of members of the European Union in January 2002127
9928983300Genocidethe systematic killing of an entire ethnic group128
9928983301Cold warthe tense diplomatic relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II129
9928983302Mass consumerismtrade in products designed to appeal to a global market130
9928983303National Organization For WomenU.S. organization founded in 1969 to campaign for women's rights131
9928983304New DealU.S. President Roosevelt's program to relieve the economic problems of the Great Depression; it increased government involvement in the society of the United States132
9928983305CartelsUnions of independent businesses in order to regulate production, prices, and the marketing of goods133
9928983306Korean ConflictWars between Communist North Korea, aided by China, and Capitalist South Korea, aided by the United States134
9928983307Cuban missile crisisWhen in 1962, the Soviets constructed nuclear missiles in Cuba which brought days of tense confrontation between Khrushchev and the U.S. President Kennedy. Khrushchev ultimately backed down, and the missiles were removed.135

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