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AP Human Geography Final Flashcards

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8284861096Formal RegionAn area in which everyone/everything (or the area itself) shares one or more characteristics Ex. Colorado, the tropics0
8284896248Functional Region-An area where there is a focal point(node) which is dominant and has influence over the region -There is interaction in the region between the node and the surrounding area Ex. Circulation area of a newspaper, school district, central business district1
8284946686Vernacular Region (Perceptual Region)-Exists in the minds of people -Not formally(scientifically) defined Ex. The Midwest2
8284973037ScaleRelation between the size of something on a map to its actual size on Earth3
8284986075Large-Scale Map-Shows only a small portion of the Earth's surface, like a neighborhood -Lots of detail in a small area4
8285004658Small-Scale MapNot as much detail but it shows a large area, like the globe5
8285035856RobinsonA map projection, oceans not interrupted, but land areas are much smaller than they are on maps where the oceans interrupted6
8286259573MercatorA map projection, shape is not distorted much, direction is consistent, rectangular, but near the poles/high latitudes places look much larger than the actually are.7
8286292163SitePhysical characteristic of a place Ex. Climate, topography, vegetation8
8286299881SituationThe location of a place relative to other places9
8286312317HearthThe origin of the idea or characteristic10
8286316281Relocation DiffusionPeople moving and bringing their culture with them Ex. Spread of religion by settlers or conquerors11
8286333004Hierarchical DiffusionA type of expansion diffusion, the process of transferring ideas first between larger places or prominent people and only later to less important points or people12
8286358427Contagious DiffusionA type of expansion diffusion, direct contact between developers of idea/those who adopted it and those who encounter it. Affects nearly uniformly all individuals and areas outward from the source region13
8286385798Stimulus DiffusionA type of expansion diffusion, the movement of the underlying idea or principle14
8286457103Thematic MapA map with a single subject15
8303322522East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, EuropeFour most important population concentrations16
8303359108Stage 2What stage is Nigeria in on the demographic transition model? Region-Sub-Saharan Africa Rapid population growth Triangle shaped population pyramid(many young people)17
8303402249Stage 3What stage is India in on the demographic transition model? Region-Latin America, South-East Asia Population still growing- but slowing down Square with triangle on top population pyramid18
8303418082Stage 4What stage is the U.S. in on the demographic transition model? Region-North America and parts of Europe, Oceania Steady population-Low CBR and CDR Rectangular-ish population pyramid19
8303434698Stage 5What stage is Japan in on the Demographic transition model? Region-Some parts of Europe Decreasing population- elderly, very low CBR Pentagon shaped pyramid(more elderly people than young)20
8303600005War(civil war)Political Reason for Forced Migration21
8303612505Facing discriminationSocial Reason for Forced Migration22
8303619414Natural DisasterEnvironmental Reason for Forced Migration23
8303653188TurkeyTop refugee hosting country24
8387685702Language Family-A collection of individual languages with a common ancestor from the very distant past -Largest division of language Ex. Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan25
8387723804Indo-EuropeanLargest language family26
8387736037IsoglossAn area of distinct word usage or pronunciation that can be defined as a distinct region with boundaries Ex. soda vs pop27
8387766330IdeogramsThe system of writing used in China and other East Asian countries in which each symbol represents an idea or a concept rather than a specific as is the case with letters in English28
8387800716Lingua FrancaA language mutually understood and commonly used in trade by people who have different native languages Ex. English, French in Africa29
8387832046Language BranchA group of languages that share a common origin but have evolved into different languages-second largest division of languages Ex. Romance languages, Indo-Iranian30
8387862531Language GroupSeveral individual languages within a language branch31
8387884300DialectPronunciation and vocabulary of a language distinct to a certain region32
8387893506Creole-A language that is made up of a combination of two languages -Often a mixture of a European and African language that is the result of slaves being brought to the Americas Ex. Haitian ______33
8387942906Multi-Lingual StateA state where multiple languages are spoken Ex. Belgium34
8387969573Sino-TibetanSecond largest language family35
8387969574MandarinMost widely spoken language- Sino-Tibetan family36
8387979921EnglishSecond most widely spoken language- Indo-European family37
8388000709Ethnic ReligionA religion that appeals to a certain group of people living in a certain place Few missionaries to spread religion Ex. Judaism, Hinduism, Animistic religions38
8388010657Universalizing ReligionA religion that tries to appeal to everyone Spread by missionaries and conquerors Ex. Christianity, Buddhism, Islam39
8388045190ChristianityBranches-Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox Hearth-Palestine(modern day Israel) Distribution-Americas, Europe, Australia, some of Africa World's largest religion40
8388097280IslamBranches-Sunni(majority), Shiite Hearth- Mecca Distribution- North Africa, Middle East, Indonesia41
8388112734BuddhismHearth- North India/Nepal Distribution- South/South East Asia(China and surrounding areas)42
8388138921HinduismLargest ethnic religion Almost exclusive to India43
8388163272JudaismIsrael Ethnic Religion44
8388184513Religion BranchDivision of a religion Ex. Protestant, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox in Christianity45
8388202267DenominationDivision within a branch Ex. Baptism is a __________ of Protestant46
8388221681SectA relatively small denominational group that has broken away from an established church47
8388256159Ethnic Group-People of a common ancestry and cultural tradition -Born into it48
8388270067Ethnic Homeland-Connection to land -Indigenous people -Ancestral Home Ex. Navajo reservation, Quebecois49
8388295859RohingyaWhat group of people have been forced out of Myanmar by the government/military? -Textbook example of ethnic cleansing -Muslims in a Buddhist majority country50
8388324410Popular CultureUniform landscape, looks the same everywhere, changes over time but varies little from place to place, found in large heterogeneous cities Ex. Starbucks, McDonalds51
8388344915Folk Culture-Local, homemade, handmade -Largely self-sufficient -Little change over time -Varies from place to place -Small groups, isolated52
8388368664Contagious Diffusion(not definition)How does popular culture spread?53
8388390317Relocation Diffusion(not definition)How is folk culture spread?54
8400808201State-Country(land not people) -A political unit that occupies a precisely defined, permanently populated territory. It has full control over its internal and foreign affairs(sovereignty)55
8400833264Nation-People not land -Refers to a group of people with a common culture that occupy a particular territory Ex. Navajo(like ethnic homelands)56
8400858208Multinational StateA state that consists of several nations Ex. UK, India, Spain57
8400864455Stateless NationNations that don't have their own state/sovereignty Ex. Catalans, Iraqi Kurds58
8400874606Nation-State-The territory of a state is occupied by only one distinct nation or people -No important minority group Ex. France, Iceland, Japan, Denmark59
8400905802ColonyA territory that is tied to a state and lacks full sovereignty, citizens may have some autonomy, but no control over their foreign affairs Ex. Puerto Rico, many islands60
8400967642Compact-Shape of a state -Circular/equal radius from capital city to boundaries -Advantages-more efficient communication and transportation Ex. Botswana, Bhutan61
8400998953Elongated-Shape of a state -Lots of border to defend -Communication and transportation is difficult -Usually along a coast Ex. Chile62
8401014263Fragmented-Shape of a state -Usually island groups/chains -Communication/transportation is hard -Sea born Trade Ex. Phillipines63
8401033425Prorupted-Shape of a state -Part of the country is connected to main part by narrow strip of land -Hard to defend proruption Ex. Namibia, India64
8401055509Perforated-Shape of a country -A country has another country completely within its boundaries Ex. South Africa(perforation-Lesotho), Italy65
8401091427DevolutionThe transfer of power from a central government to a local or regional administration66
8401103504SupranationalismWhen a state gives up some portion of its sovereignty to the advantages of closer economic, political, or cultural association with its neighbors-joins a group of countries Ex. NAFTA, EU, NATO67
8401127841Unitary StateAll of the power is in the central government Ex. China, small states68
8401141056Federal State-Gives different ethnicities more representation -More power to regional governments (a type of state)69
8401166622ExclaveA part of the state that is separated by other states/not physically connected to main part of state70
8401197848EnclaveA part of a state that is completely within another state71
8401220388ShatterbeltRegions where there are many fragile states and world powers have taken an interest Ex. Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East72
8401237892Fragile StateA state that is susceptible to crisis, vulnerable, not stable Reasons -Bad economy -Corrupt government73
8401268232De Facto StateNot a state by name, but functions as one Ex. Taiwan74
8401277866Geometric Boundary-Straight lines -Artificial, not related to culture/landscape75
8401300423Antecedent BoundaryA boundary drawn before the area was heavily populated76
8401306543Consequent BoundaryA boundary that coincides with cultural or economic patterns77
8401320274Superimposed Boundary-A boundary that ignores cultural patterns -Usually a result of colonization -Contributes to being a fragile state78
8401334119Positional DisputeA boundary dispute over the precise location of the boundary79
8401343880Territorial DisputeA boundary dispute over who owns the territory80
8401349521Resource DisputeA boundary dispute over who has control/the right to resources81
8401368079Functional DisputeA disagreement about border policies/the movement of people82
8401376238BalkanizationThe breakup of a country due to ethnic conflicts83
8401394882GerrymanderingThe act of manipulating the boundaries of a state, country, county, etc. so as to favor one party/class politically84
8424990121AgricultureGrowing crops or raising livestock85
8424993052Commercial AgricultureGrowing crops or raising livestock to sell86
8425001991Crop RotationChanging which crops are growing in a field (usually annually) to prevent the depletion of nutrients in the soil87
8425012399DomesticationBreeding of trained animals for human use88
8425017631Double-CroppingTwo harvests a year from the same field89
8425024714Extensive SubsistenceA type of agriculture Ex. Pastoral Nomadism90
8425050475Mixed-Crop and Livestock-Growing grains for livestock consumption -In mid-latitude MDC's -Most of the land is for growing grain, not raising animals -Animals sold for profit91
8425065405FallowWhen nothing is planted92
8425090942Von Thünen's ModelThis model shows distances from types of agriculture to cities (2=produce and milkshed)93
8425109681HorticultureThe growing of fruits, vegetables, and flowers94
8425167422Intensive Subsistence-A type of agriculture -LDC's -Provides food for the farmer's family -Takes lots of effort95
8425176449Intertillage-Mixing of different crops -Helps mimic natural environment+keeps nutrients in soil96
8425210035Livestock Ranching-A type of extensive commercial agriculture -Takes a large area of land -Cattle -In the West, where it is dryer97
8425232161Extensive Commercial Agriculture-A type of agriculture -Large areas of cheap land -Can be far from markets -Takes place in semi-arid parts of the world in MDC's -Ex. Livestock Ranching and Wheat98
8425252859Luxury CropsNot essential crops Ex. Tea, coffee, sugar99
8438737282Truck Farming(Market Gardening)The growing of produce to sell100
8438754096Mediterranean Agriculture-Climate for this type of agriculture: borders a sea, west coasts, sea winds provide moisture, mild winters -Crops are grown for human consumption -Grapes and olives101
8438767326MilkshedThe area around a city where a city gets its milk from so it doesn't spoil102
8438786238Grain Farming-Wheat -Regions: Belt through Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma(winter-wheat); Spring wheat, Belt through the Dakotas, Montana, and southern Saskatchewan; Washington State103
8438801506Pastoral Nomadism-A form of subsistence agriculture based on herding domesticated animals -Takes place in arid and semi arid climates -Central and southwest Asia and north Africa -Extensive subsistence agriculture104
8438822727Plantation Farming-Grows luxury crops -Takes place in LDC's -Crops sold to MDC's105
8438832096Shifting Cultivation-Supports a small population -Community uses the field for a couple of years, then leaves it to let it fallow until soil nutrients are replenished -Slash-and-burn(cut down then burn the vegetation) -Humid low latitude climates106
8438862072Subsistence AgricultureGrowing crops to feed the farmer and their family107
8438865539TranshumanceThe seasonal migration of livestock, usually between mountains and lowland pasture areas108
8438880551Central and part of South AmericaAgricultural hearth for cotton, corn, and potato109
8438889136Ethiopia(Sub-Saharan Africa)Agricultural hearth for sorghum110
8438896061Middle East(Fertile Crescent)Agricultural hearth for many cereal grains(barley, oats, rye, wheat)111
8438903969East AsiaAgricultural hearth for rice and soybeans112
8438909559Indonesia/South East AsiaAgricultural hearth for sugarcane113
8438958189Primary Sector-Harvest or extract materials/products from the Earth -Stage two and three countries -Most of an LDC's GDP comes from this sector Ex. Agriculture, fishing, foresting, mining, hunting and gathering114
8438977806Secondary SectorThe transformation of raw materials in usable products Ex. Manufacturing, processing, construction, power production (China)115
8438998280Tertiary Sector-Provide services to the primary and secondary sector and goods and services to the general community and individual -Stage 4+5 countries Ex. Retail and wholesale trade, personal and professional services116
8439013906Quarternary Sector-Individuals and organizations involved in the processing and dissemination of information and control of their own or other enterprises -Grouped with tertiary sector -Information, Research, and Management117
8439036524Human Development Index (HDI)-A comparative measure of economic(GDP per capita), social(literacy rate and years of education), and demographic(life expectancy) factors that are used to determine the level of development -Health, wealth, and knowledge118
8439065111Weber's Least Cost Theory-Companies choose a location to minimize their costs -Transportation is the most important element of the model119
8439079275Bulk-Reducing Industry-Inputs(raw materials) are bulky/expensive to transport -Final product is lighter/less expensive to transport -Manufacturing is located near the inputs Ex. Steel and copper making120
8439094333Bulk-Gaining Industry-Inputs are light/cheap to transport -Final product is heavier and more expensive to transport -Manufacturing takes place near market Ex. Beer and soft-drink bottling121
8439118837Break-of-Bulk PointWhere good are transported from one mode of transportation to another122
8439135967Footloose IndustryAn industry that can be located anywhere without effects from factors such as resources, services, or transport Ex. Computer chips123
8439166298Industrial Revolution-Transition from a mainly agricultural based industry to one more focused on factories and manufacturing -Started in the UK124
8439180315InfrastructurePhysical and organizational structures and facilities needed in a society Ex. Roads125
8439192556Manufacturing Region-A region where manufacturing activities have clustered together -Northwestern Europe, East Asia, Eastern North America, Eastern Europe126
8439203961New International Division of Labor-Cheap, less skilled labor in LDCs -Research, development, design, in MDCs127
8439212025Site CharacteristicsFactors about the location of the factory Ex. Labor cost, land, capital128
8439224135Situation CharacteristicsFactors about the transportation to and from the factory129
8441192505These natural factors contribute to a country being less developed-Ex.Sub-Sahran Africa -Near Equator -Lack of good domesticated animals -No access to good crops like cereal grains -Tropical diseases like malaria(hard to eradicate because no cold season) -Bad soil quality (Jeopardy-ish style question)130
8441215412These natural factors contribute to a country being more developed-Temperate climate -Better climate for growing crops -Access to nutritious crops like cereal grains and domesticated animals -More fertile soil -Access to sea born trade -Not as susceptible to tropical diseases such as malaria (Jeopardy-ish style question)131
8441235217Colonization, Fragile States, Superimposed BoundariesMan-made reasons that a country has a low HDI132
8461508678UrbanIn, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town133
8461516728Metropolitan Statistical Area(MSA)-A central city with at least 50,000 people -The county that includes the central city -Adjacent counties with a high population density and a large percentage of people working in the central city's county -Most of the US134
8461544540Combined Metropolitan Statistical Area(CMSA)Two adjacent MSA's with overlapping commuter patterns Ex. Denver and Boulder135
8461550609MegalopolisA string of urban areas that have grown together Ex. Boston to Washington DC136
8461576356Colonial City-Administrative, commercial, and often military outpost for an external power -Many established to economically or militarily subdue local people137
8461595449Latin American City Model/Spanish Colonial City-Spanish conquistadors completely erased indigenous settlements and mingled with the local culture to become a part of it -Grid pattern -Plaza at the center of the city -Spine with elite residences -Squatter settlements around the city138
8461637503French and British Colonial City-Segregation between colonists and natives -The French and the British never mingled with the local population like the Spanish did Ex. Africa, South/Southeast Asia, India139
8461667837Emerging City-Millions have migrated to cities in search of a better life -Economic activities have often changed their orientation from external to local markets -Cities have been centers of political and social unrest Ex. Mumbai, Dhaka140
8461719272CBDCentral Business District141
8461724850Census Tracts-Contains 5,000 ish residents -Corresponds (when possible) to neighborhood boundaries142
8461737261Suburbs(Europe)Where do poor people and migrants live in European cities? -Dense housing, not very nice areas to live143
8461751760Suburbs(USA)Where do wealthier/middle class people live in American cities? -More space, good schools, yards144
8461775586Concentric Circle Model145
8461779282Sector Model146
8461783137Multiple Nuclei Model147
8461799751Central Place Theory-The larger the settlements are in size, the fewer in number they will be -The larger the settlements grow in size, the greater the distance between them -The higher the order of the goods and services, the longer the distance people are willing to travel to acquire them148
8461831103Clustered-The most common type of rural settlement in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America -Farm villages -Fields and villages lie beyond the limits of the village, accessible by walking -Why?-defense, environmental conditions, communal ties149
8461858546Semiclustered-Row villages -Chain of farmsteads along a river or road150
8461870122Isolated Farmstead-Safe out in the middle of nowhere -Peace and security in the countryside -Self-sufficiency -Individual families rather than communities -Commonly found in Anglo-America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa (places colonized by British/Europeans)151
8469099827Primate City Rule-Largest, most dominant city in a region -Most LDC's have a high degree of primacy, while most MDC's have a low degree of primacy -Degree of primacy refers to the dominance of the largest city over the rest of the country Ex. London-UK, Paris-France, Bangkok-Thailand152
8469137319Rank-Size Rule-Largest town, population=x -2nd largest town, population=x/2 -3rd largest x/3..... Ex. USA, India, Germany, Federal states153
8469164841ThresholdMinimum market(population or income) needed to bring about the selling of a particular good or service154
8469176639RangeThe maximum distance consumers are prepared to travel to acquire goods155

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