11499978397 | Scholasticism | The study of a religion in an attempt to use logic as attempted in Europe | 0 | |
11499993883 | al-Andalus | Muslim kingdom that included spain | 1 | |
11500005795 | Cahokia | Largest urban center in northern europe | 2 | |
11500015237 | Malacca | Strait of water that was the choke point in indian ocean trade | 3 | |
11500022505 | Muhammad | Successful trader who went on to become the founder of Islam | 4 | |
11500030931 | Printing press | Chinese invention used in the tang dynasty, Diamond Sutra | 5 | |
11500037572 | Genghis Khan | Born as Temujin, 16 million descendants, created largest land empire ever | 6 | |
11500057203 | Silla kingdom of Korea | Group who participated in Chinese tribute system | 7 | |
11500062765 | Christendom | European society based on faith and church practices | 8 | |
11500069296 | 3 field system | Practice of crop rotation used to enhance food yields in Europe | 9 | |
11500078272 | Tribute payment | An offering made to a leader in exchange for something else such as trade rights or your life | 10 | |
11510870634 | gunpowder | Chinese invention originally for scaring opponents in war, later used in weapons | 11 | |
11510880561 | kowtow | practice or bowing in order to show submission to a leader | 12 | |
11510887333 | Polythiesm | belief in more than one god | 13 | |
11510890132 | mongols | group of nomadic warriors from the steppes region, largest land empire in world history | 14 | |
11510901557 | 5 Pillars of Islam | basic beliefs and practices including prayer, alms, hajj, fasting, and faith | 15 | |
11510913797 | Hagia Sophia | church of holy wisdom add to by Justinian currently a mosque in constantinople | 16 | |
11510922780 | patriarchy | system of domination of males in a society over the females | 17 | |
11510933266 | xiongnu | early nomadic confederacy served as an example to mongol organization | 18 | |
11510940203 | feudalism | system where lord provided land in exchange for promises of protection from vassals | 19 | |
11510947816 | bushido | Japanese warrior code of conduct, similar to the system in europe | 20 | |
11510951857 | khan | title given meaning leader or ruler | 21 | |
11510984582 | mansa musa | wealthy Mali king who gave away gold on his hajj to mecca. upset economic balance for decades | 22 | |
11510991746 | Holy Roman Emperor Otto 1 | king in Germany who rescued the pope and was granted title | 23 | |
11511009447 | Vladimir of Kiev | russian prince who chose Eastern Orthodox Christianity for the state religion | 24 | |
11511015434 | kublai khan | mongol prince who established yuan dynasty in china, befriended marco polo | 25 | |
11511025177 | mandate of heaven | belief in the approval gods for a leader to be the intermediary with the people | 26 | |
11511102100 | Marco Polo | european merchant traveled to china, book written | 27 | |
11511108516 | Bubonic Plague | spread rapidly along trade routes | 28 | |
11511112890 | yuan | Chinese dynasty ruled by mongols | 29 | |
11511116496 | Great Schism | divison of christendom into orthodox and catholic churches | 30 | |
11511128813 | Horse collar | Chinese invention that helped maximize animal labor | 31 | |
11511131910 | Timbuktu | center of islam schools and trade in W Africa | 32 | |
11511138824 | Neo-Confucianism | Arose as a response to the spread of Buddhism in China | 33 | |
11511144530 | Baghdad | Capital city of the Abbasid Caliphate | 34 | |
11511155709 | dar al islam | People unified under the Muslim faith | 35 | |
11511164021 | ibn battuta | muslim traveller and legal scholar who criticized african women | 36 | |
11511171933 | diffusion | the spread of ideas from one region to another | 37 | |
11511181136 | Eastern Orthodox | Branch of Christianity in Byzantine Empire, spread to Russia | 38 | |
11511183959 | Guilds | organizations of merchants, artisans, and craftsmen that controlled the means of production | 39 | |
11511191208 | jizya | special tax for non-muslims | 40 | |
11511195664 | crusades | wars that led to increased cultural diffusion between Europe and the East | 41 | |
11511208984 | Swahili city-states | trade centers on East African coast | 42 | |
11511215144 | Indian Ocean maritime trade network | Trade network where the compass and lateen sails were diffused | 43 | |
11511215145 | shinto | Traditional Japanese belief based on veneration of nature and ancestors | 44 | |
11511222466 | Charlemagne | most important Carolingian emperor | 45 | |
11511226761 | sui | Chinese dynasty that built the Grand Canal | 46 | |
11511229420 | serfs | Peasants legally bound to their land | 47 | |
11511237407 | veiling | Social practice that Arabs adopted from Persia and Mesopotamia | 48 | |
11511240664 | samurai | warriors of Japan, dedicated to daimyo | 49 | |
11511245461 | shogun | held political power in feudal Japan | 50 | |
11511252859 | champa | Fast growing rice from Vietnam, caused population boom in China | 51 | |
11511256379 | algebra | islamic mathematical creation based on Indian numbers | 52 | |
11511260861 | quipu | andean form of record keeping, consists of series of knots | 53 | |
11511275256 | junks | Large Chinese trade ships | 54 | |
11511278387 | caliphs | Islamic leaders regarded as successors of Muhammad for Sunni Muslims | 55 | |
11511281749 | Scholar-gentry | Landowning class in China: produced government employees | 56 | |
11511286968 | Pax Mongolica | Time of secure trade routes across Eurasia | 57 | |
11511289949 | Japan | mongols failed to conquer this country | 58 | |
11511293421 | justinians code | Byzantine law code influenced by Roman tradition | 59 | |
11511297675 | hajj | A pilgrimage to Mecca, performed as a duty by Muslims(part of 5 pillars) | 60 | |
11511308334 | Byzantine empire | Eastern half of the Roman Empire | 61 | |
11511311592 | Footbinding | Practice that inhibited upper-class women in post-classical China | 62 | |
11511315283 | Golden Horde | Mongol rulers of Russia | 63 | |
11511317603 | tang | Chinese dynasty that persecuted Buddhism | 64 | |
11511321718 | temujin | name of Genghis khan , founder of the mongol empire | 65 | |
11511328009 | cosmopolitan cities | merchant communities, many lang. goods, beliefs,etc | 66 | |
11511338284 | turks | Central Asian nomads who migrated into Middle East | 67 | |
11511342317 | Serfdom | Social practice used by Russian princes over their peasants | 68 | |
11511348315 | Ghana, Mali, Songhai | Kingdoms of Africa that were established based on the gold and salt trade. | 69 | |
11511351979 | flying money | Paper currency developed by Song Dynasty | 70 | |
11511355440 | sufis | Mystics who spread Islam into India and SE Asia | 71 | |
11511358826 | Hanseatic League | intra-regional trade network or Northern Europe | 72 | |
11511365769 | trans sahara | trade network where slaves and gold were exchanged for salt and textiles | 73 | |
11511369477 | porcelain | New major export from China | 74 | |
11511374868 | shariah | Islamic code of law | 75 | |
11511374869 | animism | traditional religion in north america and sub-saharan africa | 76 | |
11511383027 | matrilineal | african practice of tracing ones lineage along the mothers side | 77 | |
11511390921 | Axum | christian trading kingdom in E Africa | 78 | |
11511399049 | vikings | expanded throughout N Europe with their sea-faring strength | 79 | |
11511405881 | bantu migrations | Created cultural and linguistic ties in sub-Saharan Africa | 80 | |
11511411775 | Sultanate of Delhi | Muslim Turk rulers of northern India | 81 | |
11511414344 | trunk sisters | Vietnamese women who lead rebellion | 82 | |
11511419250 | mosque | Islamic house of worship, distinctive architecture | 83 | |
11511425891 | ottoman turks | Sunni Muslims that conquered the Byzantines and formed in modern day Turkey | 84 |
AP world history Bayless Unit 3 Flashcards
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